SEC-S16 / W3 |"Your personal Care Products"🧴🧼🪒

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Hello Everyone, I am @abdul-rakib
From #Bangladesh

Taking care of yourself is a challenge to keep yourself healthy. How can we be responsible for others if we don't take care of ourselves? We should get back into the routine of taking care of ourselves. Today I'm going to participate in the Healthy Steam Engagement Challenge on a great theme that will explain how and what to do with self care. Let's begin.
SEC-S16 / W3 |" Your personal Care Products🧴🧼🪒"


🧼🚿 What is your daily routine when you wake up, what products do you use and what function does each of them perform?

I wake up and put water on my face, it helps me feel sleepy and fresh. I get up for Fajr prayer and brush my teeth, it helps to take care of my teeth and keeps them safe from germs. I use a toothpaste of Mediplus DS for brushing which gives me comfort as it removes the dullness and refreshes the teeth.

After brushing, I use Garnier Man Face Wash. It removes the oiliness of my face and makes my skin glow.

I trim my beard once a week to keep myself clean. I shower at 9am 5 days a week and 2 days off I shower at 12pm. I use Dettol Skincare scented soap in the shower. It keeps my skin clean and healthy.
For hair I use clear man shampoo and after shampooing I use sunsilk conditioner to keep my hair safe. I use olive oil on my body after shower but sometimes I use vaseline lotion. It relieves my dry skin. At night, I brush and fall asleep.


🧼🚿 Do you consider that you take care of your personal hygiene? Check your opinion.

Of course I take care of myself and maintain hygiene. It is my own responsibility to ensure my good health and it is very important to me. I try to maintain all hygiene from morning to night. I regularly wash my clothes and clean the house so as not to create an unhealthy environment. My own cleanliness makes me confident and focused on work.


🧼🚿 How much do your hygiene products cost on Steam and how long does it take to replenish them?

I'm a guy, I only use what I need and not for self care. I don't need a lot of product in it, it's done in just a little bit.

Below are the products I use for my use and their duration:

ProductBDTCost in steemDuration
Toothpaste80Tk2 steem1month
Face wash210 BDT5.10steem1 month
The soap60BDT1.5steem20Days
Conditioner8BDT.20 steem1week
Olivewell390BDT10steem2 month
Petroleum jelly30BDT.75 steem2month


🧼🚿 Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to maintain good hygiene and/or appearance?

You should follow a regular routine to keep yourself clean and glowing. So it can be said that we don't need much money to maintain our health.

A little willpower is all you need to prove yourself as healthy and beautiful. Yes you need to use products that match your skin to avoid side effects. If you buy a good brand product then you have to pay more so you need to know the ingredients of the product so that you can get a good product at a low cost.

I invite you @cive40 @daprado1999 @chefdanie to participate in this contest.


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well

 3 months ago 

I hope you are well I have seen your post I like your post very much and I would like to say that you are doing such a good job and you have done everything well. Also explain you have mentioned the rate in your currency also you have mentioned the rate in STEEMIT currency also see this I am very happy I hope you keep working like this and I hope That you win this contest

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments.

 4 months ago 

Hello friend

You have written so well and provided good evidence in your article. You have good personal hygiene routine and I really enjoyed going through your article. Thanks once again for the invite and I would love to see more of your blissful article.

 4 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments friend.
Health is the root of all happiness. Taking care of ourselves is essential to our health and well-being. A healthy and clean life gives us confidence.

 4 months ago 

As a man having a clibber is good as you would always shave your hair and keep your private parts clean all the time.

 4 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments friend.
Health is the root of all happiness. Taking care of ourselves is essential to our health and well-being. A healthy and clean life gives us confidence.

Take love from bangladesh @abdul-rakib

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Very good entry my brother you share such hygiene products with all of us I also used the graniner facewash for long time it's shiw good result when you ha ve pimples on face i recommend you don't skip the use if you have pimple on their face By the way best of luck for Challenge

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments. Yes I have had good results with the Garnier Man Facial. Take love brother.

 4 months ago 

Kebersihan adalah yang utama, kita harus melakukan kebersihan diri dengan baik dan ditunjang dengan berbagai produk untuk membantu mempercantik penampilan. Selain itu, mengikuti gaya hidup sehat, dan melakukan olahraga juga diperlukan.

Senang membaca publikasi anda 😊

 4 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments friend.
Health is the root of all happiness. Taking care of ourselves is essential to our health and well-being. A healthy and clean life gives us confidence.

 3 months ago 

Amigo, para mi gusto, usted luce fabuloso. Significa que los productos que utilizas son de excelente calidad.

Fue un placer leerte. Mucha suerte.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments.

 3 months ago 

You use an electric shaver to trim your beard every week, but I use it to shave my hair. To trim my beard, I usually use scissors. Good luck with this contest.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments. Yes I trim my beard with a trimmer. If you cut it with scissors, it becomes smaller. Electricity saver is equal in usage. Take love sir.

 3 months ago 


 3 months ago 

Hello @abdul-rakib good to read that you have got a practical and efficient hygiene routine that keeps you fresh and clean throughout the day. It's great read you prioritize your health without overspending on unnecessary products.

I especially appreciate how you've shared the specific products you use and why they work for you. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your about maintaining hygiene without breaking our bank💐💞🌸🌺🤗.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable comments friend.

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