Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w1 : "Women Are Always Right!

in Steem For Ladies2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone❤, recieve the warmer regards in the world. In this opportunity, Steem for Ladies come with a sexism-somehow- but funny topic. Are women always rigth?

Lets see my opinion 🙈


Are women always right or do men rather give in? Give us your opinion and give us your reasons why you say so.

I think it's impossible someone can be always right just because her/his gender. Nevertheless women are more rational most of the time, consequently we are right in a lot of situation, but sometimes this line can be crossed and it may be the case we are no right and men decide to give in so as not listen to us discussing (big mistake).

Women usually overthink situations, and this can be helpful sometimes because we can visualize all possibles scenarios and have a broad view of the situation, therefore we will be right.

Do you think women should get away with “being always right”?

Depends on the scenario, because if you are a person who can't listen anyone else because you strongly believe that you are always right, you need to check this aspect. But overall speaking I believe it's part of our personality, in this way I don't believe is a good idea to change our essence.

Name 3 things that women are always right about.

This is a haard question, for me is easier to say 3 things that women are always wrong haha. But let's go deeper on this:

🙋- Something is happening with that girl: I don't have to clear how this sense, eye, or whatever do you want to call it, works. The only thin I know for sure is that we can feel when the man is flirtting with other girls. We haven't seen anything -yet- but somthing tell us that something is going wrong. I need a scientific experiment to explain this phenomenon haha.

🙋- We need to talk: when a woman says this deep phrase, it's because you need to talk for sure. Normally men don't recognize to easy when something wrong is happening, I don't know if it's because they are pretending or if they really can't not identify problems.

🙋- Take the umbrella because will rain: even if the weather looks nice, if a woman say will rain, you can be sure this will happen. Women have a integrated weather sensor.

If you've experienced an incident where a woman was right or wrong, share it with us

I have a ton of experience with myself of course haha. Once time I was talking with my husband in our trip to the supermarket, and we were discussing about the food we need to buy.


I told him I remember we have already purchased enough jam, and he insisted it was not the case. After we returned from the supermarket, guess what? In effect we had purchased already enough jam.

Thus we had to put everything in the freezer.

Do you have any advice (women for the men or men for women?)

Over all, I hope all of us (men and women) will put aside this sexism fight. We are specials in the same way, and sometimes men will be right and some other time women will be right. We need each other in the same proportion.

Aprovecho de invitar a @gacavinico, @sol02 y @yancar a participar en este fabuloso concurso. Aqui el link

Todo el contenido de este texto es de la autoría de @marianaceleste, con sello original para la plataforma steemit.

Gracias por leerme!.gif

El banner y las imágenes fueron editadas con la aplicación de canva por @marianaceleste


Nevertheless women are more rational most of the time,

Itz important to recognize that men and women have differnt wayz of thinking and problem solving, but that doesn't necessarily mean that one gender is more rational than the other

Women have a integrated weather sensor.

Oh really; got to know it for the first time .

Good luck .

Hola hermosa amiga marianaceleste.

Totalmente de acuerdo, las mujeres son más racionales y es a causa de ello y también de su sexto sentido a que la mayoría de veces tienen la razón; concuerdo también contigo en que un hombre que ceda solo por dar la razón estaría haciendo un daño a ambos y a su relación.

En cosas del hogar la mujer siempre tiene la razón menos mal te gusta el dulce jajajajaja, me imagino que aun hay mermelada.

Buena participación.


@marianaceleste, I Found your post for the Steemit Engagement Challenge to be incredibly insightful and empowering . your article highlights the Importance of acknowledging and respecting the opinions of women, which is crucial for creating a More inclusive & equitable world. your perspective is both valuable and inspiring, and it encourages readers to think critically about how they interact with others.

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga , totalmente de acuerdo contigo, las mujeres vemos miles de escenarios en una situación dígame cuando vamos de un viaje, nos planteamos como mil probabilidades, que hasta de broma nos llevamos la casa, en muchas ocasiones es muy útil ser así, ya que pasamos menos incomodidades si se nos presenta algún inconvenientes porque tenemos como resolver. Me encanto leer tu punto de vista. Bendiciones.

 2 years ago 

¡Holaaa Mariana Celeste!😊

Si un hombre que opta por ceder solo para dar la razón dimensionara el daño que esto ocasiona en la relación e incluso, en el autoestima de ambos, no lo hiciera porque, prácticamente con esa actitud le clave una daga al corazón de la relación lo cual, es terrible. Conozco varios casos así y, al recordarlos me dan ganas de llorar.

Me encantó tu participación, te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica. Un fuerte abrazo💚

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga

Ciertamente las mujeres tenemos un poco más de percepción y atención que los hombres. Pero somos humanos también nos equivocamos.

Es bueno saber que somos multitasking y por eso tenemos razón, jejejeje....

Gracias por compartir.

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