These are the causes and possible way out from hardship and poverty

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

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Poverty is a deadly disease


Hello There ,

Life here on this Earth which we both live in are full with so much up and down , large number of individual are totally afraid to get through each day . Just because of an unpredicted ugly face of the day. As the Bible affirmed that , the days are evil . And precaution all believers not to take thought over the day's ahead .

Evil of the day's are what we should avoiding , and the bigger face of such evil remains poverty . Poverty is not just an evil of the day's but , as well kind of deadly disease needed cure.

These are causes of poverty


To be very brief and on point , the following are the causes of poverty :

01.) Idleness and doubt

02.) Procrastination

03.) Lack of discipline in time management

04.) Limited job opportunities

05.) Lack of accountability and transperancy on public funds

06.) Lack of composite skills acquisition center

07.) Strong conflicts and insecurity

08.) Excessive misappropriation of public funds or allocation

09.) Inadequate agricultural produce

10.) Poor educational system

Here I would only randomly pick and brief on how such cause lack and hardship among people around us.

Idleness and doubt : Here idleness is a very bad spirit which have never added value to any body . And idleness and doubt are very resonate , because doubt would not allowed you to get passed based level in live.

Procrastination : Procrastination is a very bad time stealing, when keep on shifting what that . Supposed have been done this day to another day , you never get helping yourself at all . Because most of those skipped stuffs today might capable of adding value . To your living tomorrow .

Lack of discipline in time management: Poor time management can leads no way , than poverty . So if desire to manage your time and life , do take time management very Serious.

Limited job opportunities: There are no job available in the labour market for graduate , and there are generally no job or work for all workable age . As the results of such state of the nation concerns , here comes poverty knocking at each of the doors of those people.

Possible wayout from poverty and hardship


The following are those possible way out from hardship due to high level of poverty, over our nation's :

01).Promotion of discipline and hard-working

02).Transperancy in governance of our nation's

03).Empowering an entrepreneurial skills

04).Low task rate by the government

05).Generating stable electricity

06). Good transportation networking

07).Prioritizing commercial farming

08).Population controlling

09).Promoting local produce and products

10).Picking up war against all forms of insecurity and insurgency

Generating stable electricity: Generating stable electricity would help and further go long way to enabling smooth running of businesses .

Empowering an entrepreneurial skills: Getting to empowering and promoting small , medium and large scale businesses . Would perfectly help boost the economy of the nation's.

Prioritizing commercial farming: Making farming kind of attractive business and encouraging both subsistence and mainly commercial based farming . Would help in terms of making agricultural produce and food available for people. There by reducing poverty reasons of availability and affordable food for human consumption.

Construction of good roads networking: When good road are available goods and people can easily get move freely from place to place without any given barriers.


Poverty can be manage and reduce to zero level if government stopped corruption , and indigenes and all citizens who are wicked and evil oriented are getting turned a new live .


100% @steemalive

 2 years ago 

I agree with you when it comes to procrastination, it is a natural enemy of progress
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Thank you brother, today I have learnt something new from this post. About poverty and life on Earth... You see you are correct about it.

Generating stable electricity is one one problem that as lingered over years in Nigeria. I strongly believe with you that with it, businesses will definitely flourish.

 2 years ago 

Wow, you have heat the nail at the head of poverty and it's causes and cure, hope we can really change our lifestyles from the negative to positive.

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