CONTEST | GIFTS | BY: @theopportunist

in SteemAlive3 years ago


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Source: pixabay


Gift giving is something that we do especially on special occasions and all cultures around the world share in this experience because they also perform the act of gift giving. From the ages past up till this present period in time gift giving has been an essential part of human connection, be it in love sharing or showing appreciation for ones efforts.

We shall be looking at some of the reasons why it is important to give gifts, the types of gifts that can be given and the occasions at which gifts are given out.

My name is Victor, i'm Nigerian, and my username is the @opportunist. Sit down and relax as i take you on a short journey while i discuss about Gifts.

What is a Gift?

A Gift is anything given to a person without that person having to pay or having to give something back in return. A gift is a free volition on the part of the giver, but sometimes the act of giving gifts might involve an expectation of reciprocity. Also, the word Gift can be used to refer to something or an act which makes the other party have an unusual feeling of happiness or makes them less sad, which could be a big favor, show of appreciation, or asking for forgiveness and kindness.

Generally, gifts are presented on occasions such as baby dedications, weddings, house warming, anniversary, etc.

Importance of Gifts

Giving gifts is seen to be a very crucial part of human interaction. As a matter of fact, you can even say the very act of giving gifts brings about a strong emotional connection between people, especially one they care about.

Here are some of the importance of giving gifts:

  • An Expression of Affection (love). A very strong importance of gift giving is using the gift to express your affection (love) for that person. Not everyone is born with suaveness, even those who are in possession of high eloquence may not always express their love in plain words. They can use gifts to show their affection.
    If a gift is thoughtful it can still have the same effect as words that are beautifully crafted. This helps to let the person whom is receiving the gifts know that you really value and treasure your relationship or connection with them: be it romantic or platonic.

  • Gives a Feeling of Being Special. A close friend of yours could be traveling, a co-worker could be retiring, or a family relation may entering into school, these are times where you can show gratification. You can give them gifts which have a personalized tone, this would in turn make the bond in your relationship with them to be stronger. In addition to this, it will make them have something that they use to remember you. Furthermore, they would come to see that you took your time to create something special for them, and they would appreciate you for that.

  • It Encourages People to Pay It Forward. There's a saying; 'One good turn deserves another'. In common terms, this means that 'If someone does you a favor, try to repay it.' This is applied to gifts giving too, when someone is given gifts as grateful and excited as he is, he should try to pay it forward and be generous to others. By giving out gifts, you not only make people to perceive you as a generous person; but you are infact making the recipient of your gifts grateful people.
    The act of freewill giving encourages others to give too; this doesn't have to be to your loved ones only. Strangers too can be affected by gifts given to them, it makes them feel happy, loved and trusted.

  • As a Reward For Doing a Good Job. As humans, we like to get praises and appreciation because that is how we are genetically wired. So whether it's your wife that got promoted, your mentor who had a successful month in his business, or a sibling who just had a new job, whenever you acknowledge their efforts and achievements, the feeling of excitement and happiness would overcome them.
    You may not have to be verbal in showing your appreciation for their efforts, you can show it through gift giving. This way the person that receives the gift would feel the appreciated more and would have the need to do more.

  • To Show You Are Sorry (Ease Your Guilt). As humans, we should accept the fact that everyone make mistakes. No one is perfect enough to be faultless. Normally, someone wouldn't go out of their way to hurt others on purpose, but sometimes all it take is a comment without thought, playful jibs or a difference in opinions which went to far.
    You may have had a time where you wronged another person or you feel immensely guilty for accidentally making someone hurt or make them have very bad feelings towards you. And you may not know how to express yourself with words or you believe that action speaks louder than words; giving a gift is a nice way to offer an apology. By so doing, you show the other person how remorseful you are and that you are willing to spend money, time and efforts to flesh out things between two of you.

  • To Create Memories. A trip to Tinapa, or an impromptu vacation in Dubai or even a simple dinner date in a classy restaurant can make for an incredible gift. This comes in two ways, you are spending quality time with your loved ones and you are also creating memorable moments with the people that you cherish so much.
    Due to the hustles and bustles of life, people dream of just taking a day off and going to do something fun and exciting. There usually something holding them back.
    By taking the time and effort to give your loved one a day they would never forget, you are basically handing them a gift that will be a part of them, thereby solidifying your bond with them.

Types of Gifts

There are a variety of gifts that are given to different people everyday. These gifts could have some emotional tone to it. But it is necessary to understand that when giving gifts you have to consider the purpose of the gift and who is receiving the gift. It should be about them not you, show that you value your relationship or connection with them and that you put some serious thought into getting a gift that suits them.

These are the types of gifts that shows purpose and gives a clue who is receiving them.

