SEC16 W4 : The Diary of a Man - Be a Real Man to the person you love to provide a living

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago
Supervise farming roads that are being repaired in Mee village, Meurah Mulia subdistrict, North Aceh regency

Nowadays, we as men are required to take responsibility for our loved ones, in facing the days that are full of twists and turns, of course an effort to make these loved ones happy must be done in one way, namely by earning a living for them. My mother and my wife, who are my responsibilities in this world, I will try to get a stable economy in a halal way. In this challenge I want to discuss my daily activities to show the world that we have to be responsible men in earning a living for our loved ones.

SEC16 W4: The diary of a man about being a real man for loved ones which happened to me on Monday 18 March 2024. Because I was still fasting for me as a Muslim, after falling asleep at 00.00 I woke up at 04.00 to enjoy eating Sahur has been prepared by my wife, at this time I am still at my in-laws' house. Of course, enjoying sahur in the month of Ramadan this time I was accompanied by one of my loved ones.

The atmosphere of the road in the morning when I headed to the location for monitoring farming roads in Mee village

Eating sahur this time with several simple menus, of course I had to consume quite a lot of rice and water, this was to avoid dehydration during the day. About an hour later I performed the morning prayer, of course something I usually do before the sun actually rises from the eastern horizon.

In the early morning atmosphere at around 07.30 I went to work from my in-laws' house in Paya Bakong sub-district to Mee Village, Meurah Mulia Sub-district, North Aceh Regency using a two-wheeled vehicle, of course this journey was around 19 km with a distance of almost 35 minutes. And when I arrived at the work location, the main purpose of which was to supervise the work on the farm road which was being repaired, until here I met the village head and several workers.

There are several things that I conveyed to them regarding this work, namely guiding them to repair the road with a length of 700 meters with 3 meter sheets and must be covered with selected embankment material with a thickness of 0.20 meters. After a while, we headed to the farm road location and as quickly as possible the workers did it according to the instructions I gave.

The workers used Motor Grade heavy equipment to level parts of the road before rolling them with tandem rollers
The village head and I posed next to the farming road which was being repaired
From a distance, you can still see workers using motor grade leveling the farming road

So, for your information, all my duties here are as a supervisor of farming roads whose funding source comes from the Indonesian Ministry of Villages. This supervision continues until the time of the Dhuhr prayer. Of course I have confidence in supervising this and giving instructions in accordance with the provisions of the workers will do it well and correctly.

Another activity after the Dhuhr prayer that I did at a mosque which is not far from Mee village was visiting another village where pipe work was being carried out. This pipe is useful for meeting the water needs for the residents' rice fields. I visited Pulo Blang Village, Meurah Mulia District, a distance of about 10 minutes, of course when I arrived there I met several workers who were doing pipe welding work and several other workers were digging up the ground to plant pipes so that they could reach the residents' rice fields.

At a location not far from here, other workers are opening a channel using an excavator on the edge of the rice fields. They are doing this so that later the water channeled from the river through a 300 meter long pipe will reach the irrigation canal on the edge of the rice fields.

The welder is connecting pipes from the pump machine
I was at the location where workers were digging up the soil to plant pipes towards the channel at the edge of the rice fields
Other workers use excavators to make channels on the edge of the rice fields to carry water from pipe connections

The same thing as when I met the workers in Mee village, I also instructed the workers in Pulon Blang village to pay attention to the design drawings of the irrigation system that was built from the river to this paddy field area. Of course, when I was here I observed every detail of this work and I estimate that the progress of this activity has reached 75%.

I stayed here until the afternoon, around 17.30 I left Pulo Blang village and returned to my house which is in Teupin Punti, Syamtalira Aron District, of course tonight I didn't go home to my in-laws' house because I was tired from working today. Therefore, I decided to return to my house in Teupin Punti. In about 40 minutes I arrived home, and I didn't do much meaningful activity apart from cleaning myself in the bathroom, breaking the fast with my mother followed by evening prayers.

The atmosphere of the street in the afternoon when passing through the rice fields from Pulo Blang to Teupin Punti, namely towards my house

Of course, tonight, after having rested for about 1 hour after I prayed the evening prayer, I headed to my village's prayer room to perform the insha and taraweh prayers in this month of Ramadan. About two hours of worship was completed. Around 22.00 I contacted @neukyan who was planning to go to Hibrida Kupi in Blang Peuria Geudong.

