No Real Bottom for the Dollar … (Death of the Dollar–10) with Video

in SteemLeo5 years ago

This permanent round of money-printing will rob us of our savings and wealth.

– Flash Points –

1 – Since 1913, the dollar has lost 98% of its value.
2 – The US$ seems strong, but only when compared to other currencies.
3 – Zero-interest rates killed the economy.

The Atlantis Report – There is No Real Bottom for The Dollar

– Synopsis –

In this timely video, we are told how the crony capitalists have destroyed any semblance of “real capitalism.”  They have done so by engaging in corporatism, cronyism, predatory capitalism, distorted economics, and worse.

The End is Here

Since the 2008 crash, there has been no economic recovery – regardless of what the media or the politicians say. Any growth has been illusory, and most profits are the result of nothing more than the big bubble of hot air.

As Gerald Celente said, “Capitalism ended with the bailouts”  – that is, with the first round of Quantitative Easing (QE). The subsequent rounds of QE were simply flogging a dead horse.  

Hold Gold

The powers-that-be realize that a collapse is coming, and they are preparing for it. We can, too.

The only reliable form of money with which to preserve your wealth is gold. While the dollar and other currencies drop to their intrinsic value of zero, precious metals will retain their value.   (Image source)

– Insight from Outside – 

The destruction of “real capitalism”  means that the economy is doomed. We hear reports of a “strong economy,”  but that’s only true for the crème de la phlegm.

The capitalism that we have today works well and looks good for only the top 10% or so. For all the rest of us, it actually works AGAINST us.   (Image source)

Free Money, Forever 

Given the current “not-QE to infinity,”  the powers-that-be clearly intend to print money forever. Not only will this permanent round of QE create only fake “wealth”  – it will also rob the middle and lower classes of any wealth they may have saved over the years. 

Real Money, Now   

The only alternative is to hold gold. Recently, Poland, Hungary, and Serbia have repatriated much of their gold that had been held overseas. They are following the lead of Germany, the Netherlands, and others. Moreover, Russia, China, and more countries have been purchasing tons of gold.   

Clearly, now is the time to buy. The prices of gold and silver have been suppressed for years, meaning that both are currently very cheap. And potentially very, very lucrative.   (Image source)


Dear @majes.tytyty

This permanent round of money-printing will rob us of our savings and wealth.

It's hard not to agree with that statement. Amount of money that US printed lately and is planning to pump into system within next weeks is insane. I'm very curious how long will it last before all those newly created currency will not be enough.

Right now "liquidity" issues (mostly within REPO market) are kind of solved.

3 – Zero-interest rates killed the economy.

I've myself not sure if zero-interest rates are yet a killer. As long as we're not in negative territory then it's probably not so bad.

Sometimes I'm wondering what would be impact of negative interests rates and I was amazed to discover that EU entered this negative territory (-0.1%) already 5 years ago. And it didn't really affect local economonies so far in any major way.

So even if it does have an impact on economy, it seem that we may not "feel" it for many years ahead. Perhaps.

Upvote on the way :)
Yours, Piotr

You're right in saying that the effects / impacts have not appeared yet. That's cuz the low rates and the continued printing result in the can being continually kicked down the road. So, there's no impact .... YET.

But this kind of foolish policy is like a junkie who takes more heroin when he starts to feel bad. The immediate result is that he suddenly feels better, even great.

However, we all know what will happen to the junkie. The same thing that will happen to the economy that's been addicted to constant injections of free money.

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