Engagement Challenge, S9W5: "If I were given a chance to be reborn..."

in Steem For Ladieslast year (edited)
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Hello guys welcome to this week's Steemit Engagement Challenge of the Season 9 Week 5 from the Steem For Ladies Community.

In this week's challenge we are talking about things we missed and couldn't get right during childhood, and if we were given opportunity to be reborn, how can we fix them. If you haven't seen the post, check it out here.


Childhood is always a time to form a child and give his/her life a shape. Most times getting it wrong while growing up will take a whole lot to correct in adult stage.

Funny enough, somethings we got wrong during childhood seems difficult to be corrected now because we have outgrown that stage of life, for it to be corrected, you need to become a child again.

Most of the challenges most person has today is as a result of wrong upbringing or in adequate training at childhood.

How time flies so fast that it seems like childhood was just yesterday. Childhood memories are always a beautiful one, not to be forgotten in a haste.

Despite that, if I look back, I still see a couple of things I didn't get right during upbringing, and I wished the clock could be reversed to fix all that.

If you could change that ONE thing by being reborn, what would it be and why?

There are a couple of things I would have loved to change about myself if I were to get back to my childhood, but for the context of the contest, I will be talking about just one.

Quite Nature And Lonely Life:

While growing up as a child I had this unusual quite attribute. I feared a lot and I loved staying on my own. I was so quite that it migrated to timidity.

I am naturally intelligent, but when a question is been asked in class even when I know the answer, I will not raise my hand because of lack of courage.

It was so bad that my mum was disturbed by my unusual quietness. Most times she will shout on me to make me get agile, but then nothing was done to displace that tendency.

It almost affected a lot of things about me right now as an adult. Especially in the area of keeping relationships.

I can stay on my own for months with someone in the room without talking to the person and I will be fine.

This tendency made me to develop a lonely life, it made me enjoy my own company alone more than the company of friends. Thought once in a while I do hang out with friends, but for some reasons, if I stay too long with friends I will feel like I need a space for myself.

So if I'm to be rebuen, I will make sure I associated with lots of persons and try to do things to get out of that quite mode and be sociable like every other child.

If you were given a second chance to be born, would you choose to be a man or a woman? Tell us why

Of course yes, I would choose to be a woman over and over again.

I love my womanhood. The womanhood is a special position, though most times it could be task demanding but I enjoy every bit of my womanhood.

I enjoy the gentle and soft nature of being a woman. The pamper and most times when you are wrong, but for the fact it's coming from a woman, it would be treated lightly.

So I love the attention and preferential treatment received for being a woman. Womanhood is so amazing, and worth exploring.

What do you think about transgender changing their destiny? (Male to female/vice versa)

For me the issue of transgender changing their destiny is an issue of lack of self discovery.

One thing I believe is that no matter how one looks, no matter your colour, race and height, God has an amazing purpose for creating you that way.

So finding yourself in whichever gender was God's plan and purpose, it wasn't a mistake. Trying to switch to the next gender means telling God that he made a mistake in his creation.

Rather than transgender opinion, one should focus on finding God's plan and purpose for his life. If we all could take out time to discover our purpose in life, this transgender confusion will not be seen.

Knowing what you know now, if you had to register a Steemit account, will you use your real identity or make up an identity? Why?

For me there is no point using a fake account to blog on steemit. Sometimes the issue of fake account is related to fraud, but then people have their personal opinion why they use fake account.

But from what I have learnt so far on steemit and how it works, the issue of fake account is not necessary.

Steemit is about real life experience and socializing with real life humans, so many persons had gotten quality relationships through steemit, so why faking your identity. It doesn't make sense to me.

I also invite my friends @ninapenda and @thomisin to this contest.

Here is my entry and I believe you enjoyed reading it. Don't forget to drop a meaningful comment afterwards.

Best regards

 last year 

Hello friend, childhood is certainly very important in people's lives, it defines personality and self-esteem.

Being a woman makes you unique, we are the most beautiful genre of creation!
You are right, creating a fake steemit account is like fraud, and that is not a good idea.
I wish you good luck in this challenge, blessings

 last year 

Thanks for visiting friend.
Every woman is very unique I can say that over and over again.
Impersonation is not a good idea, if there is no wrong motive behind it, why not the person use their real identity.

 last year 

It's good that you like being a woman, because it means that you feel satisfied as God sent you to this world and let me tell you that you look very elegant, feminine and very pretty.

Good luck in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

 last year 

Yes I love my womanhood.
I believe we are all unique in our own way.
Thanks for the beautiful compliment.
Best regards

 last year 

It is a wonderful thing to be created as a woman and you appreaciate it knowing the power being a woman is. Lack of courage must have been a lot to tackle in your childhood keeping to yourself and being lonely. I wish you luck.

 last year 

Yes being a woman is a powerful thing. I love my womanhood.
Thanks for visiting.

 last year 

Hola amiga, yo digo que esas respuestas las damos de acuerdo a nuestra formación y crianza y en eso estoy de acuerdo contigo. Te felicito por tu desición y seguridad en la vida, eso define al ser humano.

Amiguita hablar con la fe una crianza de calidad o por lo menos aceptable forjan el carácter en un niño. Pero existen casos donde así la persona halla tenido una vida violenta, sin cariño no quiere decir que mas a delante pague con la misma moneda. Se nota que eres una mujer muy femenina. Saludos y feliz noche.

 last year 

Yes the cases of violent upbringing is another part that can affect one so badly.
Thanks for visiting.

Congratulations 🥳

Your quality content follows the Team 4 curation guidelines.


Curated by : @anasuleidy

 last year 

Thanks for the visit

 last year 

I really like your writing. You have explained each and every point very nicely. Especially about transgender, they must try to establish themselves as what they are. Thank you.


 last year 

Yes, I so much believe that the issue of transgender is misconception.
Thanks for visiting.
Best regards

 last year 

Hello my dear friend @talktofaith

Everyone has different thoughts and regret will come. although there are opportunities that can be changed and some that are not. but we as living beings must remain grateful for the pleasures that have been given to us for now.

Best regard @jannatmou

Well, you have a nice wish to get more socialized and engaged with people if you get the chance to be reborn. Anyway, it's not too late for you to do that thing. And it's glad that you are enjoying your life as a woman.

Good luck with the contest!!

 last year 

Yes I really wish I did then, it would had been easier now for me. But I'm trying to make up for it. You know one thing about an already formed character, it will take a whole lot to displace it.
Thanks for visiting.

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