Choices! What will it be? #67 | Health Trouble in Keenan


The plan that had been made had to change immediately, Keenan's condition was not good, since the night he had continuous defecation and his feces looked liquid, until he was deprived of sleep and when the morning approached it seemed that he was not excited and I was sure that Keenan was in Trouble.

I gave Khalif an understanding that the plan to go to his favorite place was postponed because of his brother's condition, and he understood and with great concern accompanied Keenan to the Emergency Room.

The doctor began to examine, and Keenan did not like what the doctor was doing, Keenan cried as loudly as he could in his mother's arms. The doctor confirmed that Keenan had to be hospitalized, so of course the problem was how to insert the IV needle in the two-year-old's tiny hand, and keep it from slipping out.

Keenan got a room on the sixth floor, on the way to the room he kept crying. Entering the room, I approached him, he showed me his hands that were already wrapped in bandages, then I held him and tried to calm him down. Slowly the sound of her crying subsided, I distracted her by turning on the television and choosing a cartoon movie to watch, for a moment he began to forget the pain she was suffering.


At a certain scheduled time, the nurse came to inject Paracetamol into the IV tube, giving the effect of relieving Keenan's body heat and helping to make him feel sleepy, and soon after Keenan fell asleep, although he had to stay in my arms. The atmosphere in the room was now a little quieter.

The recurring problem until the evening of the first day at the hospital was that Keenan was still whining and crying, due to the bad feeling in his stomach, but I was grateful that the frequency of his bowel movements began to decrease and he was willing to eat a little snack.

On the second day Keenan began to want to show his smile while watching his favorite singing video from YouTube, but there was a moment where he with his body language seemed to ask to open the bandage on his left hand, with a sense of heartlessness his mother did it, lovingly and said "but don't hold the infusion".

Keenan feels a little free, he can change and choose his own YouTube shows on his smartphone and feed biscuits into his mouth. However, fatigue now enveloped my wife and I, because last night we were not allowed to sleep, because we were guarding Keenan's movements while sleeping, worried that the infusion needle would be pulled or dislodged, so as not to cause new problems.


Keenan looks a little fuller, maybe because of the influence of the infusion water that has almost three bags into his body, at least this relieves my heart because he is no longer lacking fluids, and indeed we continue to give him zinc syrup as a complementary therapy to keep his body from being dehydrated.

We didn't want to linger anymore in this blue room, on the third day Keenan was getting more and more excited, with his natural code he asked for milk, and we still added L-Bio powder to his milk to help recover from his diarrhea, which the feces has now begun to thicken.

After finishing breakfast, the doctor came to visit and check Keenan's condition. The options offered were that if he felt Keenan's condition had improved, he could go home today or if he still felt that he had not recovered properly, he should stay here for one more day. My wife and I needed to discuss this further, so I told the doctor that we would make a decision after some time, probably after lunch.


Keenan's IV bag was empty, so I asked the nurse not to replace it with a new one, and to just remove the needle. Keenan was moving more and more freely and playing with his expressions, as if imitating a scene from his movie. I had just bought a rice packet with a side dish of rendang meat, unexpectedly Keenan pointed his hand towards the packet, I said "Keenan want to eat rice, son?" he answered with a definite nod and ate with gusto, this became our confidence to be able to go home today and immediately I took care of all the administration.

Health trouble are one of the most important things to be concerned about, it can be very disruptive to daily life activities, as I felt when caring for Keenan when he was sick, I had to continue to be beside him, while there was work that I had to do, then there were my other children who I also had to pay attention to, not to mention my wife who also took up her time so that she could not do other household chores. So of course prevention is better than cure, so as not to cause other troubles that can drain a lot of thought and energy.

That's all my post in this contest organized by Mrs. @patjewell. I would like to invite my friends @megaaulia @sriiza and @ifatniza to participate.

Best wishes


Oh gosh, you reminded me of the times when my children were small and I sat with them in the hospital. Health touble in children breaks my heart!
Well, I can tell from your post that you are a good daddy, and I am sure that little Keenan knows it too.

I hope he has recovered fully.

Best wishes!

 2 days ago 

semoga cepat sembuh dan bisa pulang kembali kerumah, sayang sekali aku lihat anak kecil udah infus, makasih telah mengajak saya.

Alhamdulillah, kini ia sudah kembali ceria, terimakasih untuk do'a nya.

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Saludos gracias por compartir tu participación con nosotros, sin duda el problema de salud es agobiante pero gracias a Dios todo fue cambiado para bien. Exitos.

Thank you for the verification,
May health always be with us all.

 2 days ago 

Alhamdulilah keenan sekarang sudah membaik, semoga keenan tidak sakit-sakit lagi ya... Kasian papa mama jadi terbengkalai pekerjaannya.

I just cannot hold your potential care for your son Keenan's hope He sees this as golden gift for Dad and also replicate same when He grow up. Your love for Keenan's is uncompromised and I so much cherish that.

Thank you for your support,
May health and prosperity continue to surround your family.


Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote as a contest winner.
The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.
"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated."

Well done!
@ patjewell

It's very nice, Thank you..
By the way,, Are the ladies not bothered by my presence here? 😁

 13 hours ago 

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