Diary Game : Found My Cup Of Tea, The Cutie Mulberry (Oct. 2nd, 2023)

in Steem For Ladies9 months ago


Found my cup of tea, the cutie Mulberry

Bonsoir my stunning ladies 🥰.
How's life ? May Yaa Wahhab always hug you in peace & love. I send a warm regards and smile for you from far, my fellas 🤍😇

Woke up in the morning, I and my friend drank our lemon infused water which one we made last night before we hit the pillow. I shake my legs to my white lavender towel and take a shower.

After get dressed I and my friend immediately took some cleaning tools to clean our house. I choosed to sweep the mat & floor meanwhile my pretty friend choosed to swept our yard plus mop the floor. Yep, that’s one of our daily routine every morning.


Prepared ourself to go to shopping in the modern market

After got breakfast my friend, I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit in my living room. I reply plus gave some comments and votes some posts, too. In the noon I taken a bath again. Yeah, my stunning friend asked me to go to Samudera Swalayan Madiun City, East Java to bought our daily needs. We made that planning from last night, indeed.

Meanwhile waiting for Gocar online transportation came to us, we pick some of mulberry fruits on the side of the road. Hmmm..., I do love this fruits, definitely.

First time I saw Mulberry when I was teaching in Kampung Inggris Pare, Tulung Rejo, Kediri, East Java.

As far as I concerned, Mulberry has a lot of advantages for our bodies such as rich of antioxidant, vitamin C, good for our immune system & digestion, able to control our blood sugar, avoid from cancer and so forth. So that's why I am walking on air of this adorable fruit

No doubt, I am over the moon to eat this fruits, Mulberry when every single time I found it. I ate those fruits meanwhile waiting for the Gocar’s driver picked us up in the day like an oven.


Found my cup of tea, Mulberry

Alhamdulillah several minutes later we arrived at Samudera Swalayan what3words.com at Pahlawan Street, Pangongangan, Madiun City, East Java. Rather crowded at that time.

We bought our daily goods such as shampoo, hair conditioner, hand & body lotion, detergent powder, tooth paste and so forth.


We were buying our daily necessaries at Samudera Swalayan what3words.com at Pahlawan Street, Pangongangan, Madiun City, East Java


I was teaching my pretty student from one of the popular senior high school in Madiun City, East Java in my English private class

Several hours later I went to Maospati to teach my new students by motorcycle. She is a pretty lady. She is a student in one of the popular senior high school in Madiun City, East Java. Alhamdulillah we had a good first impression in our first meeting. Like my habitual actions, after open my class with Basmallah and a little du’a, I asked her to introduce herself first in English. I try to guide her in that day how to introduce ourself with simply things in English. I gave my lovely student some of daily vocabs, too. I teach her about an hours & fifteen minutes. We closed our class with Hamdallah and warm smile.

After get dinner with my second mother plus some of tutors, I back to my house to Madiun City with others tutor by motorcycle. It was freezing evening. Lucky me I was wearing my jacket to protect my body from catch a cold.

I taken a bath again for the third times then get dressed. I had a small talks with my friend in our living room. A few hours later I continued to make some posts for Steemit on my laptop.

Have a blessed night my stunning ladies. Stay healthy & happy everywhere you go, sweety...

Big thank you to Mrs. @patjewell @ruthjoe @solperez @pandora2010 @aviral123 & @ngoenyi for the supports 💖🥰.

Warm regards,



Selamat menikmati lingkungan barunya ya dek, bahagia selalu disana ya. Wah asyik sekali memetik buah mulberrynya😊

 9 months ago 

MasyaaAllah, terima kasih banyak Kakak sayang atas do'a-do'a baiknya 🥰 Semoga Yaa Rahim senantiasa melindungi kita dimanapun kita berada 🤲🏻😇
Iya Kak, buah mulberrynya Nemu di pinggir jalan sambil nunggu grab, Kak 😚😂
Sehat & bahagia selalu di sana yak, Kak @dederanggayoni 🥰💝🤗


 9 months ago 

Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote as a contest winner.
The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.
"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated. If approved, you will receive an upvote within the next few days."

As the voting period of this post is closing in a couple of hours you will have to write another post that we can submit.

Good luck!

PS: Remember to CC me in your post.

 9 months ago 

Alhamdulillah big thank you for selecting my post as one of the winners in this lovely community 🥰💝🤗
I highly appreciate it 😊
May God blessed your life, my lovely friend 🤍😇

 9 months ago (edited)

Pleasure! 🎕
Thank you! Blessings right back at you!

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