Diary Game Season 3|| How I Spent My Day|| 01-07-21

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


Hello Guys, here I am with my diary to tell you how my day went, hang in tight cos we’re about to take off.
I usually wake up around 4:30 AM, pick up my phone and check for new messages, when everyone else got up, Mom prepared breakfast and we ate.
Big Bro took off for work and left me with a storey building design for a client which I’ll send to him through WhatsApp when I’m done, turning the generator on I started drafting.
A little while later Kindness (@kindbaron) joined I and Rex (@rexgeorge) in the room to charge his phone, he and @rexgeorge were playing a co-op PvP game while I went ahead with the building plan.


The first step in drafting a building is to set out the size of the land to avoid overbuilding; according to the Town Planning Authority a building should occupy 45% of the piece or parcel of land, that’s the problem most architects encounter.
One thing is that your client will want his land to accommodate as many rooms as possible, it’s your job as an Architect to make it fit and not occupy more than 45% of the plot.
After I had the land set out through the information provided by his survey plan, I now went on to place the building in it and make adjustments where needed.
win 1.jpg

win 2.jpg

When I was through with the modeling, I exported it for rendering.

win 3.jpg

win 4.jpg

When the work was done and sent across to Big Bro.

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Image 02_000.png


I joined the duo to play games with another friend from Asia, we played for hours until our batteries were low, we went outside to splinter logs of wood for frying cassava tomorrow



Moments later Big Bro was home and sent for more fuel.
I embarked on yet another building plan till Mom came home around 7:25 PM and prepared dinner.

 3 years ago 


Well done for the way you are helping your elder brother, in doing some work keep it up, i still love your architect work, can i learn it

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