Empowerment of Education Through Women. By @rossnenye

in Steem For Ladies24 days ago
Hello everyone, good afternoon to you all. Welcome back to my blog, I'm so excited to participate in this contest organized by @shiftitamanna

Picture from my phone

✅ How do you see the empowerment of women through education?

Empowering women through education has to do with the following.

  • Equal opportunity

Giving women equal opportunities as men in the education sector, this includes allowing them to study courses of their choice.

  • Knowledge and skills

Equipping women with skills and knowledge that will help them to navigate life.

  • Self esteem

By allowing women to be themselves in the society, allowing them to take up leadership and various roles in the society which will help to build their self esteem and confidence.

  • Encouraging women to be independent

It also has to do with encouraging and educating women to be self employed and efficient.

✅ In this case, do women face any obstacles?


Women face so many obstacles in their quest to pursue education, some of them includes.

  • Gender bias and stereotype

They're people who believe education are meant for boys and women just end up in their husbands house.

  • Society norms

They're some cultures who do not allow their women to go to school because they believe they're meant for the kitchen and child bearing.

  • Discrimination and harassment*

Some women usually face sexual harassment from their lecturers or male colleagues in school.

  • Lack of access to education

Some women, especially those in rural and underdeveloped areas usually don't have access to education.

✅ What is the effect of education on women?

The positive impact of education on women cannot be over emphasized, some of it's effects includes.

  • It helps women to know who they're, thereby making them bold and Courageous.

  • It helps women to have equal employment opportunities as men.

  • It also helps them to understand the way their body function and also tips to take care of themselves.

  • It helps them to know their right and how to exercise it fully.

  • It helps them to have a say in politics, thereby making it possible for them to contest in elections.

✅ What do you think can be the initiatives and programs to empower education through women?

Picture from my phone

  • Financial aid

Providing scholarship and funds for women inorder to help those who can't afford their tuition fees.

  • STEM Education

Training and encouraging women to take up career courses in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

  • Vocational and Entrepreneurship training

Providing opportunities for skills and entrepreneur acquisition.

  • Leadership training

Encouraging and training women to take up roles in leadership and political positions.

Thanks for reading my post, I invite @lunasilver, @hudamalik20 and @pandora2010 to participate in this contest.

 23 days ago 
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Gracias por compartir tu participación con nosotros, sin duda el empoderamiento de la mujer es fundamental y para ello la clave es la formación mediante la educación puesto que le permite a la mujer tener mayor conocimiento lo que desarrolla confianza en si misma.

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