Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9W6: "Men vs. Women"

in Steem For Ladieslast year

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Let's play a fame of Jenga!

Most of us are familiar with this game. It is a game in which blocks are stacked in threes to build a tower. Players must remove a block from the bottom of the tower and place it on top each time.

The player who lets the tower collapse is the loser.

Men vs. Women is like playing a game of Jenga. The tower can collapse with "male" or "female" written on that block.

In the end, it is all about the skills of the player. Well, so they say.

So, who has the skills, men or women?

Who has more fun, men or women?


Men like to play! After all, why do we say, "Men and their toys?"

Men like to chill! Why do we see men's caves but not female dens?

Men like their sports! It is only them that will get it right to sit the whole day watching men walk to a ball just to hit it away again.

Men like to relax! Only men can sit with a fishing rod from sunrise to sunset without catching a fish.

I remember going to a nightclub as a part-time student, and I won a DJ competition with a song by Cyndi Lauper, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

At the time, I believed that women were there for the fun.

As I grew older and my responsibilities changed, I quickly realized how wrong this song was.

It is the boys who just want to have fun!

Who is the better cook, men or women?


And this I say without a blink in my eye!

I am a food channel lover! I watch Chopped, Supermarket Stakeout, British Best Baker, Masterchef, and many more coking programs, and time and time again, the men are the winners.

They are the better cooks.

For me, there is a vast difference between how you cook and what you cook, which we need to take into consideration.
When you go to a Michelin-starred restaurant, you will find that the food is mainly cooked by men. If you go to a buffet bar or a restaurant that sells hearty food, it is cooked by a woman.

Men cook for the beauty of the food! They are the ones, like Heston Blumenthal, who put science into food.

Women cook for the taste of the food! They are the ones like Julia Child, who cooks home cooking from the heart.

If you had asked me who cooks the tastier food, my answer would have been, women, without a doubt.

Who is the best at competitions, men of women?


And I will say it again… women!

Men might be bigger competitors, but they are not the best at competitions.

Oh gosh, now I am in trouble. My stepson just read what I was typing, and he was not happy with me. How can I say that women are better than men at competition?

Well, boy, let’s compare apples with apples.

Competition characteristicsFEMALEMEN
Attention to detail
Good concentration
Good listener
Prepared to sacrifice
Good time management

I’ve marked the female side. I will leave the male side for you to mark.

Who is the better leader, men or women?


My money is on women, and it is based on their performance during the Covid-19 pandemic, when millions of people died.

It was the women who proved that they could handle crises better.

Let’s take Jacinda Ardern, who was the Prime Minister of New Zealand. She had a simple plan, stuck to it, and made it work. She even cut her salary in aid of Covid-19 victims.

We also had Germany’s Angela Merkel, Finland’s Sanna Marin, Denmark’s Mette Frederiksen, Sheikh Hasina from Bangladesh, and Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen.

These are all countries where the reported deaths were low.

Women are quick thinkers, honest, hardworking, compassionate, decisive, ambitious, and outgoing, and they can act fast.

All characteristics we are looking for in leaders.

Who fall in love first, men or women?


The last Jenga block I pull out goes to the men.

They are the ones most likely to make the three-word declaration of "I love you" first.

According to a publication in the Journal of Social Psychology, a study conducted on 172 college students found that men are indeed the first to experience love.

It takes men on average 88 days to fall in love, and women 134 days. Read more

Is it because men like to be the dominant figure, or is it because they just need to show their affection?

All that I know is that there are no strict rules when it comes to falling in love.

Guess what? My Jenga tower is still standing!

Men vs. Women, there is a little bit of everything for both!

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@patjewell 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
It is said that behind every successful man there is a woman's hand. Women are indeed playing an important role in changing the destiny of the world. We are seeing that women play an important role in the development of countries. At this time we are seeing that whether it is in the field of education or in any other place, women are passing first in every field and we can see that there is something doubtful about this. No. Of course you chose the best post and are a great leader and you keep moving up the ladder....)

 last year 

Thank you for the visit to my post and the beautiful comment!
It is appreciated.
You are right, the role and position of women in society has changed a lot over the years. They are now a force to be reckon with and can make a difference in the world.
Together with the men dramatic changes can now happen.

 last year 

As usually no doubt bout your beautiful publication..

