The silent bones disease: Osteoporosis

in Steem For Ladieslast year (edited)
Assalamoalaikum dear Steem for ladies

I'm isha-rehman from Pakistan🇵🇰 today I'm here in community steem for Ladies in order to share something that most of the women avoid.women are most of the important part of society and they need to be strong mentally as well as I'm going to share all about osteoporosis because it is one of the most common disease in women and specially Asian women.




What is osteoporosis



A Medical condition known as Osteoporosis is characterized by weekening of the bones and brittle bones, which increase the chance of the fracture or bone break.It happen when the body make tooo little bone,looses too much bone mass or both,causing the decline in bone density and
the strength.
Osteoporosis is frequently referred to be a "silent disease" because it develops gradually and frequently exhibits no signs until a fracture. Osteoporotic fractures frequently occur in the spine,hips,wrists,and ribs.

one in every five women is suffering from osteoporosis


Causes Of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is generally brought on by imbalance between processes that produce & destroy bone,which cause loss in bone density and increase in fragility. Aging,Hormonal changess (such as Menopause in the women), Inadequate Calcium & Vitamin D intake, physical in activity, Family history's,specific medical conditions (rheumatoid arthritis),prolonged use of specific medications (like corticosteroid)smoking, Excessive alcohol consumption and low body weight are some of factors that contribute to osteoporosis development.These allelements may result in The loss of bone mass & strength,raising the possibility of fracturs.


Effect's of osteoporosis

An individual health and the wellbeing can be significantly impacted by osteoporosis. Bones that are weakened and are brittle are more likely to fracture,which can cause discomfort,restrictted mobility and even disability. Particularly hip fractures can be crippling and cause a loss of freedom. Fracture in the vertebre can cause a hunched posture and also persistent back pain. Fractures brought on by osteoporosis can also have psychological effects that lower a person self-esteem and quality of life.To reduce harmful Effect's of Osteoporosis, prevention,early detection and appropriate care are very essential.


Treatment Of Osteoporosis

The goal of osteoporosis treatment is promote bone Health and lower the risk of fracture's.It is crucial to make lifestyle adjustment including reduc smoking and drinking too much alcohol,engaging in regular weight bearing activities & eating diet high in Calcium & Vitamin D.To boost bone density and stop bone loss doctor may recommend drugs such bisphosphonate Hormone replacements therapy , selective estrogen receptor modulators. Effective Osteoporosis management & strict adherence to the recommended treatment plan are essential for avoiding problems.


To improve health of our aging population specially women, Society must recognize and treat osteoporosis. We must give priority to the preventive measures, education and access to healthcare resources because of the potential effects of this condition on women health, independence and quality of life. We can all work together to lessen the burden of osteoporosis and build a healthier more resilient society by promoting healthy lifestyles guaranteeing enough nutrition & promoting early detection & treatment.

we must shake hand together to fight this alarming disease and strengthen our women to fight with this disease. World osteoporosis day is celebrated on 20 October each year

I hope everyone consider it helpful.Best regards from me @isha-rehman


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Hi @aviral123 please again check my blog and give me remarks I have corrected my all mistake I'll be thankful to you

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I know but these remarks may effect my future support @aviral123

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@aviral123 thank u

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And please delete these remarks I'm newcomer I have corrected my mistake

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Thank u

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