Arriving at Hibrida Kupi I met senior steemians from my area, namely @el-nailul, irawandedy, @heriadi and @jufrimj. Here we share stories and joke while enjoying coffee this Ramadan evening. We each opened our laptops and tried to interact on this steemit page which we love so much, of course I also made this challenge post while chatting with the steemians who are here. At 00.00 I went home to rest so that tomorrow I would be fit again.

The atmosphere of the table at Hybrid Kupi where I gathered with the steemians this evening.

So from my post in participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 - Week 4 in the Steem For Ladies community with the theme SEC16 W4: "The diary of a man or woman" it can be concluded that I did my job as a construction supervisor on Monday the 18th March 2024 just for the sake of being a real man for my loved ones during the day in order to fulfill all forms of income, they are my mother and my wife who are the responsibility of the afterlife. And at night I try to calm my mind even though I'm tired during the day. So the diary game title for this challenge is entitled Be a Real Man to the person you love to provide a living.

I also invite @patjewell @waterjoe and @f2i5 to participate in this challenge.

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 4 months ago 

Anda memang sosok pria yang bertanggung jawab untuk keluarga anda dan bijaksana. Melewati hari dengan penuh kesibukan mencari nafkah untuk keluarga tercinta, hari anda sangat produktif dan tentunya menyenangkan bisa berkumpul bersama teman di malam hari untuk berinteraksi sesama dan saling bercanda tawa.

Salam untuk anda teman semoga anda sukses untuk kontesnya 🙏

Welcome! This diary entry beautifully illustrates a man's responsibilities and dedication to providing for his loved ones. From early morning suhoor with the family to supervising road repairs and supervising irrigation projects, you have demonstrated a strong work ethic and commitment to ensuring the well-being of your family. Despite the challenges and fatigue, you continued to focus on your duties and demonstrated leadership and diligence in your role as a construction supervisor. Thank you for sharing this insight into your day and the values you uphold as a man who provides for his loved ones.

Thank you for reading it Kouba, my real appreciation goes to you

 4 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

Hi @klen.civil
I enjoyed going through your diary. You have clearly shown the responsibility of a real man through a daily diary. Keep up the good work... I wish you luck in the contest!

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Score (quality/rules)10/10
We invite you to support @pennsif.witness for growth across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available

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 4 months ago 

This diary entry beautifully showcases a man's dedication to providing for his loved ones, from early morning suhoor with family to supervising road repairs and irrigation projects. Your commitment to your responsibilities and the well-being of your family is commendable. Despite challenges and fatigue, you demonstrated leadership and diligence in your role. Thank you for sharing this insight into your day and the values you uphold as a provider for your loved ones.

Thanks for reading and giving praise, greetings

We're men, and we need to take responsibility for those we love. Thank you for your thoughtful sharing.


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 4 months ago 

Thank you for sharing your day as a man with us ladies. It was nice to see you visiting.

The first thing I did when I saw your post was to scroll down to see how you've ended your day. Well, you did not disappoint me... a cup of coffee with Steemit friends!
The perfect ending! (•ิ‿•ิ)

That's what happens when your mood is low and you feel tired, then a cup of coffee is the solution

 4 months ago 

Your dedication to providing for your loved ones shines through in your daily activities. It's admirable how you balance work responsibilities with family commitments, embodying the essence of being a real man. Your story resonates with the importance of integrity and love in every aspect of life.

 4 months ago 

Hola amigo, de verdad que tuviste un diario bastante completo, lleno de compromiso y buenos deseos, esos que te inspiran a ser cada vez más responsable con tus seres amados, más que un trabajo es un compromiso que te planteaste y con el que deseas hacer feliz a tus seres amados. Que Dios te conceda tus buenos deseos y te fortalezca para que continúes realizando muchos diarios y laborando con mucho empeño y dedicación. Éxitos

 4 months ago 

Hola @klen.civil realmente eres un hombre muy trabajador. Trabajar con los proyectos del gobierno es bueno, porque sientes que actuas en beneficio de un bien social. Realmente las comunidades, aunque no lo expresen, lo aprecian.
Después de un agotador día de trabajo tomaste una buena decisión de compartir con tus compañeros de steemits, lo cual es muy gratificante. Espero lo hayas disfrutado.

Un gran saludo para ti y otros steemians.

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