"Raising Boys And Girls"

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago


Let's make some noiseeeee, it is a new week of the Steemit Engagement challenge season 16 week 3. A good afternoon and a happy new week to all the Narrative changers. I call it the three "R's" this week:- that is;-
Rise above limitations
Relent not efforts and
Reach out to posses

Thank you @steemladies for hosting, I still remain your girl @tripple-e, defeat nor giving up shouldn't be an option, as I said earlier, relent not efforts. Keep pushing.

You've thrown a question for us to engage and share our views which says "Should boys and girls be raised in the exact same way?"

Well I'll say YES to some points and a NO also.

How to find that out means you have to read from me, yes! Please come with me......

Image source

Although there are different viewpoints on this, but I think raising children irrespective of their gender encourages equality and discourages stereotypes, what this means is that, they will be free to explore every interests that they find appealing freely, in which through this, their confidence and a sense of their selves won't be limited by gender whatsoever.

• Raising boys and girls together will help develop better communication and empathy through their interactions with one another From younger age,they would learn to understand and communicate with other gender and this will help foster and build a strong relationships with people from all races.

• Boys and girls raised in the exact way promote teamwork and collaboration, through this, they will learn to work together towards achieving a common goal regardless of their gender, and this is what is obtainable in life.

• Raising both genders together teaches them how to respect each other, and it will also help to appreciates each other strength and views knowing that they are different.

Note: I think through inculcating these into their young minds would go a long way in curbing domestic violence that's prevalent in many homes today.

Please it is very important to note that, raising children (boys and girls) together does not necessarily means you must treat them the exact way, every child is unique in his/her way with special needs. So providing them with a mixed gender environment would serve as a learning ground for them to learn from each other thereby preparing them for the larger world where they would meet and interact with other genders.

Should boys and girls be raised in the exact same way? Let's see my answer as a NO

First of all, who's a boy child?


A boy child is a male human, and it can be said to be that period before someone reaches adulthood. And I don't think there's a specific age limit that a "boy child" can be termed as a boy. Because boys go through many stages of development both emotionally and physically.

So having established that fact, let's look at some of the development stages of a boy child.


During their stages of puberty, their bodies mature and start developing the male characteristics like; deep voice, grow beards and hairs in the pubic parts.
And they become stronger in strength and vitality, and they are taught to withstand pressures and challenges no matter the magnitude of it.


During childhood emotional intelligence of boys are also developed, they will learn how to manage their emotions and be able to identify them and as well as being able to develop empathy for people likewise their social skills.

What they enjoy doing (interest)

Boys interests may vary as they are growing up, but some of the common interests they enjoy doing most times are; sports (especially football), games and also being in the company of friends.

Their challenges

As they are growing up, they are bound to face unique challenges especially from peer pressure, just to conform to their masculinity and if they didn't have a strong good upbringing, they can easily deviate and go astray.

In all of these my friends, it is important to support every boy child in their stages of development by providing them with love, care, encouragement and giving them every opportunity to learn and grow well.

Who's a girl child?


A girl child is a young female human being

The term is usually used from birth up till the ages of 18, although this can vary depending on cultural differences.


Girls can go through different stages of development such as; emotional development, physical, and social development.
During their puberty, there's a significant change in their hormones, thereby making them to develop breast, grow hairs in pubic parts and also increase in height and shape.

Their cultural aspect

A girl child can be raised and influenced by her family, community and even society at large. Through imbibing in them cultural values that can help shape their ideologies.

Their identity and psychology are recognized

Their sense of self, strength and interest are developed. Their interest can be in cooking, general house chores, watching movies and making friends.
Play is essential in their development, fostering learning and Creativity.

Note that: Girls bring unique opinions and strength to every situations*.

Now my reasons why I said No, that boys and girls shouldn't be raised in exact way

• In their learning style: There are differences on a boy and girl learning style. Boys are particularly good on hands- on activities and things that has to do with their visuals while girls thrive more on communication and a collaborative learning environment.

• Through their emotional expressions: Society do not encourage or expect a boy child to express his emotions by being sad, afraid or even to cry, as if they are not humans with blood but you see girl children, they can be very dramatic here and no one frowns at it, yeah we are meant to be pet and pampered 😀😀, please don't blame us thank you.

• Risk-taking: You see boys, they are extremely risk takers,they won't think twice before making some decisions but girls would sit down count cost, would this thing be profitable to me? Before embarking on whatever.

I must say that was a long reading, thank you for your time

I'm inviting my friends @yaladeeds @blezzy @missyleo @inspiracion to participate.

 4 months ago 

@tripple-e your perspective on raising boys and girls reflects a balanced approach that emphasizes equality, mutual respect and the importance of individual uniqueness. Your insights into fostering communication empathy teamwork and respect among children regardless of gender are commendable. It's evident that you prioritize creating an inclusive environment where children can thrive and learn from each other's differences. Keep championing positive change through your thoughtful engagement//

 4 months ago 

Thank you for your intelligent and captivating contribution,and your well wishes too

 4 months ago 

Definitely when it comes to risk taking, we girls will sit back and think well, if it will profit us or not before we make that steps. Good luck to you.

 4 months ago 

You're absolutely right. Thank you

Hello girl @tripple-e, a pleasure to read you, I share with you that the upbringing we give to boys and girls should be the same in terms of education, training, principles and values.

But in articulating each one is different and it will not be the same, since they are very different genres. What is done is that they are taught about the equality that must exist.

Although we must be very careful with these new trends of genre diversity, since it has penetrated the children's entertainment industry and this is very dangerous.

 4 months ago 

I also agree with you on your views, thank you for your contribution my friend

 4 months ago 

Your analysis on whether boys and girls should be raised in the exact same way is insightful and balanced. You rightly highlight the importance of encouraging equality, fostering communication and empathy, promoting teamwork and collaboration, and teaching respect and appreciation for each other's differences. Additionally, you acknowledge the unique challenges and developmental stages that boys and girls experience, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches to support their growth and well-being. Your conclusion that while boys and girls may not be raised exactly the same, they should be provided with equal opportunities and environments that allow them to learn and develop according to their individual needs is well-founded. Thank you for sharing your thoughtful perspective on this topic. 👧👦

 4 months ago 

Thank you for your well articulated contribution,I appreciate

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

You're welcome

 4 months ago 

Lovely post,I enjoyed reading it as it got me picturing both sides and arriving on almost same conclusion. I wish you Success my

 4 months ago 

Thank you my friend for your contribution and well wishes

 4 months ago 

hey dear your post perspective on the topic of raising boys and girls. Your balanced approach acknowledging both the benefits of raising children in a gender-neutral environment while also recognizing the unique needs and stages of development of boys is commendable. It's crucial to provide children with a supportive and nurturing environment that allows them to explore their interests and develop into confident individuals regardless of gender. Keep up the great work in promoting equality and understanding in parenting!

 4 months ago 

Thank you so much for your contribution and good will wishes

Greeting friend @tripple-e, First of all you have supported both boys and girls growing up together and at the same time you have mentioned several things about them growing up which are quite logical. By your words it is clear that you have asked to provide equal education to boys and girls. We should teach them both public speaking skills which will be good for everyone later on. I appreciate your presentation.

 4 months ago 

You have observed well my friend, thank you for your contribution and well wishes

Welcome friend

 4 months ago 


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