What would have been essence of office with no computer

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Computer 11052022030639.jpg
computer labtop and desktopImage source



I am very pleased to relates here about computer , computer is one among handful of invention that is very useful to every aspect of human endeavour . Basically what could human had done without computer device , computer do play a vital and leading role in an organization . When particularly about making life easy to live in computer is the top on the list , because computer came about number of job already created for any country that would embraced totality of computer overview . Getting to learn and study any components , hardware or software should be a privilege, because computer is now as life itself we are living .

How human being use computer


Human being have come very far in relation to increase in wisdom , development of complex brain as evolved into what now known as thinking man . Thinking man can brainstorm to figure out what to do and that not to toil with . Invention of computer have added to human sense of true evolvement . As human being have now do no less , than diversifying the use of computer .

Computer is not a touch and operate type of device but concrete type of device , that required studies or training initially before able to use . Computer has so many ways of usage , depending where it's being use . Example in hospital computer is use to enhances lab test and result process . Computer in big mall or supermarket can be use to enhances sales of goods properly in various school it can be learning as it's being use for teaching . And in the business center , computer are use to process data for printing, web surfing and web interaction and more . While at office computer are use for various job specification and specialization , because computer is being program to be an error free , and every work do through computer accuracy is guaranteed .


Who is behind the Invention of computer and why computer is so useful

On the attempt to create something like computer , there have been so many heads who have join together at times isolatedly creating one mathematical stuffs to other , forward and another scientist takes over . The main father of modern computer in which every body do know is Charse Babbage .


Computer become so useful because its capable of turning every inputting raw facts to meaning and useable information . Computer is very useful because it carry more than what human being can carry on their head , computer is useful because it memory is authentic .



Here getting to figured out usefulness of computer , computer is not only an electronic device or media factor . Computer is centralized human beings life as all the blockchain nodes are conducting and conditioning in computer .get computer knowledge and buy for yourself a gold .

10% @steemalive

Special mention :

 2 years ago 

Thank you @sureway044 for explaining to us the importance of computer and it's use

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