Men like to relax! Only men can sit with a fishing rod from sunrise to sunset without catching a fish.

Owh this is trully madly deeply..
I have an experience about this part 😁😁
Thanks for sharing with us about men vs women..

Have agreat day my friend

 last year 

Haha! Men! Looks like they are all the same no matter where in the world they are. (•ิ‿•ิ)
BUT, we still love them dearly. This we won't deny.

Thanks for the visit, the engagement and the good wish.
May you also have a wonderful and blessed day! 🎕

 last year 

Yeah I won't deny about that
Men have a special place in women's heart😊

You let room for only one conclusion: I must be a man ;-)))

 last year 

Oh sh*t!! Sorry! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Hihi ;-)))

 last year 

I wonder if we will find a crib note with the answers to these questions.


i would agree with 95% of what you have said, apart from the bit about the ex PM of this country.

Great post - hope all is good over there

 last year 

Okay, I will zip my fingers and say no more about her. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thanks for the visit!
All well this side of the southern hemisphere. Winter is here.
I hope all is good with you also.

If you lived here for the past few years you would understand where i am coming from, anyway enough of that

Have a good day

 last year 

Thank you! A great day to you also. What is left of it. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 last year 

For me, I see men as better leaders because they have the time and ability to lead well than women. The way men think is much better than the way women think. A man will give his time, attention, and strength to other people to make sure everything goes well.

Also, they can move at any time, unlike women. Women are usually so preoccupied with raising children and family that they don't have time to lead. Although some women can balance the two, in most cases only a few can handle it.

 last year 

Okay, I see your point of view. Women have other responsibilities which can hinder them from being good leaders.
This can become a wonderful debate. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thank you for the visit and the engagement!

 last year 

Saludos Pat

Jajajajaja me rei demasiado con tu publicación, de verdad de acuerdo con @solperez esa encuesta hecha aquí arrojaría eso, aquí las mujeres somos muy enamoradizas, y quizás si, los hombres dirían primero TE AMO pero sin sentirlo.

Pero en lo de la cocina si tienes razón, hay hombres que lo hacen muchísimo mejor que las mujeres.

En toda caso, Vivan las mujeres! Jajajaja

Saludos! .

 last year 

Yeah!!!! I love this... LONG LIVE THE WOMEN!!

Okay, I have read all the posts that has come in so far and you will not believe it, the majority authors pick the man as the one that falls in love first. I cannot wait for those posts from your side of the world to come in to see how which way the scale is going to tip.
PS: Thank you for your lovely comment!🍦

 last year 

Men vs. Women is like playing a game of Jenga. The tower can collapse with "male" or "female" written on that block.

With regard to this statement, I agree with you 100%.
Just as a strong family will continue to exist until both men and women are strong. If just one person falls, the tower will fall without a support system.
With the exception of the cooking part, I can agree with you 95%. Because both my son and my husband can make food that is more delicious than mine. When I talked about my niece, he also can cook more testier than his wife. In every other situation, women are stronger than men.

 last year 

Hello my friend!
I am glad that we agree with 95%. (•ิ‿•ิ)
How I wish I had a hubby that can make food. You must treasure the two men in your household. Not only can they cook but they can make food that also taste well. Maybe I should borrow them from you for awhile?

Thanks for the visit and the engagement! 🍦

 last year 

Oh, I am afraid of that, I am not sure whether you will send them back, as the food is so tasty.😀😀

 last year 

Haha! Now that would be a challenge for you. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 last year 


 last year 

You will have to come and fetch them (•ิ‿•ิ)

 last year 

Yes, I send them with the string in my hand. I know who the women are, after all.😀😀

 last year 


yes, it's true as you said that men prefer to exercise but some women also like it and it depends on how a person's principles are not

 last year 

I am not sure where I've said men prefer to exercise but to answer on that one, you are right both genders like to exercise.
Thanks for the visit!

resourceful, and empathetic. They have shown great leadership qualities during times of crisis, including the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it is important to note that the success of these leaders cannot be solely attributed to their gender.

 last year 

the success of these leaders cannot be solely attributed to their gender

This is true being a good leader also goes about integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, gratitude, and the love for the people of their country.

Thank for the visit and the valuable comment! It is always nice to get input from the opposite gender.

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