Diary game// how I spent my yesterday in church carol service by @tripplem
10% PAYOUT TO @steemalive
I woke up around 8am (Nigerian time) I said my prayers, I tidied up my room, replied some messages, made noodles and egg for breakfast, ate and got my stuffs ready for Christmas carol that was held in my church. Christmas carol is a service held in our church during the Christmas period to prep us for the coming of Christ and to make the memory of Christmas afresh in our minds.
My unit (streams theatre) has been practicing for this day through series of all night rehearsals. But finally the day is here. We were asked to assemble in church by 12 noon so that we can do the final rehearsal, when it was almost 12pm, I left the house to church.
Due to holdup and other unforeseen circumstances, I got to church few minutes past 1pm. I met with my unit members and we started rehearsals .... we did three different drama display and I featured in two.... the first one I acted as Mary and the second one I acted as one of the dance crew.
We did an Indian version of the story about the conception of Jesus where we mimicked the Indians and used their tones and attire to tell the story, it was a comedy actually and everybody laughed till their ribs cracked 🤣. I acted as Mary.
This is just a snippet of the drama, it was a bomb.... everyone laughed their heart out.... I think it’s because of the Indian tone we used and the slow mo and the dance steps and music and everything.
The Christmas carol featured other units from the church also like the different choirs we have and other displays from different people. We were asked to come dressed as any Christmas character, people dressed like Mary, Joseph, Herod, etc., but I chose to go dressed like a donkey
At the end of the event the best 3 dressers went home with undisclosed gifts.... of course don’t expect me to be one of them because I wasn’t 🤣.
The service also featured lots of give aways and Raffle draws.... 3rd winner went home with 2 sizeable chickens, 2nd winner went home with a turkey while the third winner went home with a goat.
Seriously the service was filled with shades of everything.
By the end of the service, I hung out with one of my unit member, we just went out to buy something to eat from an eatery, that was how we ended up going to three different eateries all in the name of looking for basmati rice (I hope I got the spelling) 🤣
After touring three different eateries and everything it was already 9:37pm, we said our byes and pathed ways, then I started going home.
When I got home I was already tired and stressed out and over fed, I just took my bath and slept off.
That was how I spent my yesterday, thanks for reading.