SEC16W2 | “Choose… your government”

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago

Steemit Engagement Challenge S7W4 Your Favorite Place To Visit (1).jpg
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Choose… your government

Week two with something different, I thought this was part of the curation team..Ha...ha...ha... or maybe the theme of this contest intends to make the user improvise as if he were a candidate for head of state or prime minister and choose 6 other members/users with tasks and functions to govern the country's policies.

I hope that what I write is in line with the expectations of the contest, and if it is wrong then consider that I do not understand the theme in Week Two. Here is my full post :

This democratic government I name the Country Steemians, tens of thousands of inhabitants are in it and I want the vote to be able to get me elected with 5 users that I choose for their respective tasks and functions. The main function of the 5 people I choose is to run the Steemians country properly and correctly and to promote justice and prosperity of its people.

Head Of State / Prime Minister

The first person is of course myself, Fantvwiki. I promise to promote democracy and a sense of justice to all residents of the country Steemians, there is no difference because all stand equally high and sit equally low. I also promise to direct my chosen members to be able to carry out their functions in this Steemians country, the purpose of which is to provide common prosperity.

Deputy Head Of State / Deputy Prime Minister

The user I chose for the position of Deputy Head of State / Deputy Prime Minister Meteri is @patjewel's mother, she is quite active in providing comments and responses. This position is quite appropriate for him, his style of socialization has quite a large impact on users as the best example to advance the country of Steemians. Its advantage that can respond tactfully without discriminating, is an important characteristic for the development of society in the country of Steemians.

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Minister Of Foreign Affairs

For this position, it takes a proven communication style and approach, daring to start to know the situation and be able to understand the communication style of many people is a skill that must be possessed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Steemians country. The person is perfect for @inspiracion, she has a way of getting to know many people from different communities and countries and most importantly she is very well known.

Minister Of Trade

This task is suitable for people who have the ability in the field of fund marketing can sell what is in the Steemian country as income, @o1eh user who I think has a grammar and a way of communication that is quite good worthy as a trading material that I will choose, he is heard by many people in Steemit.

Minister of Communications and Law

The rigor and rigor with which the Minister of Communications and the laws I have chosen are of great value to him, as his consistency in complying with all regulations, and, as evidenced by his outstanding achievements, is a suitable choice to place him in this position. For the Minister of Communications and Law, I give it to @irawandedy, he is quite worthy of the reputation that exists.

Minister Of The Interior

This is a position in a country that monitors many people, the state of the country, and also the way state institutions work, so it takes the ability to connect many communities. In an emergency he can take part in solving it, a position in the government that is quite in demand. For this position I put my mentor in Steemit which is @radjasalman, I am very impressed with his way of guiding many users in Steemit and he fits to be an important part of Steemians country.

Minister of technology and Crypto development

Maybe @kouba01 is the one who fits this position, although, in reality, he rejects it. it takes an understanding person for this position and I am sure he is quite knowledgeable about many things, he is one of the professors in one of the communities. A lot of understanding he knows about the development of blockchain, users with a fairly good reputation, and is known to many people through Crypto knowledge in the know.

In the end, this is just a post of my participation in the theme of the second-week contest in the Steem for Ladies community, I hope the user names I mentioned above do not take this too seriously so that you are offended by my post. I hope you all are always healthy and successful wherever you all are, best regards to all.

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 4 months ago (edited)
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

Hi @fantvwiki

I think you have chosen your government wisely. It was interesting to read who and why you have appointed for different ministries.

Wish you luck in the contest!

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 4 months ago 

You have made a good selection about your government. As for @patjewell I think I like her. I also included her in my own list of my government.

I think that government needs people with a good and active spirit.

Terimakasih telah memberikan apresiasi kepada saya dalam Topik Engagement ini, semoga saya terus dapat belajar dengan baik untuk menjadi lebih baik dan menjalankan peran dan fungsi sebagai individu baik diplatform dan didunia nyata.

Terima kasih atas tanggapannya pak, doa terbaik untuk anda. Semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu.

Wow sir, your post is very amazing and I must say that you really know your friends abilities alot. I totally enjoyed reading your post sir.

A perfect government is determined by it's members or leaders and if this people were to be your team, I promise that you will do very well sir.

I wish you good luck in this civic engagement challenge sir.

You have mentioned too many ministries you want to keep with you. Yes these things will give you the power of the whole state. If I want to choose I will keep ministry of education in my hand, because education is the thing that shape the mind of the nation and the people. My education system will purely focus on humanity.

I pray for your success in the contest.

 4 months ago 

A nice, interesting entry you wrote and you have at least 2 women in your government. I wonder how many Steemians are male and female.

Good luck with the contest.

I think pretty much for both.
Thank you for saying hello to my post.

Hello friend

You shared how you would be a reliable prime minister for the steemian country stressing your delight in the leaders you chose to work with. You stressed hoe great they performed over the years and admired certain attribute in heir style. You admit they are fit for the job you need and it is a beauty to behold. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

Thanks for your comment friend, good to hear it.

 4 months ago 

This is interesting, It shows how acquainted you are with your friends and the confidence and trust you have built together. Any good team must be made up of people of like minds, trust and of the the same believe in order to achieve the set goals together. I wish you success in this contests.


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 4 months ago 

Hello @fantvwiki ,hope you are doing well and good you've carefully selected a team to govern the Steemians country which shows your dedication to creating a fair and prosperous community. It's impressive how much thought you have put into each role and its responsibilities. I admire your commitment to making positive changes and I wish you all the success in your endeavors🤗💖🌺.

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