in SteemAlive3 years ago




Martin Luther known as a highly influential figure in the Protestant Reformation was a theologian and German Professor, an author and was formally an Augustinian monk.
He was born on the 10th of November, 1483 at Eisleben in Germany, was married to Katharina von Bora for 21years and had 6 children- Hans (Johannes), Elisabeth, Magdalena, Martin, Paul & Margarethe.
In 1501 he started school at the University of Erfurt, obtained his masters in 1505 and entered St. Augustine's Monastery in Erfurt on the 17th of July, 1505.


He brought about the Protestant Reformation!!!
He translated the Bible which made the text accessible to the ordinary German for the first time, and helped shape the emerging Reformation. His straightforward translation from the original Hebrew and Greek to German made the text understandable to parishioners, and contributed significantly to its success.
the Bible he translated and made available to everyone were truly revolutionary in his day.

He brought about the Huge Reformation by the birthing forth of The 95 Theses after studying the scriptures as a monk and questioning some acts of the Catholic Church such as Selling of indulgence to provide absolution to sinners which he portrayed WRONG!

He rejected several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church even being ordained a priest in 1507


• Salvation By Faith Alone Not Reached Through Deeds. Faith In God Was The Only Way Of Salvation.

• The Bible Is The Only Authority

• The Priesthood Of All Believers/The Core Of Protestantism


• He Protested Successfully Against The Corrupt Practice Of Indulgences

• He Wrote The Hugely Influential Ninety-five Theses

• Martin Luther Stood Firm On His Stance At The Diet Of Worms

• He Put Forward Many Ideas Which Were Highly Radical For The Time

• Luther Bible Was Widely Read Spreading Its Teaching To The Common People

• He Wrote The Large And The Small Catechisms

• He Made Hymns An Integral Part Of Lutheranism

• He Is One Of The Most Influential Figures In History Of Christianity

• Lutheranism Remains One Of The Largest Protestant Traditions


The Catholic Church was ever after divided, and the Protestantism that soon emerged was shaped by Luther’s ideas. His writings changed the course of religious and cultural history in the West.
He was excommunicated by the pope and condemned as an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor.

His Life has been a great course. He has stood out for what was right and as a result of that the current world is enjoying from that well. He made a big move in the religious system that has brought out freedom that may never have come into play.

He has fought a good fight of faith...
He died on the 18th of February 18, 1546 as a result of stroke, but his legacy and contributions has affected humanity and lived on forever after.

Thank you @Steemalive
Martin Luther has blessed the world and I'm glad to publish this

 3 years ago 

Martin Luther is really a father that must not be forgotten, I really appreciate is efforts in bringing Reformation to the body of Christ. Great work.

Yes!!! Yes!!!
He must not be forgotten...

Appreciate you 🙌

 3 years ago (edited)

Marthin Luther has always been a name and a model for many. His strive for fighting for what is right is a lot to emulate. A great man indeed.
All the best @thebeloved001

Salute you great man!!!
He's Indeed an icon to emulate

This man was greatly used by God, to bring christianity out of the dark age. I read about him in my 400level in the university. It was nice reading about him again

Hahahahahah, seems you were an art student from all

He's Indeed a great man

Thank you

Yes ooo my brother

There's nothing greater than reading the Bible in the language that touches our heart. For Martin Luther to translated the Bible to the common mans language took a stroke of genius. Great write up.

Yes, he took a huge and bold steps...
Thank you greatly 🙏

 3 years ago 

This is really something else, this contest is an eye opener and also an opportunity for me to learn about propel that played a vital role in the society. Am glad I can learn about the man they interpreted the Bible to the understanding of common man. Thanks dear friend for sharing and good luck on this context.

I Celebrate you greatly for going through this post...
It's indeed an eye opener

Thank you

Martin luther king, can never forget that legend of all time , could remember way back in secondary school we always used him as an example when we wanted to relate to an achievement.

What a nice one

Thank you for reading through

 3 years ago 

Martin is my man. His determination and focus is something to write Home about.
Good detailing by you @thebeloved001

Martin is your man 😃

That's true
Appreciate you

 3 years ago 

For sure. He's one of my motivators... I mean his legacy

He's a great motivation in our world!!!

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