"My Entry, "Women in the Spotlight " #02"

in Steem For Ladies7 days ago


Greeting my steemian friends. I am glad to participate in this interesting contest because I have a lot to write.

Who Is Called A Skilled Housewife?


A skilled housewife is someone who manages the household and family responsibilities well.

This includes doing things like cooking, cleaning, organizing, child or children care and sometimes home maintenance.

A skilled housewife often has the abilities such as time management, multitasking, resourceful and problems solving.

What Are Her Qualities?


The Qualities Of A Skilled Housewife Often Include:

  1. A skilled housewife has the ability to keep the household running smoothly, managing resources and maintaining order.

  2. She efficiently multi tasks and takes responsibilities in the home.

  3. She cooks and prepares nutritious and various meals, often on a budget.

  4. A skilled housewife keeps the home clean and well-maintained.

  5. A skilled housewife manages household finances, budgets for expenses and saving.

  6. A skilled housewife finds solutions to everyday challenges and unexpected issues.

  7. She communicates effectively with family members both immediate and extended family.

  8. She makes the best use of available resources and find creative solutions.

  9. She also nurtures the family by providing emotional support and care for family members.

  10. A skilled housewife remains patient and resilient in the face of challenges.

On What Basis Do Women Make Their Monthly Budget?

We usually make our monthly budget based on the following factors:

  1. The total monthly income from all sources like salary and any other earning.

  2. Fixed expenses such as rent payments, utility bills, loan repayments, and subscription services.

  3. Variable expenses that can fluctuate each month like groceries, transportation, entertainment, dining and clothing.

  4. Allocating a portion of the income for savings, emergency funds etc.

  5. Expenses related to children's needs. For families like mine that is yet to have kids we can start saving for our children in a separate account.

  6. Medical expenses including health insurance, medications and routine medical visits. We don't have to wait until we become sick to start looking for money to treat ourselves. We need to always plan for emergency medical challenges.

  7. We also should budget for our goals such as saving for a vacation, building the family house, buying a new car or home improvements.

What Challenges Do Women Face In Making A Budget?

Women can face a range of challenges when it comes to making a budget. Some of these challenges are:

  1. Irregular or unpredictable income can make it difficult for us to plan and allocate money for different things consistently.

  2. Unexpected expenses like sudden medical emergencies, home repairs or other unexpected costs can affect a planned budget that we had for a particular month.

  3. Imagine going to the market with the mindset of buying a particular thing at the same price you bought last month but reaching the market there are changes in the prices of essential goods and services. This will seriously affect the ability to stick to a budget.

  4. A lack of financial literacy can make it hard to create and manage an effective budget so we need to gain some financial knowledge for us to be able to live according to budget.

  5. Balancing the different needs and desires of family members can be challenging. Imagine your junior brother, sister or parent being in need and you have to help out. It will sure affect your budget plan for that particular month.

  6. Economic conditions such as inflation or unemployment can impact household finances. For example the economic situation in my country 🇳🇬 has really affected my monthly budget. Prices of things are increasing by the day and my organization has not increase my salary.


By considering the basis of making monthly budget as I have listed above, we can create a comprehensive monthly budget that helps manage our finances effectively.

It's important to avoid owing because for me, debts have a way of drawing me backward in life. But if you owe, you have to include the refund plan in your monthly budget.

Addressing these challenges involves promoting financial literacy, advocating for a better pay, and ensuring better support for women in various stages of their careers and personal lives.

I invite @blessedbee @endurance2 @joymm to join this contest.

Thanks for reading my post💕

 7 days ago (edited)
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Saludos amiga gracias por compartir tu post con nosotros hablando de manera explícita de este tema realmente las amas de hogar llevan una gran responsabilidad pero se que lo hacemos con amor. Eres elegible para el club75 ya puedes utilizar esa etiqueta.

 6 days ago 

Thank you very much for your reply and eligibility. I really appreciate this recognition.

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