ProWritersHub (W-6) : Wash your hands regularly to stay healthy _@sureway044

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

Hwashing 16082022193656.jpg contest title and hands washing imageimage source


Hello Awesome Steemian's ,


What is the proper way to wash your hands ?


The concepts of personal hygiene is very extensive and or expansive in nature . This very aspect is about personal hygiene on regular hands washing and cleanliness . There are various ways in which individual get their hands wash , so as to get rid of all associated germs . Mainly to enhance healthy living .

Here I would relates as given on the contest such proper way in which I think , hands should get wash .

Seen steps as follows :

01). Get turn on your water tap and wet your hands , do get the tap stopped and apply soap .

02). Now you need to lathering your hands , by rubbing it to foam up that applied soap properly .

03). So you get further by scrubbing your hands properly, to get all possible germs removed .

04). This time you get to turn on your water tap and as well get ready to rinse your hands properly to get , applicable soap foam rinse out .

05). Now you are done and or get finished by getting your hands dry or wipe up with dry towel or paper.

That all about how to get your hands wash properly , to get all possible germs free from your hands . And to lead well healthy living lifestyle.

Those given activities to wash hands before and after doing them


Reality is that there are so many activities in which human get engaged , on a constant basis . And most of such activities are possibly prone human to, diverse faces of germs causing sickness and infections .

Some of those activities among others are as follows :

  • When get to visit toilet to defecate or excrete , after you need to get proper hands wash.

  • When finished urinating you need washing your hands as well .

  • When eating , here you need to get your hands wash before and after eating your meal.

  • When getting through public staircase and supporting your hand on the handrails , then you need to get your hands wash or sanitize .

  • When sweeping the house and environs , you need to get your hands wash after sweeping.

  • When handling garbage and or waste you need to get your hands wash , after handling or disposed or packing. And when children handling and finish played with their toys.

  • When getting dust up your home appliances and household furniture and or windows glasses or luvers , here you need to get your hands wash after .

Why is using running water and liquid soap the best?


Reason for using running water and liquid soap is the best , because the force running water has from water tap . Is capable for splashing out some already contracted germs on our hands , even before you get to apply soap . Lathering and scrubbing your hands properly to do away from all possible contaminated or contracted germs.

Using running water and liquid soap would warrant you a hundred percent germs removal from your hands . Thereby activating healthy living , lifestyle free from sickness and germs and bacteria causing infections.

If you do not have running water from a tap what can you do ?


Worthy of note , you must have your health as priority . If there happened not to be any possible running water from water taped.

You must not ceased to observed your normal hands washing cleanliness , since you are well known that germs causing infection is dangerous to human health. And when it get gained passage into your body , it's very dangerous as well to your sensitive body system.

So what you need do when there happened not to be running water .

photo-1511285095685-c5c53c7e8c60.jpeg how to get available water image source

Just as getting seen above , you need to hand pick a cup and bucket or bowel to fetch any available clean water inside it , and use it to wash your hands properly with soap and dry it with your dry cloth , towel or paper.

Here you can as well do applying your hands sanitizer, to get rid from all of those germs causing infections.

What are some diseases that can be prevented by washing hands regularly


There are likely so many diseases associated with germs causing by our direct hands and body contacts. Needed getting prevented through proper hands washing . Body frequently bathing and all of that . All of those diseases can get be informed of germs , bacterias viruses and fungals .

As follows are the diseases that can be prevented by washing of hands regularly:

  • Meningitis
  • Cold and cough
  • Corona virus (covid 19)
  • Diarrhea
  • Chicken pox
  • Vomiting
  • Body creases
  • Depression
  • Body weakness and lost of appetite when germs get gained passage into the body through mouth , nose and even eyes via our irregulary and unproperly washing of hands.
  • Headache.

Do people in your area wash hands regularly


Yes people within my area do wash hands depending , how each perceived the need to exercising it .

What can be done to create more awareness for hands washing?


  • To perform public education : Here the crew involved and specialized get go around each community and town in there . Getting to visit homes , markets , shopping mall or complexes churches and sensitizing them and educate them . On the need to maintaining regular washing of hands . That , it meant to enable them to get rides of all germs causing infection which can make them spend little money they have on health related bills.

  • Creating hands washing curricular in schools: Here getting to reach out to schools through the help of government and media . To activate hands washing curricular mainly in nursery and primary schools , secondary schools . There teach and guide them on how to have a kind of proper hands wash . And do well in providing all necessary hands washing needs to enable learn and exercising it daily while at school's , and mandated parent's to reciprocate same practise while their children is at home . Should always wash hands after playing with sands , toys , and others playing tools for children include balls . Before and after eating , and all of that.


10%. @steemalive

 2 years ago 

Hand washing is essential for healthy living, we notice that most people who do not wash hands regularly do have itchy fingers and boil/rashes.

Let me tell you method precious Use warm water with soap, and scrub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds.

 2 years ago 

I've heard you boss, warm water actually kills the microscopic bacterias and germs

That just it , a warm or moderately hot water along any toilets soap or detergents of choice . Lathering the hands ,rube the whole fingers and scrub them closely With strength.

 2 years ago 

Lol, with strength and vigour

No be small thing ooooo

That just one of the easy ways to treat itching fingers or hands and partly rashes . She must had been noted , in case do knew any an infected person's around.

Exactly , with no regular washing of hands one can infected with all of such as you did mentioned. And more even more complicated ones which the infected person's landed spending so much just to treat them.

 2 years ago 

Asin ehhhhnnnnn, prevention is better than cure,with the way the economy of our country is going, we need to be careful not to spend too much on things we can actually prevent or avoid

 2 years ago 

This is pure truth

When getting through public staircase and supporting your hand on the handrails , then you need to get your hands wash or sanitize .

@sureway044, this advice is something I never thought of before now. Thanks for inculcating such idea to me. From now, whenever I climbed stairs, I will wash my hands because of the handrails I touched.

Please, it's better to ask already sample question from a contest in your own word to avoid plagiarism

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Wow this is a nice content you have written.
After visiting our toilet we need to Wash our hands properly to avoid contacting infection,
@sureway044 you have made a cleared note about hands washing

When you wash your hands, you are not only removing germs, but also bacteria that are on your hands.

Yes. But germs seems to be mostly common compared to bacterias , fungals and viruses (just note like , corona virus , Ebola virus) those viruses stressed on hands washing as well . Mostly corona virus (covid -19)

Yess you are right brother you know in covid days everyone was every alert for hand washing and using sanitizer

Yes . It's very good to always get our hands wash, to get rids of all of those germs capable to make one's fall sick.

 2 years ago (edited)

Yeah I think you will follow the mod guidelines hope for the best and good luck sir

Noted along, thank you for your concerned.

You are most welcome sir keep growing on steemit stay blessed have a nice day we always there for you sir

It is important to wash your hands often to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. The CDC recommends washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.

That how crucial and needful washing of hands should be.

Yeah we should promote this habit because it is very important for the people of all ages thanks for compliment

Yes , same here.

 2 years ago 

All you said about not washing of hands are very true. These are things we can prevent if we wash our hands properly.

Yes exactly.

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