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RE: Brave Browser has a MAJOR issue you should know about

in SteemLeo5 years ago

Holy ...shit.
I have Brave and had started to set up the wallet part but then stopped because I had signed up with my new name (Phoenix), which isn't legal yet, so I decided I'd just let it build up and wait until it WAS legal and then I'd set up the account.
Biometric data?? What the actual fuck? Nevermind, won't be doing that then...
I guess I'll just tip out the BAT I've earned so far to others who may have already done all that. Now I'm super curious whose biometrics are stored as regards corporate entities who are signed up to receive BAT like Steemit, and The Guardian news site. Did Ned give them his retina scan? O.o


Haha, good questions!

Thanks for sharing your experience with it. That's what I mean, they make each step seem like the final one, but then there's another, more invasive one, right behind it. Then you arrive at the biometric step (which I assume was actually the last one). They did NOT say that was coming! I'm certain, because I always watch for this kind of "signup scam". First it's just a field asking for your email address, and everybody's got one of those, so we do it. Then, we have to confirm (prove that's really your address), which is a pain, but gets you to the next step. Which is usually more invasive, like personal info, but you give it because you've come this far. But then you're stuck with even worse steps, and finally a step you would NEVER have contemplated, had you not been coaxed into doing so. And a lot of people aren't like you or I... they'll acquiesce and go along to get along... they'll run off and grab their government ID, and scan their retinas with their Smart cam, and tell them their mother's maiden name and where they were first kissed. Meanwhile the company admits it's sharing this data with other companies, which use other programs and apps and companies to analyze it. Hell to the no, that's the OPPOSITE of protecting my privacy, that's attaching my biometrics to every website I visit, everyone I talk to, everything I download. People who install that all the way through are willingly turning their device or computer into a sophisticated spying machine, operated by big tech and the alphabet agencies. We have enough privacy worries without purposely bringing them into our lives.

I bet their signups would drop in half if they admit "your biometric data will be collected and attached to your internet activity" up front, BEFORE tricking people into getting 3/4 of the way through signup!

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