How do I track and achieve my (financial) targets?

in SteemLeo4 years ago


today, the number one comment producer on, @taskmaster4450le, asked me a question, ironical or not, on how do I keep up with my targets as I keep adding new ones every day.

Well, as I work in a very fast paced, task driven environment, to be more precise, in the automotive world, where every task was due yesterday and every target exceeds the agreed number by at least 30%, I need to have a system put up in place to keep up with the multitude of topics.

First would be task and target assessment and prioritization. If it takes under 5 minutes with solving, sorting and archiving it, then it is done on the spot, it is more efficient and I don't have to load up my memory with it.

This step, of assessing and prioritization of tasks is I think the most important for the long run. I do change my targets into tasks, as they are easier for me mental to manage.


I'm still working old school, with pen&paper. This is my actual planner for 2020. I write everything that I have to do in there, also the new tasks. On a daily basis I review them and put priorities, the hardest task being the first one. Between tasks I leave some recreational brakes where I usually go for a walk or do a phone call to switch the mindset.

Of course I use the computer also, to help me with them. I used MS-Project on big ones, but this I can't and I don't want to pay for it, I've build my own Gantt-Charts in a spreadsheet as a template for every new one. Templates are crucial, as they save a lot of time.

There are important and urgent tasks, that I tackle first, but try to work also on important but not urgent tasks on a daily basis, as this bring the most rewards with them.

I don't do all tasks that I have. Either I decline them or just don't do them as they are irrelevant. Saying no is the best thing for achieving any target. No to all things that don't bring you any benefit, being it now or on the long run. Like this, people will learn to appreciate you and your time more.

Every week I plan my tasks and review them on a daily basis. A task can be postponed 3 times, before it needs to be done, even if it very painful. A task that is not scheduled is not relevant or important.

Emails are a killer, I get about 150-200 daily. Here I put a filter that I get first the ones where I'm not on CC to work on them. If a CC email is important, the person will usually send a reminder directly to me. :)

The day is split into job work, personal projects and family time. All 3 are important and till now, I don't have a balance between them. I just could not find the magic key for them. One seems to be left behind on a daily basis and here is my choice which one. I've put for to long the first two as priorities. Now that my kid is here, family needs to remain on top spot, so one of the other two suffers. If you have here a tip on how to cover all in a day, and not by choosing to do less, I would be thankful.

Every long term task or target I try to split into project steps and this also into smaller parts that can be done in a day.
We as humans tend to overestimate what we can do in short period of time and underestimate on the long run. This is why I split everything and add them up in the end. Targets that seem unachievable for a year, if they are split let's say in a week, seem easy to be achieved.

So to sum things up here:

  • task assessment and prioritization is the key
  • fast tasks to be done on the spot
  • the word NO is my best friend
  • weekly and daily tracking and accountability
  • targets/tasks split into small daily projects

Do you have a system set up where you track your targets and yourself?


Well, tracking my targets is not so hard, as they are modest. Achieving them is another thing... :)

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