7 Day Writing Challenge Day 2 - Diary Game || How I Spent My Sunday || My Isi Nri Akwa Ceremony By @uzoma24

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


Background source



Hello friends how was your day, I hope everything went your way today? Am glad to share with you diary of my Sunday the 22nd of August 2021. On this day, I travelled to inform the elders of my intention to join the adult male folks as a full flagged man - Isi nri akwa

My Morning

In the morning, I woke up at about 5am to arrange my bag because I was traveling to the village. Meanwhile, my parents in the company of my sister had gone some four days earlier to go prepare for the ceremony ahead.

After I was done packing my bags, I had my bath and set out, firstly, I had plans to go to the shop to finish up a clothe a client needed to pick up that Sunday morning for an event later in the day. When I was done with the clothe, I called the client and we agreed to meet up at Osisioma since I was traveling through Umuahia.
After I met the client and handed over his clothe to him, I entered a car going to Umuahia from Osisioma.


A selfie while in the car

On arriving Umuahia, I bought two loafs of bread and two cartons of drinks. Then, I entered a bus heading to Isinweke (my village) in about 30 minutes, I was home with my family.

I arrived home at about 10:30am, at this time, there were two visitors seated in our parlor with Dad, I greeted them warmly and went to see mum and my sister who were busy at the kitchen.


Food Before It Was starved


My Afternoon

After I ate and had a little chat, with my family, i relaxed to sleep since the occasion will start in the evening by 4pm. While I was fast asleep, my sister came to tell me that the elders had arrived.

I quickly got off the bed and freshened up, after they said their opening prayers, I walked in to greet them, they were very happy to have me. I practically went around to great the elders one after the other by shacking their hands till I had gone round. They told me to have a seat nearby to watch the proceedings.

After the opening prayers and blessing of the kola nuts, one person was appointed to help share the kola nuts and drinks. (palm wine, malt and beer)

While the meeting was ongoing, i received a call from one of my customers who had called to remind me of how important it was for me to deliver his clothes to him on Monday, this is because he needed it for an occasion on tuesday.


A Selfie with the elders - what3words

My Evening

By 4pm other matters concerning the umunna had been discussed to a very large extent, then they started sharing food, everyone was first searved rice, later on, akpu was also searved. By now I had started considering the possibility of returning to Aba that evening since the next day was a compulsory seat at home. At least, I needed to come get the agbada ready so that I can waybil to the client very early on Tuesday.

I had to excuse my father to let him know my intentions, he approved of it, I went inside to pack up my bag so as to joined Nkemdirim (my relation who was also return to Umuahia that evening) in his car to Umuahia from where I entered a bus to Aba. It was a smooth trip, I arrived my house at about 7:50 pm. I had my bath and had dinner of tea and bread and retired to bed because I was very tired.


Me with Nkemdirim



This ceremony is very important because it serves as an introduction to the second leg of the occasion which will hold early next January.

After these processes, I will be inducted properly into adulthood and resultantly, when ever I want, I can summon the elders, and if another person summons the elders I am qualified to attend. It also has some financial implications, this means that I will always contribute to any of their project or if a member dies.

That was a breakdown of how I spent my Sunday. I want to thank @steemalive and @focusnow for this beautiful contest.


You really had a lovely day with the elder in council at the ceremony. Most of all, am glad you arived at your destination safely.

Thanks for sharing your dairy.

@akam-theresa it was an amazing outing. thank you for stopping over my blog

Wawoow!!!!!!! Bells are just ringing on steemit anyhow and I was wondering what the bell was for.......

I never knew it's 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃. Am sure not missing out on this one.

Our able oga,,,, welcome to the adult male folks club😁.

 3 years ago 

How are the umunna doing? Lol.
That garden egg and sauce is for me.
Hope you were able to deliver the agbada.
Thanks for sharing

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