1. Gift of an Experience

Taking someone on a trip could change their perspective towards life and towards how they interact with others. You could take them on a fighter jet flights, on a helicopter cruise, to use a luxury car for a day or to Obudu Cattle Ranch to stay for a night. You may not have the funds to take on an expensive trip for a gift, you should hunt around and find very cool and less expensive places, that can be a good place to start. The experience is rich and warming.

2. Gift of an Apology

There are times when we have a little and sometimes big spat with the people that we cherish (and those that we love). A difference in opinions or playful jokes taken too far may have caused it. We may feel very bad and not even know how to use words to express ourselves. A well thought out gift can be used in this regard to show how sorry you are for making such mistakes.

3. Gift for an Occasion

This is the most common type of gift ever known. On a daily basis different occasions takes place and these occasions are filled with gifts from close friends, family and those that attend. The common occasions are weddings, birthdays, and baby dedications.

4. Gift of a Milestone

Your son could have just written his junior certificate exams and passed, a friend could have been promoted in her place of work or your husband just completed a new project. These moments of their lives need to be noticed.
As humans we are wired to want to receive praise and accolades when we reach a significant milestone. Instead of showering praises, give gifts to show that you truly appreciate their efforts in accomplishing such feats.

5. Gift to Increase Bonding

The bond in the relationship among two people, be it opposite sex or same sex can be fueled by giving gifts. Having a solid bond is great in any relationship. This increases acceptance and trust between the people involved. You may have a new girlfriend whom you started a relationship with, or you just joined a new organization and you met a new 'buddy' who is ready to show you around, giving them gifts shows that you acknowledge them and want to relate with them on a deeper level.

Occasions For Gifts and The Kind of Gift to Give During The Occasion

There are times when giving gifts are very necessary and sometimes important. These are usually important periods in the lives of the recipients.

Here are some of the occasions when gifts are given and the kind of gift given.

*Birthdays: Depends on who is doing the birthday. If it is a child then things like notebooks, candy bars, toys etc. are good to go. For teenager games, novels, wrist watches etc. Adults can be given anything on their birthday and this can be anything from physical cash to vehicles, depending on your relationship to them and how much you can afford to.

Weddings: This is one of the most important moments in young people lives. This is a time when they make a big decision to take on life as a couple. They would definitely be needing some very important necessities such as refrigerators, kitchen utensils, washing machine etc.

*Child Dedications: A memorable period in a woman's life is when she's had her first child. This brings so much joy to her and even extends to her family. It may not be her first child, it could be her 2nd child, 5th child. She still gets happy for going through the pain and giving birth. Gifts given on this occasion includes baby clothes, baby food, baby toys etc.

Burial Ceremony: This is usually a difficult moment in the lives of the bereaved. This is a time to condole the family left behind. You can give the family physical money or a well painted portrait of the dead, as any other gift at this time may not go well.

Completing a Difficult Job: In organizations some members of staffs are given jobs that may be very difficult at accomplishing. But if accomplished improves the reputation of the organization. The gift given in this occasion is usually a bonus. But there could be other add-ons such as a pay rise, a trip to a different country, a new house etc.

Award Ceremony: Award ceremonies are held to appreciate the efforts of outstanding individuals who have done exceptionally well. It could be in an organization, or in an industry. They are usually given unique plaques as gifts. Sometimes cash incentives comes along with the plaques.

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This is a gift given to me when i celebrated my birthday. It was a birthday gift from my uncle who surprised me with it, and till this very day i think of him anytime i set my eyes on the shoe. I personally like the design of the shoe and the comfort that the shoe gives me anytime i put it on to compliment my outfit.

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Another gift was given to me by a close friend of mine. It was a full clothing apparel consisting of a shirt and a trouser, there were add-ons such as boxers and singlets from a branded cloth maker. The gift came in a bag from the company. I have known this friend for more than three years and we share similar perspective and interest in life. When i received the gift, i was filled with joy. It was something i really liked and was looking forward to wear during my outings. I appreciated his efforts in getting a gift like that for me.


The very act of giving gifts is a fundamental part of the human construct. It helps foster relationships and increases the bond among people, it also changes the mood in a relationship. Gifts have importance because it always have a positive impact on the person receiving the gift.
There are different types of gifts depending on the purpose to which the gift is to be given, this helps create thought about why a gift is to be given in the first place. Finally, occasions are a good place to give out gifts, this is usually a time when the host of the occasion gets an accomplishment that needs to be celebrated, so giving out gifts at this time is the right thing to do.

I'm using this opportunity to invite my friends @manuelhooks, @benson6, @ruggedangel, @pricelesspresh to partake in this contest.

Thanks for staying tuned!


Wow thanks for the enlighten on What gift is all about

Giving makes us happy that is what the greatest teacher taught us, and this is so true, gift 🎁 mean love indeed. Thanks for sharing with us

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