HS Contest 2 - You and your health

in Healthy Steem9 months ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello Steemians! Well come to my post. How are you all? I hope that you will be doing well. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this amazing contest in the Healthy Steem community. The topic of this contest is "You And Your Health ". So let's start the task.



What Do You Think About Obesity?

Actually the obesity is the accumulation of fat inside the body. The overweight is also considered as the state of obesity which is characterized by the abnormal and excessive fat in the body especially in the abdominal areas. The obesity is considered as the mother of disease because the person who is obese may suffer in many harmful diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, organ damage and other stomach diseases.

According to me the obese people can't live normal life because they can't do some activities freely and with great devotion and zeal. The obese people may suffer in lungs disease and may get some respiratory system disease. Overall the obesity is not a good thing because during this your tummy looks like a big air filled balloon which put negative impacts on your personality.

Can you tell us three things that cause obesity?

Yes there are many things which cause obesity and may disrupt your normal functioning of body. Let's discuss about the causes of obesity.

  • Unbalanced Diet:

The unbalanced diet is the main cause of obesity. The which contains sugars and fats cause obesity. Due to this the body generate excessive fats and some of them remain unburned which causes increased in the body fats.

  • Lack Of Exercise:

When you don't go for a walk especially after taking Meal then the metabolism process disturbs due to this the body remain unable and can't remove fats from the body.

  • Too much reliance on Fats Foods:

Now a days the reliance of people on the fast foods has increased UpTo a next level and they prefer to eat fast which contains too much calories and fats. Thus the extra fats stored in their body and cause obesity.

What are the best way to prevent obesity?

Yes there are many steps we can take to prevent obesity and can keep our body in perfect shape. So according to me the following steps can reduce the risks of obesity.

  • First of all we should go for a morning Walk after the Fajar prayers because the walking is good for health.

  • We should adopt a balanced diet manner and try to eat healthy food instead of fast foods.

  • We should take excessive water and try to avoid the cold drinks other energy drinks especially alcohol consumption.

  • We should be never sleep right after taking meal so the food may digest totally and then eliminate in our body.


So friends that was my entry about that topic and I hope that you will like it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @azhar-nazeer, @kuzboy and @cryptoloover to take a part in this amazing contest.


Written by @abdullahw2

Green Elegant Best Friend Happy graduation Congratulations Card.gif

Thanks All ❤️

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