Team goal getters My enthusiasm booster

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

@ijelady and i


I must say am really happy to be back on this space again, lots of things had happened that got me weighed down and not focused which I shared with my team leader @ijelady and I must indeed commend her leadership characteristics for always being there to encourage me. The click of people we move around with can either leave positive or negative impact on us and for me I must say my path crossing with team goal getters was indeed ordained by God for a time like this.

There are many things that we most times go through and we just need people to be there to give us that affirmation of hope and a push to keep forging ahead and team goal getters indeed has this qualities and this won't have been possible without the leadership of a great woman in the person of @ijelady , I want to say a very big thank you for always being there any time I call and may Jehovah continue to reward you for your kind gesture .

Reasons I choose my team over others

  • uniqueness : it can only take a team that is unique to constantly check on her members well being without giving up on them no matter how long it takes for her members to be up again

  • Best leadership : Do you know that what a leader does can either have a positive or negative impact on her members? Yes it is very important for a leader to be mindful of whatever he or she does knowing that he or she has followers.

    For me, my team leader with all amount of sincerity is indeed the best, I as a person convert her leadership qualities, once she is committed to a course , she runs it with the mindset of possibilities, her zeal is second to none and this is why am so much in love with my team.

  • Consistency : My team leader always dwells on the word "consistency", this is our watch word when u come across team goal getters.

  • Constantly learning : Anyone who refuses to learn cease to grow, and for my team we are committed to learning so as to be on the same page with the global revolution.

  • Conclusion

    I have really missed so many friends on this space especially my super leader @focusnow, am glad I have my confidence back , all thanks to my admirable leader God bless you

 2 years ago 

Babe am glad to have you back. In as much as i dont call you. you are always in my mind. Welcome dear. We missed you too.

Thanks you so much dear for always having me in mind


Congratulations! This article has been manually curated using our community account. Always publish great content, free of plagiarism and make sure you are participating in club5050, club75 or club100. Congratulations once again, hoping to see your next publication soonest!

Curation by: @focusnow20
For: Steemalive

I enjoy beautiful write ups like this. I t teaches one to appreciate the little Love others have for us as well as the great things they do to improve on our lives. When you love someone the person is always in your mind and you are always there for him. Great

Yes you are indeed right , it is good to always give our shoulders to friends when necessary and team goal getters always have my back

 2 years ago 

Hello dear,it's glad to know that you choose this team over the others and because of some good reasons.

Wish I am living in your town I would have joined you guys.

 2 years ago 

You are true leader and a desr friend @yimzyemazor. I can't afford to miss your smile in our team. From the day you join steemit and team goal-getters, you have been outstanding. We love you and continue to love you. All the Challenges you are facing now will be a story soon.

*Please you need to power up to be in a club. Whatever steem you have power it up to maintain your club.

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Ok ma thanks noted I will do just that

Here , is very good to have you back and hope everything is fine . As per team relation . Is being very open how far the team leader hast gone interns of helping out each difficult finding user . And as per team rating uniqueness and leadership build great team .

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