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RE: Choices... Freezer

in Steem For Ladieslast month

Come on, take your shoes off and hop in.


I had a freezer in my childhood at my grandmother's house. It was the best thing ever. You can sit inside if you aren't a good conductor of electricity😊

Don't try this at home.
It's just a child's wish.

Funfact: when our freezer aged, its lock refused to work anymore. My elders would lock it and we (kids) would open it using a spoon effortlessly (felt like proud burglars back then🙆)

 last month 

Some have no locks. It's a good place to hide unless no one is searching for you and they switch it on.

Ah, a spoon is a great tool! My granny told never to use the knives, forks and spoons to open anything with 😉

It's good for dead bodies too 😐

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