Is Dlive just another corporate acquisition?

in SteemLeo5 years ago

I was reading the other day that Dlive was acquired by Tron founder, Justin Sun and I was wondering about this considering decentralization because obviously, it is not and can never be as it has an owner. Doesn't this just make Dlive YouTube or Twitch on a blockchain? Well of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but at some point what this means is that it is going to face the same challenges that all other centralized media does and that is, the temptation to restrict users. Again, there is nothing wrong with this either, I just find it interesting.

I actually find it funny that people complain about the behaviors of centralized platforms and the way they manage their user resources (they definitely aren't thought of as human), as they are private enterprises, companies designed to make profits for shareholders. Of course profits are going to come before users because that is their duty as corporations. It isn't some kind of community duty for these corporations to act in the best interest of the people, it is up to the community - the users - and as we see time and time again, most are going to go for convenience of usage while complaining about how they are treated in the same way a teen will complain about their parents rules... But...

"While you are under my roof..."

The problem is that we as the consuming teens keep choosing to live under their roofs as we are akin to the millennials who never got a job and earned enough to move out and get our own place. I think this is visible on Steem also, as while this has the potential to be our own place, many are still unwilling to front the money for the lease, even though that "money" can be earned on the platform.

The thing with Steem is that while any business built upon it can be acquired, including Steemit Inc, Steem the blockchain cannot be, or at least not easily as it would require buying from many thousands of people who are all negotiating separately. This is a pro and con of course, but I believe that the pros outweigh the cons as I would rather have the relative security but volatility of a distributed network than live under the yoke of centralized control.

Dlive was always designed to be acquired as it had startup angel investment put into it (20M if I remember correctly) and that means putting in an exit plan. That makes it no different to any other startup looking to get in, make some hype and sell to the highest bidder. I wonder, how many of the Dlive end users are profiting from the deal? I will have to look into the details later. This isn't bad per se, but none of this is user focused.

Steem operates differently and while it can house something like Dlive and a thousand other media delivery applications, the platform itself cannot be sold out from under stakeholders and users, even though every application has the potential to be as they are on the layer above the blockchain. I wonder what happens to the Dlive users if Tron decide it is not performing well enough and cut access to the blockchain? Back to Lino?

I think this is quite interesting to think about as essentially anyone can run an experience on the Steem blockchain and no one can really do much about it as the infrastructure is open to all to utilize, which is part of the censorship resistance. And another part of the censorship resistance is that because this is the case, no pressure can be placed on any point to remove some other application or content without a massive amount of consensus between distributed witnesses. This means that the Steem blockchain can have anything connect to it for the transaction capabilities while still having centralized governance of the application itself, including the content hosting as Steem only holds text data.

What I do think needs to happen on Steem however is that the developers have to start seriously considering the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of their applications and start building places that end users love, not because it is decentralized or because there is earning potential, but because the design is fluid, convenient, beautiful and engaging. If we are building for Web 3.0, it shouldn't look and act like it was created in 1996.

For those that might be worried about Steem not getting bought by Justin Sun, it was never a possibility and all he could buy would be Steemit Inc and whoever else was willing to sell their Steem to him. While savvy, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who wants to empower end users, he looks like someone who wants to own the platform - all of it. Nothing wrong with that approach, but that makes it much the same as what we already have a great deal of in the world, the desire of another mega corp.

The next few years are going to be interesting however, pay attention to what you want and make sure where you spend your time helps you get to where you want to be. Some places like Steem empower you as an owner, others allow you to be an employee.

[ a Steem original ]


Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

A critique I have for your statement is that Steemit Inc. really does own enough STEEM to effectively "own" it in the sense of governance. If they don't want someone to be a witness or they do want someone to be a witness they have the voting influence to decide.

Another example that can be used is Steemit Inc.'s delegation to Steemcleaners. In a truly decentralized atmosphere, you would not have a "blacklist" of people that a massively powerful account could punish for behavior they dislike. If Steem were completely decentralized, including token distribution, it would mean that individuals could downvote you or put you on their own blacklists but not an organized collective such as Steemcleaners.

If they don't want someone to be a witness or they do want someone to be a witness they have the voting influence to decide.

They have about 60-70 million SP, which is massive of course, but technically could be offset by the community. And, they would also know that if they did that, the chain would never recover.

As for Steemcleaners, they have stake and can use it, but Steemcleaners does not stop anyone from posting at all.. Downvoting and blacklisting has no effect on whether someone can post their content. And, there are organized collectives that do similar with downvotingand policing that aren't Steemit Inc based. steemflagrewards is one of them.

Doesn't this just make Dlive YouTube or Twitch on a blockchain? Well of course, there is nothing wrong with that

It's a waste of money. That's what's wrong with that. A blockchain serves a single purpose: to facilitate distributed consensus in a trustless manner.

Not for the investor exit plan though 😁

Sure, there are people who will throw money at anything with the word blockchain attached to it.

I think he just wants to own stuff and can't be bothered building a community of owners.

This is an amazingly cogent post. This is the very meat of the matter. The purpose of the blockchain is Decentralization and distributed Consensus, buying a centralized platform and putting it on the blockchain and calling it decentralized is like putting a saddle on a cow and calling it a racehorse. Sure it’s got a saddle (blockchain) but don’t show me something with utters cow 🐄 and tell me it’s a horse 🐎
LOL 😂🤣

MOOOOooooooo ehm... oh... neeeeiiiiigh :D

Awesome analogy. 😁😂😂

What I do think needs to happen on Steem however is that the developers have to start seriously considering the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of their applications and start building places that end users love

Been saying this for months while everyone was dicking around talking about buzz words that mean nothing to the end user.
If crypto at large wants to continue "rotting" in its ideologies we should let it, STEEM doesnt have to.

Decentralized options will develop but that should have never been the primary focus of any dapp on any blockchain. Not a single thing matters if the user experience sucks or it cant compete with the mainstream legacy options in usability.
Anyone that thinks otherwise is stuck in a cultist mindset..

What I have never understood is why it is this way when there are already decent design models available. Just copy and adapt for blockchain integration.

Maybe that code isn't openly available? If someone wanted to copy FB, Twitter or Instagram for example...

Posted using Partiko Android

It is just in the design elements, the layout and the points of gamification. There are plenty of Web designers that can do the job as coders aren't generally the greatest facilitators of end user experience.

You're right! Coders generally don't have empathy...

I tihnk there is a difference in interest and focus. Tech people often are process/detail orientated. End users are more reason (why)/ possibility focused. End user experience needs to give people the reason to and then a smooth flow toward getting a future result - this normally means clear and without complication and complexity. I have had to learn "how to Steem" and force myself to understand the technical aspects to some level in order to participate and do what I like to do. Most end users will not go over such hurdles, they want convenient.

This. Steempeak does a good job - absolutely stellar compared to steemit.

Wait, what? DLive's back again?

Yes! On Tron soon :D

It never left, just left steem.

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