SEC19 W2 : "This is our style"

in Steem For Ladies18 hours ago


This is our style

Best regards to all of us, may you always be healthy and get happiness in life.

We are a generation that since childhood instilled values about the importance of love for the family, our ancestors likened the family to a home. The source of the spirit to start everything, the safest place and shelter that gives freedom to all family members, as a source of strength to share each other's suffering and happiness.

From generation to generation, we continue to instill good values in the next generation, so that it becomes the foundation that makes our family bond even closer. Differences are uniqueness, problems are learning so that we grow stronger and inseparable.


My personal photo

This ancestral tradition I instill also in my family today, it is a style that I maintain to start new generations from different branches but still have the same roots in family ties. All are in the process of forming themselves into a generation that adheres to the importance of family ties, unites, supports, and ultimately complements each other in living life.


My personal photo

To maintain a family that loves each other there are some simple things that we often do, become a habit that fosters a sense of love for the family. Some examples of simple things we do include:

  1. Play together, whatever is fun and gives a sense of happiness we will do together.
  2. Eating together, this simple thing that fosters harmony between family members, sometimes eating together makes something hidden can be told.
  3. Doing religious activities together, fosters a common belief to be a much better member of the family.
  4. As much as possible, my wife and I study together with the children almost every day. This leads them to believe that any difficulties can be solved together and fosters self-confidence for each family member, a simple activity that has considerable benefits.
  5. Holidays together, this activity can provide a feeling of happiness and relaxation for all family members and relieve tension that occurs and we often enjoy it.

As much as possible we try to be open to each other, dare to convey problems to find solutions, and still respect our elders. The habits that I always got in my family when I was a child, and now these values I instilled in my family. With the hope that loving affection will continue to grow in the middle of our family, and become an inseparable style of our family.

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My personal photo

Affection between families in the present is a little-noticed, lack of time to gather due to work factors and also busy making the bond between family members is decreasing. Even some of us who no longer care about other family members assume all is well. But the loss of time together, the loss of laughter, and the loss of interaction with other family members is not a good situation.

When this happens, the feeling of affection will disappear, the family is just a symbol of the bonds of brotherhood. Values that are much greater than those that are not owned, and finally there is a rift caused by each other's egos, the beautiful style of a family is simply lost.

My personal photo


On that basis, as I mentioned at the beginning of the post the noble values that our family always keeps and we get used to all this time, we will practice as a habit that continues to be maintained to be a family that loves each other between family members.

Thus my participation post on this occasion, I invite @lil.albab, @soulfuldreamer, and @shiftitamanna, best regards to you all.

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 18 hours ago 

Postingan yang sangat menarik, sungguh suatu kebahagian apabila semua hal bisa dilakukan bersama keluarga. saya sangat setuju dengan apa yang yang anda jelaskan. Sebisa mungkin lakukan bersama keluarga, libatkan anggota keluarga untuk mencari solusi dari masalah, dengan demikian maka antar sesam akan tumbuh rasa menghargai dan kepercayaan.
Begitu bahagia anak-anak jika bisa selalu bersama kedua orang tuanya. Anak-anak hanya merasa bahagia dan nyaman bersama kedua orang tuanya. Bukan tempat yang terpenting akan tetapi kebersamaan yang paling istimewa. Sukses untuk anda Pak @fantvwiki

Hai @megaaulia.
Saya setuju dengan apa yang anda katakan, melibatkan seluruh keluarga memang merupakan hal yang membahagiakan. Dimana pun tempatnya, jika bersama keluarga akan terasa keindahannya.
Sukses juga untuk anda, semoga semua harapan anda dapat tercapai dengan baik.

 12 hours ago 

Semoga segera di ijabah 🙏


This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @ruthjoe

 14 hours ago 
¡Sí! Recibimos tu entrada para SEC19: ¡Habla tu estilo!

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Saludos gracias por compartir tu participación con nosotros, el amor en la familia y lo que se a transmitido de generación en generación lo han permitido ser familias consolidadas, las actividades que nos comparten que hacen realmente es lo que permite que se cultive el amor en la familia. Linda familia, lindas fotografías. Exitos.

Steem para damas

Thank you for this very valuable verification, have a nice day.

 3 hours ago 
Hola amigo, es un gusto saludarte. Es realmente importante sembrar en la familia valores y muchísima unión, hacer del vínculo un nexo tan poderoso que pueda unir los corazones y voluntades.

Las fotografías de tu familia son adorables, sin duda que, todas las actividades que podamos realizar en el seno de nuestras familias son de gran valor para todos sus integrantes.

Fue un gusto leer tu hermosa publicación. Saludos y bendiciones.

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