Sec season 16 week 6||My photo album as a woman||

in Steem For Ladies2 months ago (edited)

Greetings and blessings to all my friends

I am @sualeha from Pakistan,it's pleasure for me to participate in last week of season 16 in engagement challenge.The smart phone is wonderful revaluation in every life .



First photo from album

The beautiful memory from my photo album it was the first birthday party of my daughter 🎉🥳 Hufsa .

After 1 year of my marriage my beautiful princess game in my home the beautiful feeling that I could not Express in my words and made me complete I had only one daughter that's why she is so precious and lovely for me but not I had to sense and they had same love for me in my heart but daughter and mother relation is very sentimental and emotional relationship.

My second photo from album

My little son Hasan enjoyed his delicious juice 🥤 with his favourite toy cartoon Doraemon . Being a mother my kids all moves made me glad and I always trying to look after as better as possible because my whole life revolving g around them.


My third photo from album

My lovely daughter was cooking first time that was really memorable day of my life I captured this image in my mobile and love to send with all of you .

She made cake first time it was out class and extremely perfect,I believed that little bit handling and small recipes must did by self all kids I always encouraging them so it's an other beautiful moment captured by my mobil camera .

fourth phone from My album

My hubby didn't like took pictures but other hand I love picture just because of delightful memories remain in my picture galary ,one year back we visited to saw sun rise at sea view it's a beautiful beach of Karachi my city on that I captured this photo.


My fourth memorible image is about my family I love my family 💖💖 we enjoyed the beach with my hubby and kids,my sister captured this beautiful moment so it's also add my treasure hunt in my family album 😍.

Fifth photo of my album

The last one picture is belongs to my nephew's wedding event ,just like my daughter held on sep -23 ,the beautiful moments captured by my mobile.


I hope you all like my post see you soon with my new blog to finish I would like to invite my friends @suboohi ,@kunwal and @inspiration to participate in wonderful contest.
Will be right back with new blog till them take Care Allah hafiz



 2 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

It was nice to go through your album. You have collected some sweet memories of your family. Yes, I agree. Capturing the moment makes it easier for us to cherish our lovely memories forever.

I wish you luck in the contest!

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 2 months ago 

Hello dear friend ,
You have a storehouse of wonderful memories. All your photographs are one better than the other. Every mother is happy when her child cooks for the first time. Your children are very cute. You look the cutest of all.
I enjoyed reading and seeing your post.
Good luck 👍 💓

Very impressive memories, I can't imagine how happy it would be as parents to be able to celebrate the first birthday of the fruit of your love with your partner.

I also experienced the same thing, as if that time had become a dream, getting married, having a beautiful daughter and celebrating her first birthday. Good luck to you and let's carve out other beautiful memories so that they become important stories in old age and share stories with loved ones

 2 months ago 

Thanks dear for your beautiful words about my blog.

 2 months ago 

I enjoyed all your memories.
I could imagine the joy in all these first time events.
Your daughter's first birthday, you might have given it your best preparation, I am just making a pictorial scene in my mind about it.

Congratulations to your nephew on their wedding.

You've got a beautiful family here, regards to all of them.

 2 months ago 

Thanks my friend for your lovely comment ❤️💗

 2 months ago 

Lovely memories, the first and second pictures having your daughter and son respectively are beautiful, the third picture is another lovely memory and I am sure your daughter will like the picture too of her first cooking you did a good job teaching her how to do it. Thank you for sharing your pictures here. Good luck with the contest

 2 months ago 

Yes she liked it, thanks dear for your time and beautiful words about my blog 💕💕

 2 months ago 

My pleasure, huge hugs

 2 months ago 

When you go back over your photo album, you may be pleased to notice your children's progress. That is our hope as parents.

 2 months ago 

Your family are so beautiful ma'am, I can imagine the joy of a parent after marriage, the next is the cry of a baby in their homes. It is always very joyous moment. And your daughter is very cute. You've really impacted good morals into her, for her to be able to cook on her own, is very good. And congratulations to your nephew tell him your steemit friend says his wife is very beautiful that he should take care of her very well. Success to you ma'am

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Thank you @sualeha for sharing your beautiful memories and inviting your friends to participate in the engagement challenge.
Looking forward to your next blog! Allah Hafiz.

 2 months ago 

Hola amiga, tienes un álbum lleno de recuerdos muy significativos, todos al rededor de su familia y los momentos especiales que ha compartido con ellos.

Saludos 🤗

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