The Diary Game Season 3 (20/02/2021) || How I Spent My Saturday: Meeting with Ben and Steve

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Memories are better saved in written words than in the mind. May I share with you my Saturday in letters. Waking up Saturday morning was not as tiresome as the previous mornings. This may be due to the fact that I had slept early on the eve.

I was happy to have woken up early. The weather was cool as the wind of Harmattan had just started blowing the days before - a drift from its usual season of December and early January in eastern Nigeria. Despite the change, the weather was welcomed. It was not dusty and did not interfere with my activities as I started my day.

It is customary to begin my day with a time with my maker. I hear from him by reading a portion or some portions of the scriptures and meditating on what they say. Then I talk to him by prayer. This was the start of my day. Thereafter, I checked my emails and social media pages and replied to a number of messages. Next, I cleaned up my house, made some food for myself and after eaten, I had a shower and left the house to catch up with two appointment with a friend, Ben and a business associate Steve.

When I was at Ben's home, I receive a call that would have left me devastated if I had not know the ploy of social media account hackers. The caller addressed me by name and said I did and advert on their platform, which I did on the said platform. He asked if I have been receiving calls from prospective buyers in connection with the add. I expressed my disappointment over the lack of wide publicity of the add. He then asked if I had Instagram and Facebook pages so that he can link those to my add. When I said yes, he promoted a password code to my number and asked that I call it out to him. That was when I realized that he was a thief and wanted to hack my account!

By this info, I also want you my friends to be on guard because many persons have been hacked. and what they do with your account can be very devastating and painful.

When I finished my meeting with Ben, I wanted to move to my business associate, Steve, But Ben pleaded I accompanied him to fix up a little fault for a client. Ben is a mechanic. I joined him in his motorcycle and found my self at far away Abuloma.



I was happy though it didn't take long a time for the problem to be fixed. We rode to his shop at Elekahia and finally, he dropped me off at First Artillery where I was to meet with Steve for a business talk. It was a good time with Ben around town.

My outdoors activities can to an end with my meeting with Steve and I retired home. Hungry, I made myself garri for dinner. Few other activities took place indoors before I retired to bed.

Thank you all for being part of my day. Thanks @talktofaith. Thanks @focusnow. Thanks @steemcurator01 Thanks @steemcurator02


Hi @vincentibe.
You had a great day... Thanks to God.

One has to be aware 9f these hackers all over the country. If you had not known, your accounts would have been hacked. Thank God you knew their tricks.

@tmighty it was not a joke. Thank you very much

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