The Diary Game – #7 Thursday 28th Sept. 2023: A Peaceful and Fulfilled Day.

in Steem For Ladies9 months ago


Greetings beautiful ladies 💖, I hope your weekend is going well, just as you planned, mine is okay but no outing for now, haha I'm here at home shouting, helping out with homework, receiving complaints and settling disputes. Motherhood! Dear ones I would like to share my Thursday with you, it was one of those remarkable and fulfilled Days, I was happy and satisfied to share the message of hope with my neighbours and they were so receptive. Stay connected!

Morning Hours:

I woke up early vibrant and dynamic, it's one of those days I was aglow in spirit, I sang praises to Jehovah and felt grateful for all he has done for me, the protection, and sustenance all these years, Thursdays are our field service days and I've planned to go out for it, so I prepared early. I prepared pasta for breakfast.


I fed and bathed my baby immediately after her siblings left for school, and I made her sleep then I showered, dressed up and left for preaching the Goodnews, I didn't carry my baby she stayed with her elder brother in the house, so I was a bit relieved! haha, walking like a single lady 😜

We were paired up in twos, and we went to assigned territory, we met a lot of people at home and many of them gave us a listening ear.


with my partner

People are longing for a time when death will be no more, when no one will say I am sick, when food will be abundant for all, when there will be no poverty, injustice etc. They were comforted when we showed them from God's word the bible that all suffering will soon end ~ Revelation 21:3,4 here God promise that he will wipe away all tears from our eyes, that death will be no more, neither mourning nor outcry, that the former things will be passed away, we won't recall them again.


With friends of peace

Afternoon Hours:

After house-to-house preaching, we went back to people who requested bible study, I spent 5 hours in the field and went back by 2:30 P.m. I purchased some foodstuffs in the market on my way home. I reached the house around 3:15 PM and my kids were already back from school, and they were happy to see me, asking me where I went to and why I didn't wait for them. Haha 🤣 kids will always be kids.

I was so tired so I first of all, took a cold soft drink from the fridge grasped my kid's biscuits and cooled down myself, before I entered the kitchen to cook, it was a simple okra soup, so I finished in less than an hour + 30 minutes.


My dinner (okra soup and swallow)

The food was delicious, I ate with my kids, and after eating I showered with my princess, I washed her hair which is so big, but she didn't allow me to plait her hair. She's been carrying it like this for the past 2 weeks, I don't know if she'll allow me to plait her later today.

Evening Hours:


My Afro babe ❣️ and I

I guided my kids to do their homework, and hubby was back from the office, he took an evening shower and I gave him dinner, we were discussing how the day was and he was the first to sleep off, and I wanted to joined the contest in Miraindia community, and guess what? I slept off while typing, and woke up again by 11:30 PM to finish the post.

Though it was hectic, I was so happy to share the Goodnews with my neighbours, I felt satisfied to see them being comforted by God's Promises, he's Almighty God and he can't lie, he will surely keep all his word because there's nothing impossible with God. Thanks for reading me, I'm inviting my friends @ninapenda, @ruthjoe and @beautiful12 to share their diaries with us.



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @pelon53

 9 months ago 

I appreciate @pelon53!

 9 months ago 

Oh your baby looks so cute and your food yummy! Now am salivating.

Preaching the goodnews is indeed a great practice, I commend you for the efforts. Indeed their are many who needs to hear the goaodnews!!

A lovely day you had.
Thank you for the invite

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for the compliment dear, I appreciate your visit and and commendations!

 9 months ago 

The word of God will keep moving and nothing shall stop it from moving...

You had a beautiful day ma'am, I love that outing of God's fellowship, your soup looks delicious.

Aww see the baby herself, looking all big. Her mother's pride, tell her aunty Nina says hi! and I can't wait for her to start steeming 🤣.

Thank you ma'am for the invite!

 9 months ago 

Hi dear Nina I'm glad you like my work, as always thank you so much for your beautiful commendations, I appreciate 💕

 9 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the contest of our community. Your baby is soo cute 🥰.

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 9 months ago 

Thank you for the review @aviral123!


Hello @goodybest please i invited someone on steemit platform and he has done his achievement1 post but it havent been verified please help him and verify it so that he can proceed to blogging in steemit platform his name is @stanley200


 9 months ago 

Saludos amiga estimada , un hermoso dia desde tu calido amanecer en el hermoso paisaje de tu haber con tus lindos afectos. Ademas, impregnado de delicioso menu. Saludos y bendiciones éxitos.

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