My local professionals. Profile of people that render useful services in my local environment. By @udyliciouz

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone, I am glad to take part in this contest organized by @steemalive.

Some of my local professionals that rendered useful services to me are:-

  1. Doctor
  2. Fashion designer
  3. Graphic designer
  4. Nurse
  5. Hair stylist
  6. Shoemaker
  7. POS agent


The name of one of the doctors who render useful services to me is Dr. Edidiong Frank (aka Dr. embryo). He graduated from university of uyo, uyo Nigeria.

FB_IMG_16295402420622685.jpg Dr Frank.


This is Dr. Frank during Covid 19 pandemic. He was one of those doctors who risked their lives in saving the life of many people in my state and in my country in general.

Office address


That is Doctor Frank in the hospital he is working with now. He is currently working in Ibom specialist hospital located in Ekit Itam, Itu local government area of Akwa Ibom State Nigeria.

Type of services provided by Dr. Frank


Dr. Frank is an obstetrician. He deals with pregnant women. He provides health care from pre-natal to post-natal care. He helps women when it comes to baby delivery. He also carry on Cesarean section so as to save the life of women. He also give drugs to help women get pregnant. That is to say he gives fertility treatments too.

Years of experience and why I choose him

Dr Frank has been in medical field for about 10 years now.
I choose Doctor Frank to be my obstetrician because he do give me all the attention I need. Be it at midnight he is always ready to care for me. All I need to do is just put a call across he will respond and come up with solution. He sometimes prescribe drugs for me through WhatsApp chatting, sometime we do video call because he want to see exactly how I am feeling at the moment. And if it is serious he will tell me to come to the hospital as soon as possible.
When I was pregnant with my first child, one day I started developing complication at night. He drove all the way from his house to my house so as to see me because I was unable to lie down just sitting. imagine a pregnant woman with that kind of situation sitting down all through the night. So he rushed to my house to attend to me. This really interesting to me. He will always be my doctor and I don't hesitate recommending him to people.


Fashion designer

The name of my fashion designer is Esther. She is a steemian, she introduced steemit to me. Her username is @esthyfashion. She can sew for Africa and steem to the moon.



@esthyfashion, my baby and I in a selfie captured by esthyfashion while sampling one of her finished products.

Office address


Esthyfashion shop is located at number 660 oron road uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria.

Type of services provided

Esthyfashion specialises in sewing women's wear such as office dress, jumpsuits, children's dresses, all kinds of traditional attires, asoebi, bridal robe and bridal shower wears, wedding gown etc.




These are some of the dresses she made for me.

She also make this beautiful dress for my country representative/city coordinator @ngoenyi.

See how beautiful she is .

Years of experience and why I choose her

Esthyfashion has been in the world of fashion for over 4 years now.
I choose her because she sews and deliver neat job. She doesn't disappoint even if it's urgent work. She will see and deliver it as if you gave her the clothes six months ago. Gone are those days I will not sew cloth because I don't have money. Why do I say so? it is because esthyfashion accept steem as medium of payment. So you see once I have the material I will sew with her because I will pay with steem.
she is not the type of tailor that will run and hide when her customers come to pick clothes.

Any other thing

She is industrious, why do I say so? Even with much clothes to sew she will still find time to promote steem to people in which I am a product of her steemit promotion. Even while going to a wedding she goes with steemit flyers and promote steem. For verification just visit her blog.
I love her so much and I'm trying hard to imitate her.


Graphic designer

The name of my graphic designer is Emmanuel Akpan. He is a family man. Who is the CEO of Emmaco computers. He is a father to 3 adorable princesses.


Office location

Mr Emmanuel Akpan office is located at No. 10 Mbak Road, Ifa Atai big junction.


Type of services provided

Emmaco computers provide the following services.
Designing and printing of identity card, complimentary card, wedding invitation card, wedding program, burial program, billboard and flex, typesetting and photocopy etc.


