Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w1 : "Women Are Always Right!steemCreated with Sketch.

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Women can sometimes be right and sometimes wrong. Even though women are wrong, many times men want to give in to avoid conflict. There is no shame in giving in in this case if it strengthens the foundation of a relationship.. But any relationship that operates on the premise that women will always be right can have complications.

Are women always right or do men rather give in? Give us your opinion and give us your reasons why you say so.

If I say from my point of view neutrally, then I would say that women are always right and men want to give in to them. Both of these statements are correct. Again, this is not correct in the case that all women always think they are right.

I am speaking from my experience when I say that I have seen women who always think they are right and don't want to realize what the situation might be because of their focused attitude. In this case, I have seen many men trying to avoid arguments with women to avoid any kind of conflict in their family situation and relationship.

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Again, I have seen many cases where women know that they are right but still want to know the man's opinion. She already knows that the man will say what she wants to say. In this, despite knowing that she is right, she gives priority to others, showing that good understanding is maintained in the relationship.

Therefore, to maintain a healthy relationship, both men and women should prioritize each other's opinions and maintain a good understanding with their partners, regardless of who is right or wrong. because peace starts at home.

Do you think women should get away with “being always right”?

Yes, I think women should get away with "always being right.". But that doesn't mean that women should always be afraid of being right because they too have the right to express their opinions. I have seen many men who belittle women, always try to disparage their opinions, and claim to be superheroes, which is inconsistent.

Women may be right about many things, but that doesn't mean they will be right about everything. They are always right, and everyone has to agree with them. This kind of mindset is most likely to create trouble, and it can be harmful to women's mental health. So in my opinion, women should get away with always being right.

Name 3 things that women are always right about.

There are certain things that only women are right about, no doubt. These are the three things that women are always right about:

  • Women are always right when it comes to their children; they are more right than any man when it comes to taking care of their children's future.

  • Women are always right when it comes to looking after their family members and how to maintain peace and order in the family; they know well and can handle it very easily.

  • Women are always right about their bodies and choices. They are always right about their different characterizations of beauty and choice.

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If you've experienced an incident where a woman was right or wrong, share it with us.

A woman can be right about many things and wrong about many things. I am sharing my own experience when I went with my older sister to buy shoes for my father.

As I have bought shoes for my father before, I know about his size and the style of shoes he likes. When I chose to buy a pair of shoes and the shopkeeper told me the price was 1200 Bdt, I told him to take 1000 Bdt.

After hearing this, my sister told me that it was not a fair price for the shoes; you are saying too much; you should say 700-800 Bdt. I said that I have bought such shoes before at this price and we cannot buy these shoes at a lower price. Then my sister said, "Leave these shoes for now; we will get them from another shop." My sister was able to buy exactly the same shoes from a different shop for 800 Bdt.

I was a little surprised that my sister managed to buy the shoes at a good price without having to bargain with the shopkeeper, and she was right that I had quoted the high price.

Do you have any advice (women for the men or men for women?)

Women are for men, and men are for women. Both complement each other. Just as we cannot walk on one leg, yielding to one's authority or thinking that one is always right can create complications in a relationship. Whatever is correct, try to maintain mutual understanding with each other.

Women should avoid "always being right." giving them priority in matters where men have authority and trying to convince them gently if they are wrong because women's tenderness can melt men like ice cream.

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I would like to invite my friends @jannatmou @shiftitamanna @enamul17 @mdkamran99 to participate in this content. Contest Link: SEC-S9-W1 : "Women Are Always Right!”

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 

Saludos amigo comparto tu opinión en la relación de pareja siempre debe existir un equilibrio, ni todo el tiempo los hombres tendrán la razón, ni las mujeres tendrán siempre la razón, deben ceden cuanto la otra persona tiene la razón, en cuanto a la moda y el cuido de nuestro cuerpo, pienso que las mujeres manejamos mejor ese tema, al igual que al realizar las compras como te pudiste dar cuenta cuando fuistes de compra con tu hermana, los hombres y las mujeres se necesitan mutuamente por eso se debe mantener un equilibrio a la hora de tener la razón, pero no solo por mantener la paz los hombres van a dejar que nosotras las mujeres tengamos la razón cuando no tenemos la razón las mujeres debemos decir me equivoqué tienes razón

 last year 

I totally agree with the 3 things you mentioned about women's accuracy. Women can make the right decisions from taking care of their children to guiding them towards the future. They are adept at maintaining family peace and they always take right decisions to maintain their beauty as well.

Your publication is really excellent. Each and every point is presented very nicely so that the readers can understand. Thank you very much for inviting me. I wish you good luck in the competition.

With the patience and endurance women have, they are always right when making good decisions to take care of their children and ensure their secure future, besides maintaining peace in the family through food arrangements. Also, there are many other areas where I think only women are right. Thanks for visiting.

 last year 

You tried with your sister by giving up, women are very money minded and they don’t want their money to tempered any how.The good is that understood your younger sister well and you knew how to handle the problem.

আপনার বোনের সাথে আমার বোনের অনেক মিল। সঠিক ভাবে সঠিক পন্যের দাম নিয়ে মুলামুলি করতে পারে, বেশিরভাগ নারীরই এই গুনটা রয়েছে । আপনি সৌভাগ্যবান। আপনার লেখা পড়ে অনেক ভালো লাগলো।

এইটা নারীদের একটি প্রতিভা বলা চলে । বেশির ভাগ নারীরা মিতব্যয়ী হতে পছন্দ করে এবং সঞ্চয়ে বিশ্বাসী । ধন্যবাদ আমারপোস্টটি পড়ার জন্য ।

Hello Ripon I am new user in this platform
My 1achievement is not verify can you please tell me. Why

Selamat datang sobat ku, terima kasih atas bacaan yang menarik ini.. Anda telah memilih jalan tengah dalam kasus ini 👏 tidak selamanya bahwa wanita dapat dibenarkan,, yang dibutuhkan adalah sikap saling menghormati dan menghargai.. Terlepas dari benar atau tidak Seorang wanita tetaplah makhluk Tuhan yang tidak sempurna..
Semoga sukses sobat 👍

 last year 

The boys are also very good at shopping. My husband can bargain better than I do.
I also think that both men and women should value each other's opinions. No one is 100% right and no one is 100% wrong.

You are right ,Sis. But I am a little less experienced in this field. My mother complains that I always buy things at high prices 😅

 last year 

Not women It is our mother who is always right.

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