SEC16W3: Raising boys and girls.

in Steem For Ladies3 months ago

Hi Friends!!!
I am delighted to be participating in this impactful topic this week. It Is another wonderful time to share my views in this week's contest. Gender is one factor we have to look at keenly to help correct the imbalance we have today in our society.


The gender inequality we have today got its rule from the misnormal we inherited today that in some cases has created chaos and discomfort in the system. Some have borrowed their leaves from cultures and norms. All I think should matter here is the compassion and love we dispense as humans and not as gender.

I am a strong believer in the school of thought that both genders should be given the same kind of treatment. No one should be treated more or less irrespective of the circumstance or perceived norms that disadvantage one from the other. We all know that there are numerous segregations we've found aiding gender inequality.

The effectiveness of training a child and addressing the inequalities we find today is a function of the parenting style. Our children cannot have a different perception of what they do not know. It is only what they know they can exhume from their character.

Let's look at the issues bothering on chores. It Is typically observed that a chunk of domestic chores done at home are tailored towards the female gender or girl child. This isn't the way to go as both genders need to be grounded by correcting this societal belief that makes it skewed.

In washing dishes, cooking, and other domestic activities, raising both genders equally by teaching them all that is essential and a way out from the already skewed ideology of segregating work duties. Therefore, a potential reflection like this can only be observed sometime in the future.

iMarkup_20240315_064609.jpgPrepared for School

We can also consider concerns in Education. There has been a clear case of discrimination on this parameter when it comes to raising children. Many times, our grandparents believed that the girl child belonged to her future husband's kitchen, and training her only amounted to a waste of resources. So what was predominantly seen was women trained for domestic chores and the male counterparts trained in school.

I believe giving both genders equal opportunities is the ultimate goal. I will commend my parents and especially my mom you made sure we got the full dosage we desired. The standard was given for everyone and we are also riding on the same motor to help keep us the good works.

No doubt, we may likely see that there are obvious differences in the build-up of both genders which make one masculine and the other not, their adaptability different, and other genetic features more or less between them. This does not limit any or places superiority to any but rather should harness better wats if improving the other and keeping a balance.


However, in our basic mathematics, we know that getting the answer is key irrespective of the formula used. Achieving premium among both genders is my goal while raising my kids.

Thank you, Friends!!!

I will be inviting @hisgeneral and @eveetim.

 3 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

If some things are taken care of, the child can achieve success. Things parents should keep in mind for child's success- The greatest achievement in life is to be a good and enlightened person and strive for it.

And with that I wish you all the best for the competition.

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 3 months ago 

This is sure coming from a parent and I totally agree, equal opportunities must be given to both gender. Gone are the days training a woman was a waste of resources but now everyone deserves equal opportunities to explore in their chosen field .
Nice content I'm glad I stopped to read it was really worth the read and it's very educative

Thank you for the acknowledgment of the quality post shared. Equal opportunities should be given to any of the genders. None should feel less than the other irrespective any undertone concerns.


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Curated by : @waterjoe

The article discusses gender inequality well, calling for equal treatment regardless of social norms. How parents raise their children influence how they perceive themselves. For a society to be balanced it is important that traditional gender roles are broken during house chores. We should work towards a future where there’s real equality among the sexes.

I also concur with the fact that traditional norms that promote gender equality should be neglected. Raising our kids void of all this should be our priority. Thanks for engaging...

Absolutely agree! Fostering a way of life of gender equality from a younger age is essential. It's about growing a world where anybody has equal possibilities and recognize. Thanks for sharing your angle and tasty on this critical conversation!

Absolutely, that is the main idea. We have to foster good parental style that would bring about equality at all times. Thanks for engaging.

You are welcome sir

@xkool24 Your post speaks volumes about the importance of gender equality in our society. I admire your passion and dedication to breaking down stereotypes and promoting equal opportunities for all. Its inspiring to see how you are actively working towards a more balanced and fair future for your children. Wishing you the best of luck in the contest

Thank you for the best wishes, Friend.
It is important to continue to promote genre equality as there shouldn't be a need for any ill-treatment in the first place. All we need do is start from our families to correct this already gone wrong symptom.

 3 months ago 

I'm happy that you support that equal opportunity and attention be given to both genders. I understand that even in this 21st century, some people haven't come to the reality of raising the both genders equally.

Some are still passionate about one gender, giving more attention to the other. This is unfair and unnecessary as bith genders are our children and are also humans, owning to the fact that whatever they become tomorrow depends on their upbringing.

I really appreciate the invitation and will try as much as possible make my entry if only the poor internet network will allow me.

Best wishes sir!

Exactly my thoughts. I believe we have to be intentional about raising our children. The era of inequality should be a thing of the past. We have to give everyone the same opportunity to thrive and grow without hindrance. Thanks for the engagement

Me gustó mucho su post, es una persona agradable que piensa que los niños y las niñas debemos tener las mismas oportunidades eso dicen mis padres, mi abuela piensa al contrario que las niñas deben aprender solo atender la casa, por eso critican a mi mamá porque su pensamiento es diferente y ella cree en la igualdad de condiciones y así me están criando.

Muy agradable su post, gracias por compartiroo

Exactly one of the points i shared in my publication. Our grandparents belived so much in this that their women are for the domestic chores and the men for other money yielding and education ventures. Thanks for visiting.

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