These are some of his work

Years of experience and why I chose him

He has been a graphic designer for more than 13 years now.
I just him because he knows what he is doing. He is expert in his field. You don't need to be telling him how to design your work. He will come up with a perfect design for you. When I went to pick my wedding program I was amazed at what I saw. It was one of a kind. He is so creative. I like referring people to him.



The name of my nurse is Mmeyene Ubengama. She is a trained nurse/midwife that knows what to do.


Hospital address

She is Matron in Nigeria navy specialist, ikot abasi, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria

That is nurse Mmeyene in the hospital.

Type of services provided

Nurse Mmeyene support and care for women during pregnancy, labour and birth. When she was working in a private hospital here in uyo, She was always the one lecturing us during antenatal visits. She needs to give us tips on how to care for ourselves during pregnancy, the type of food we should eat and the one we should avoid. She also check our weight and blood pressure as well as testing our sugar and protein level by means of urinalysis using a strip. After that should give our folder to the doctor for further examination.

That is nurse Mmeyene Ubengama helping a women deliver her baby.

Years of experience and why I chose her to be my nurse

She has been a nurse for more than nine years now.
I just her because she is friendly, loving, she is kind and caring. She loves her work as well as her patients. She always make me feel relaxed and comfortable whenever I visit the hospital and I will be looking forward for another antenatal visit. She gives me a listening ear and advise me on issues concerning health.


Hair stylist

The name of my hair stylist is Mrs. Deborah Christian. She is a mother of three children. Two boys and a girl.

That is my hair stylist.


Shop address

Her office is located at No. 230 Oron road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. With a registered name Debiz house of beauty.

That is my hair stylist in her shop

The type of services provided
She specialises in all kinds of braiding of hair, making of wigs, fixing of weavons, making children's hair and wedding hair. To fix nails and eyelashes as well as retouching of hair.

Years of experience and why I choose her

She has been on a hairstylist for over 17 years now.
I choose her because she knows how to make good and attractive hair. she is friendly and always apologize whenever she makes mistakes. She is a professional in her Field.


Shoe maker

The name of my shoe maker is Mr Friday. He is a family man with two children.

Shop address

My shoe Maker's place is located at If Atai big junction. He doesn't have a shop. He placed umbrella and sit under it to make shoes.


Type of services rendered to me

Mr. Friday mends my shoes when they have issues. He sometimes sew it prevent it from cutting while I'm using it.

Years of experience and why I choose him

Mr. Friday has been a shoemaker for 3 years now.
I chased him because he is humble. He doesn't have a shop yet but he chooses to sit under umbrella to make sure so as to earn a living. His ability endears him to me.


POS agent

The name of my POS agent is Agnes. She is a lady of about 23 years old.


Office location

My POS agents' office is located at I'm Atai big junction. Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria.

Type of services rendered to me and others

Her services includes

  • Cash withdrawal
  • Cash deposit
  • Cash transfer
  • Opening of account
  • Payment of Bills
  • Selling of airtime

Years of experience and why I chose her

Agnes has been working as POS agent for about years now.
I chose her because of her honesty. I do trust her with my money and she does same to me. And she has never disappoint me neither do I disappoint her. There was a day I ran out of cash and I went to her place the network was bad in the bank I was using (Zenith Bank). I was stranded and she decided to remove her money and give me without the debiting me and I promise to give her back as soon as the network issue is solved. I was so happy with her and promised to be doing business with her I like her and I will always patronize her.

Thank you for reading my contest.
This is my introductory post link

Special mentions


 3 years ago 

Hi @udyliciouz,

You have made a decent entry to the contest.You virtually have a friend or friends in almost all the professions;that's fantastic.

I would have loved if you can place the pictures side by side do that the post will look more beautiful.


 3 years ago 

Thank you, I will do that.


We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for the support

You've write in detailed about the professional profiles in your local environment. Thank you for sharing with us!

 3 years ago 

Thank you dear for visiting my blog

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