SEC19 W1: "This is my style"

in Steem For Ladies6 days ago

Hello and greetings everyone, regarding to my fellow steemians colleagues and friends around the world most especially the ones in this amazing community here in #Steem-for-Ladies, I greet and welcome you all in my blog am so delighted and it my pleasure having you in this contest "This is my style" organized in this community.i decided and volunteer to take part in this weeks engagement contest challenge to share views and styles with you all as well as bringing out the best in me when it comes to creativity and contest like this.

Human beings are social animals primates belonging to the genus homo that interact and socialize them selves with one another backup with the ability like story telling, High intelligence, creativity, language and the capacity for reasoning, that's to say we are blessed and gifted with different behavior, character, heart desire, and also different ideas and lifestyle.

Before proceeding in listing out my lifestyle and sharing photos of them with you I will like to give out the meaning and some explanation of lifestyle is all about.

img_1720561484482.jpg photos edited with gallery collage

A lifestyle can be seen or defined as the way an individual or a group of person live their lives and the behavior they showcase and display around people as well as the things they loves or usually do for a living or for fun, lifestyle can also be seen as the identity and recognition of some or group of people.


Mere looking at the photos above you can clearly and easily indicate or tell what the photo is all about, that is to says my style is bound with the ability and chances of relating and socializing my self with different people both the young and aged ones, the ones that are related to me and the ones that are not, but I mostly spend time with little children which their riddles and story keeps me in good mood since socializing with them brings me comfort and good achievements, on doing this it which really helps me impacts knowledge and as well give me sense of reasoning and understanding different behavior and person's

          ** Second photos**

Right from childhood till date sports and exercises has always being part of me, because I love and enjoy doing them, engaging and taking part in sports activities gives more than to imagine in such a way that it keeps the body healthy and gives it fitness as well as even contributing to the growth and strengthens our bones and giving us good body posture.
I couldn't imagine how lazy and flop somebody wil

       Third photos

Also maintaining and keeping clean the areas I live should can be counted among my lifestyle and hobbies because I never hesitate to take action that will help to develop the environment am staying as well a keeping it clean which will help improve our health standard and well being, above you can see the pictures when i was cutting grasses around my surrounding, and the ones I was giving the dirt's proper disposal to avoid avoid the area been polluted with improper disposal of refuse and waste that is to say I do everything within my power to achieve the best in terms of healthy living and environmental maintenance

        Fourth photos 

Also I loves spending time and staying close to domestic animals which I sees as my lifestyle and it's among hubbies, the reasons and benefits of doings this includes.....friendly pets and animals normally gives me companion and makes me happy which you all know that happiness improves heart health, they also reduces stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, they increases feeling of social assistant and support, they boost moods and encourages exercise and playfulness and many more, above are the pictures I took with different animals which are dog, goats, pigs, and cows in fact the love I have for animals is extraordinary.

I have finally come to the end of this lovely and wonderful contest organized by #steem-for-ladies which I will like to invite my fellow steemians colleagues @josepha, @solperez, @pandora, @dove11 and @oneray to take part in this amazing contest.

 6 days ago 

Estimado amigo. Que bueno que tú estilo de vida se base en relacionarte con otros. Siempre es bueno y como individuos sociables, siempre es bueno vínculos y trabajar en equipo. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones

muchas gracias por su cálida respuesta y buenos deseos

Your style is laudable. Sport, cleanliness and rearing of domestic animals. This is all that matters to you in life and that is what makes you happy.

 6 days ago 

Yes! We received your entry for SEC19: Speak your style!

You have quite a number of styles, although in different sections, we all have styles. Knowing that you love bonding and relating with people of great value is a sense of humor and I admire this gesture. Football and keeping clean the environment is another style of yours that is despicable. I wish you all the best!

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Steem For Ladies

Thanks for your warm reply and good wishes

 6 days ago 

Te percibo como un chico con mucha energía. Tus días son muy movidos. Siempre estás rodeado de amigos y tu actitud es amigable.

Me encantó tu post. Suerte.


This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator0x/ Curated by: @solperez

«El único modo de hacer un gran trabajo es amar lo que haces» Steve Jobs.

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