SEC19 W1: "This is my style"

in Steem For Ladies2 months ago


I love old souls. Finding them is like finding a needle in a haystack. Their presence in my life is an evidence to the depth of wisdom accumulated over many lifetimes. I've always felt attracted to people who have this timeless quality, and here's why.

Since I first met these old souls, I have been fascinated by their ability to connect on a level that goes beyond the surface. They don't just listen; they listen intently, with a focus that makes you feel truly seen and understood.

A conversation with them is not just exchanging words but rather sharing a part of my soul. I've always wanted this deep connection for a long time, and I remember how hard it was to find an old soul among the engaging onslaught of social media. In a reality that makes most people obsessed with likes, followers, virality, the old souls remind me of what is truly valuable.


They seek validation not from their cyber audience but from the authenticity of their connections. Old souls value real-world discussions over empty digital exchanges. Their lives are not dictated by trends or the need to present a curated image to the world. They live with persistent purpose and integrity instead.

One of the most beautiful aspects of loving an old soul is their patience and empath. They understand that true connections take time to build and are willing to invest the effort necessary to maintain them. I admire their ability to see things from different perspectives and approach conflict with calm thinking. Arguments are not about winning, but about understanding each other better, and it strengthens our bonds.

Old souls have a way of making the simplest moments feel extraordinary. This type of romance rooted in genuine care and affection is something I really appreciate as a human being.


What stands out most about old souls is their unshakable loyalty. When they choose to be with you they do so with the intention of a lifelong partnership. Their loyalty is not just a promise but a very deep part of who they are. I never have to worry about their loyalty because the love they build goes beyond physical and materialistic values.

Another reason I love old souls is, they are comfortable being alone! They don't need constant validation or mentoring to feel complete. Their independence is very attractive to me. That means when they choose to spend time with you, it's because they really want to, not because they need to fill a void.

Old souls believe in the process of life in a pleasant way. They believe that everything happens for a reason and that the universe will bring the right person into your life at the right time. This belief in the journey, rather than rushing towards the destination, has taught me to cherish every moment and trust that everything will happen as it is supposed to. Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be.

However, the love I have for the old souls goes beyond a romantic relationship. Platonic love with an old soul is just as deep and fulfilling. I have several guy friends who are old souls, and our relationships prove that platonic connections can be just as wonderful. Our friendship is built on respect, understanding, and most importantly, wisdom. Discussion and ideas is what keeps me alive.


With them I realized the value of living in the moment. They have an uncanny ability to appreciate the moment, finding beauty in the simplest things. This awareness is contagious and has taught me to slow down as well as enjoy the moment rather than constantly worrying about the future or getting stuck in the past.

I genuinely invite @alee75 @asiahaiss to share your story in this contest. I'm sure you both have interesting insights to share regarding "this is my style"


This is lovely as everybody have different desires in life. At time, we need a recap of the past. Finding that very old soul is a memory we all yarn for. However, we don't needs to worry about the future so we don't get overwhelmed.

 2 months ago 

I agree with your statement that we don't need to worry about a future that we might not live through because we might be dead when that future happens haha. Life is about the “now”, not the “past” nor the “future”. Time itself cannot be interpreted because it is not literally seconds or milliseconds but is much more abstract than that.

The past, good and bad, is part of learning, not regret. Thank you for the insight you provided in the comments column of my post. Nice to know you.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago (edited)

Thank you for supporting me

Terima kasih undangannya. Saya akan coba ikut serta nantinya.

Old soul, Not oldest. Mungkin gitu ya...!

Orang tipe old soul memang punya beberapa kelebihan. Meskipun usia mereka masih muda, mereka memiliki kebijaksanaan melampaui umurnya.

Mereka mudah bergaul dengan orang yang lebih tua, seperti kami-kami yang Generasi X sebagai The Latchkey Kids. Bahkan bisa tempat meminta saran juga.

Mereka juga sering dinobatkan sebagai leader dalam sebuah team karena kapasitasnya. Dan biasanya mereka punya empati yang tinggi terhadap orang lain.

Tetapi percaya nggak? Meskipun orang yang berumur lebih tua, mereka punya sisi-sisi childish juga. 🤭

Semoga beruntung dengan kontes ini.

 2 months ago 

Setuju banget kalau old soul bukan berarti beneran old. Kecuali, anak jaman sekarang banyak yang fisiknya lebih jompo ketimbang yang jompo beneran. Makan ngasal, suka bergadang, galauin mantan, dan segudang kebiasaan silent killers lainnya yang kami lakukan hari demi hari.

Pak @alee75 aduh saya terperanjat mengetahui fakta bahwa anda adalahh bagian dari gen-x. Soalnya tadinya saya pikir anda genset, eh gen-z maksudnya, xixixi.

Semua orang punya sisi kekanak-kanakan. Tua muda bukan indikator agaknya, sebab saya percaya bahwa semua orang punya sisi tersebut, hanya saja setiap dari mereka punya kesempatan berbeda pula dalam mengekspresikannya. Yang jelas, sisi gelap itu hanya bisa disaksikan oleh orang-orang spesial sahaja, LOL.

 2 months ago 

Yes! We received your entry for SEC19: Speak your style!

Hi @firyfaiz

You have well shared your perspective on the topic. I wish you luck in the contest!

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 2 months ago 

Welcome to Steem For Ladies! 💕
We trust that you will enjoy posting in our community.

 2 months ago 

Hola, esplendida tu participación tu estilo de vida de conocer almas viejas, imagino que para poder conectar y darse cuenta de lo extraordinario aunque parezca ordinario, tienes que ser parte de un alma vieja, porque de otra forma te perderías en el SAMSARA de esta existencia.

Aunque describes muy bien, el como es ser un alma vieja e identificarla . no se si yo pudiese saberlo. Me encantaría llegar sentir eso. Saludos

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