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RE: What would happen to SPinvest if silverstackeruk went offline?

in SteemLeo4 years ago

All projects start with a great degree of centralization and then move towards decentralization. SPInvest is, what, 8 months old? That is not enough time to get a fully decentralized system.

As noted progress was already made and is going in that direction. The tokens are spreading out, albeit slowly. More people getting involved could help. So could supporting each of the different "leg" (Spinvest-LEO and NEO).

We are doing fine. There is a lot going on in the crypto world with very limited time. Since few (to none) are truly full time, there is only so much that can be accomplished.

My view is each project just needs to keep forging ahead. For SPInvest, that means keep the wheels turning generating a return. It is not easy with so few people but we can do it. Sometimes getting through the grinding times is the toughest.

Posted via Steemleo


@taskmaster4450le you are spot on....We need to keep moving forward! I have mentioned to @silverstacker that @spinvest, @spinvest-leo and @spinvest-neo are the top notch projects on Steem!!

I agree,

I write this sort of post so that people can know what to expect in the future. I do think i will need to go offline someday to test if SPinvest can go fully decentralized are not but that day is many moons away. As your comment says and i agree, we are not there yet. Numbers of investors and club members is too small, which is not always a bad thing either.

Thank you for your feedback man :)

@taskmaster4550, Any thoughts on this here. Something that Steemleo has created - Proof of Holding

Could be an easy way to introduce an ongoing dividend payment if we ever wanted to.

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