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RE: #2020Vision Diary: Day 15

in SteemLeo4 years ago

Well, the only one I am familiar with in that list is Gary & that would be epic to hear you to talk like him!😹🤣 I feel you have the same sincerity & drive like he does but not sure about the colorful language LOLOL. Anyways, I prefer you to be YOU! Bring your own style to the videos. I do that in mine, even though there are a lot of spiritual channels on YouTube. I prefer to bring my own authenticity to the screen. But I am sure you already knew this ...😉

I hope your day is productive, but a little less chaotic. Thank you for continuing to #pushon in the #2020Vision challenge. Lots more great stuff coming up!🧚‍♀️🙌🦄💜🌱☕️

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Yes. Gary is no longer just a cult hero, he's also a mainstream hero now :)
I don't have the same drive as he has, because my struggles and motivation were/are different from his. We do have the second generation entrepreneurship in common.

Casey Neistat is one of the best storytellers ever, you should check him out. The other two are for a much younger audience, but do give you an idea of the pinnacle of current YouTube stardom.

And yes, of course, I went for my own style :)

How funny...I am watching Gary right now. Yes he has a unique energy. I have his passion but in a different way. That's also important - we all have our own style! 🙌♥️

I will check out Casey out, for sure. I love a good story. 🙌😉

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