ProWritersHub (W-6) : Imaginary story - Patient dog eats the fattest bone_sureway044

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

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Salutation ,


The patient dog eats the fattest bone


The ladder for success is more like your normal ladder seen around you , in which perfect example . Can be likening to your staircases. In which you can step from base floor to your desired floor within the structure , depending on the nature of the structure in question . Interm's of the number of storey's.

In reality to get your desired goal in life. It will take so much and it's involve good number of virtues , among others is the word patient.

Other virtues like endurance , perseverance and kindheartedness truly can add an extra push to your goal pursuit . In life living in.

Employee's concepts


There happened to be these close friends who came from same neighborhood. Though some of them were not from there while some came from there . But , the common thing among them was that they were mate in their schooling days . As they did attended same school , basically secondary schools . And after their secondary school days . Before then , they were real example of peers , pointed as everyone from teachers to students get noticed of their moment together.

Academically : These guys were really good as they often challenge themselves before any , major terminal tests and same to that of examination.

Interm of performance : Their performance always one as even not just the class teacher . Other , subjects teacher's did project kind of bright future for each of them .

And they never keep loose end till date of final school leaving ,examination. They partook and had good score , as each of them get passed in distinction all their core subjects .

On the sent forth date , the principal called them by name's privately . In his office while sent forth was going on and .
Counseling : Them , start off . John Junior , James Biggie , Jimmy Hang and Amkan Junkie . Do you boys know an exact reasons I called only you peers out here?
James Biggie : Replied , excused me sir, yes.

Principal : go ahead.
James Biggie : Sir I so think you might have prices (gifts)for us considering our joined performances.
Principal : you 're not even sure ,is that all ?
Amkan Junkie : Replied excused sir ,hope all is well ?
Principal : But my question is yet to be provided an answer to.
Then all of them joinly said please sir we are now here as you did sent for us , may us get to here from you.
Principal : Okay I just want to enriched you boys, so as to make others proud to school here with us.

Don't engaged in gambling at all , focus as if you boys are still together learning in this school. I want you boys to do me a favour , informed you both parents to help you boys secured a jamb form . Because I strongly believed you boys will make it to University. Hope you boys get me right ? they both responded Yes Sir. So they get back fully to sent forth ground ,all rites observed and over all .And they'll get departed safely home.

Circumstances : Due to such fact that Amkan Junkie's father was a government (police officer) was long transfered to another city more like Lagos city here in Nigeria. So immediate after sent forth the parent's sent for Amkan. He hast to travel to join the family.

While John Junior learnt a computer skills along Jimmy Hang . And James Biggie hast to join has business man brother right at same city along Amkan . But not same area.

While each had an individuals contacts , they are very much communicated . It happens both of them still gained admission into same University. and took same courses to boost their secondary school days challenged as was , instructed and counseling by their principal. They both study an Economy due to the state of their nation Economy . Did had such dream to create an impact .

So they both undergoing and get graduated.

Life after school : So after school their dreamt get deviated base on places of their primary assignment. Amkan father as an SP in police force influence his graduated son into police intelligence course to become police officer like himself.

While James Biggie help manage his brother expanded business brand , and oversee additionally all importation of goods . Usually hast pretty tight schedule. Couple of years after graduation he settled down and the business get turn kind of large family business.

Get remained John Junior and Jimmy Hang this two was got employed in with a newly established firm. With a very low payment as salary , not knowing that the owner of the company was a former minister of finance and economy of that country their nation while they were very small . This man survive cause he did based in abroad after his administration , as minister .

As they enduring the low payment and get inserted all of their best strategies to activate , this company growth . When the tale get reached the owner about the company achievement so far . In both of their hands as John Junior as production manager and Jimmy Hang as Cost and Marketing manager.

When the man came in , and the ministry welcome him and gave him a two slots. In the newly elected government within the ministry of economy and finance. With huge paid salary along the man personal cuts diffly .

So , since is the government nature of work the man thought so indeed . That they are capable of occupying the position . And help out in his company when necessary . And he simultaneously employed new employees , to occupy their two positions in the company.

Employee concepts :What happened


The ex Minister of economy and finance gave automatically his given two slots , to John Junior and Jimmy Hang. So on such virtuous they become turn on their secondary school dream , it was after that administration . Couple of years Jimmy Hang became the governor of their state.

That truly entailes that a patient dog 🐕 can always eats a fattest bone , but it takes more of endurance and perseverance along patient as an anchor virtue.


Special mention:


10 % @steemalive

 2 years ago 

What you said about patient is true. In life one need to be patient and honest all the time.
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 2 years ago 

Your story is educative. We need to exercise patience in life. Else, we might miss better opportunities in life.

Patience and getting to exercise it should be the main stressed.

 2 years ago 

Yes,having patience is really good and that is what happened in your post.

In this life we should not always rush in any thing that we see and also we need to be straight forward and obidient.

Yes , obedience is very necessary while you get maintain patience .

 2 years ago 

The ex Minister of economy and finance gave automatically his given two slots , to John Junior and Jimmy Hang. So on such virtuous they become turn on their secondary school dream , it was after that administration . Couple of years Jimmy Hang became the governor of their state

Endurance is the key, people who rush to make it in live always end up wretched and poor
Even the Bible says that the discreet does not always make it no does the Swift win the race??

Your story is very good I have learnt a lot from it,we need to exercise patients in what everything we're doing

 2 years ago 

Exactly, patience is the key, we shouldn't be carried away by what we see with our eyes

Very correct.

That exactly point . Patient is the virtue that even the Bible stressed on it.

Yes ,indeed an endurance count . But one's really do needs to maintain a moderate state of personal discretion in doings . Per swift , though am not against the scripture , but being too hasty or swift is never good . Here am grateful.

 2 years ago 

That's it, you said the truth

 2 years ago 

You have really done well on this topic. Truly a patient dog eats the fattest bone. I have learnt how to be patient in all my doings .

Yes . One's truly need to exercise patient.

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