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RE: SPinvest's total value measured in over 20 different assets

in SteemLeo4 years ago

If I'm going to guess it's more wishfull thinking than a reasonable guess. So let me try some numbers.

There are now around 100.000 SPI tokens issued. If this year 100 tokens a day were issued that would amount to 36500, let's make that 40.000. The buy back wall is probably going to need a refill, so that's another 3000. So that's 143.000 by the end of the year. Let me make it a bit more optimistc and say 145.000 tokens. Now what will be the steem price at the end of the year? Again being cautious I'd say around 35 cent. So, that's 50.750 in dollars. The total of SE-Wallet and offchain investments is a little over $1700 at the moment. If that were to double it would be a great result. So that would make a little under $3500, making a total of $54250, let's call that $55.000.

I'll be the first to hope that number will turn out to be overly pessimistic... :-)

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