The diary of a woman (18/3/2024)

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago


Hello and good evening from Nigeria, dear steem ladies, it's good to be here again. So today, I'm sharing my diary or the totality of my day responsibilities with you. As a human being, man or woman, we all have responsibilities. It is said that "he who wants to eat must work and no food for a lazy man". So if one wants to achieve something in life, one must stand up to one's responsibilities. As a female and first daughter, I have lots of responsibilities and bills to pay, and when I think about it, I can't wait for someone to advise me, I wake up early and try to achieve all I need to.


I don't have a particular time I sleep, but no matter how early or how late I sleep, I try to wake up as early as 5:30am. As a teacher, this has been my wake up time. I don't need an alarm to wake me up because my body is used to this time. Today being the first working day of the week, I woke up at my usual time. I had to create few minutes to so my face scrub since I was unable to do it during the weekend. I was busy washing clothes and loosening my old hair style, to also wash it, also doing house chores, so it took most of my time, that was why I used few minutes today to do my face scrub before leaving for work. Finishing all my cleanup and dressing took me 1 hour and I left the house for work at 6:30am, due to management of fund, I usually trek and I reached my workplace by 6:51am. In my workplace, when it's 7:06am, you are late, the time book is crossed And deduction for lateness starts.

My face scrub

Had to do this for few minutes before bath


As a teacher, I have lots of responsibilities and I have to fulfill them if I have to be paid at the end of the month. I'm not just a class teacher of ss3, I am a subject teacher, teaching English and literature, I'm also the administrative staff of the school so I rarely rest at work. Today was the first day of second terms exams, so I had to make sure I handled fee drive, making sure those that are still owing pay before writing exams, I also had to make sure the exams were ready, one of my subjects, literature in English was taken today. It was a very busy day for me. What made it stressful for me was due to the fact that, the exams were not even ready, so the exams began at about 12pm instead of the fixed time of 9am. So we finished late at about 3pm, today's exams was 2 subjects for different classes.

Morning devotion

Exams ongoing

Took a little time out of my supervision time to take a shot

Some students still writing even when they were asked to submit


After close of work, I went with my little friends to pick their sibling, then from there I went back home. When I reached the house, the first thing I did after dropping my bag was to have a cold bath, I felt refreshed thereafter, then I took a light food which was soaked garri, a processed cassava, I sipped it and started marking my script. After about 2 hours, I went into the kitchen, made garri and soup and ate before going back to continue marking, the marking might be finished today or I might continue tomorrow. As a lady or woman, no matter how tired or stressed one is, one must make soup that is why, I take time on weekends to make soup and other dishes and out in the fridge because it's very tiring coming back from work Abd trying to cook at that time. So this was how my day went. It's almost the same routine everyday, tho sometimes I create time to read novels or watch movies. The exams continues till the end of this week meaning I will be supervising everyday. Thank you for giving me the chance to share with you about my day.

My small friend

Marking today's exams script

Might continue marking tomorrow.
All shots originally by me from Infinix note 5

I invite @etette, @nsisong2022 to join in this contest.

 4 months ago 

I can see that even you are so busy Destinedhanik, you still enjoyed your day.

Hello! Your diary entry beautifully captures the essence of balancing multiple responsibilities as a dedicated teacher and a responsible family member. Your commitment to your work and your family shines through in each paragraph, reflecting your resilience and dedication. Despite the challenges you faced, your positive attitude and determination to fulfill your duties are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your day with us.

 4 months ago 

Thank you

 4 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

Hi @destinedhanik

You have effectively depicted the role of a woman through your diary. I believe women naturally get the skill of multi-tasking and the ability to take any responsibility in the family. I wish you luck in the contest!

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@destinedhanik what a detailed and eventful day you have had! Its truly inspiring to see how you gracefully handle your responsibilities as a teacher and a homemaker. Your dedication to your students and family shines through in every aspect of your day. Wishing you continued success and strength as you juggle your various roles. Good luck with the contest

 4 months ago 

Thank you

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