ProWritersHub (W-5) : Bribery And Corruption - How they are affecting our society today_@sureway044

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hello Awesome Steemian's ,


In the now world of sorting things , is very uncultured to get operate out of merits . While merits is backing out , there you get your credit securing it . In presence of you living kind of less financial bouyant life . It now entails you wouldn't get fulfilled . Most of your quest and desired on career goals, or dream job in life living in. Because now life opportunity gets ready for those , who to some extent financially ready for it . As bribery and corruption hast erupted , diluted and polluted the mind and heart of many people concerned.

What is bribery and corruption ?


Bribery And Corruption : Is the kind of sorting and or gift given to certain person's in position with hidden motive , which get based on the giver intended derivativeness . Which can further relate to be act of immoral and unlawful in formed , as well against the moral standard and general fairness in gifting preceding .

It can also means the unlawful soliciting and discriminating given which is being prohibited by , the given law of the council , state and or the country concerned.

Why is bribery and corruption common , and how it get happening in my city and or hometown


Why bribery and corruption common : In absolute realities there are so many things involved , for such reason bribery and corruption is being common around most of our hometown , city , state and country. That of mine is being never exempted .

It worthy of note that most evolving nation's are getting face with so much , capable to ignite and inflame any possible thing . Ranging from character declines , habits and behaviors , Loose moral standard on such as known culture , tradition and norm and mostly common ones remains the breaches of enacted laws meant to protect and prohibit certain doings and behaviors.

As follows are the main why bribery and corruption get common :

  • Lack of adequate job and employment opportunities for workable class ,

  • The state of the council , city and nation economy ,

  • Size of per head workforce in the state and or nation ,

  • The nature of government and state of nation judiciary ,

  • Constituted preceding for job recruitment and appointment ,

  • Level of natural resources and corresponding development ,

  • The current rates of poverty level .

All of that which I outlines are directly and indirectly , contributed to why bribery and corruption is being common around .

How it happens : Bribery and corruption now do take normal shape like any normal level dealings . Around my hometown at large , major factor is here we do have less private sectors and only public offices concentrate .

On such basis whenever any vital job recruitment process get opening . There always get to be so much hassles and a credit factoring , instead for absolute merits oriented.
For Instance :When a kind of medium scale business like shopping mall needs get kickoff , with only less than 20 first staffs in mind . And got to alert the general public about new job opportunity and shopping mall availability at the moment around them .

Due to large number of paid job seeker's reason of lack of employment . There would be more than hundred of people , actively interested . While few would be getting around pestering , and looking for who in charged . Once gets seen there are likely two things to be involved. Seen as follows :

  • Paving way in through soliciting and begging ,given whole lots of reasons to let him or her in for the job and possibly along a family member or friends.

  • Paving way in for employment through showcasing an acts of kindness and hospitality , looking and seeking possible ways to gained inside the one in charged for final selection and employment.

As that also can be categorize as bribery and corruption .

Another one should be encircling around government functionaries , who do things on their own right. Undermining the rules of laws and likely consequences.

Why is it wrong for public office holders to get involved in bribery and corruption


It very , very and extremely wrong for public office holders to do get involved in bribery and corruption . Because of the following :

  • They supposed to lead by example condemning all act towards bribery and corruption , and staying unbreached to such related laws.

  • They ought to have constitute and administer fair trials and Justice for every one person's concerned. But they are lacking.

  • And they supposed maintaining high standard of social accountability , once get involved in bribery and corruption that can't further get possible . As they wouldn't like to face the general public .

  • The worse is that general public would get to see , those public office holders as thieves and selfcentredness individuals who are not worthy to be there.


What should be done to public office holders that get involved in bribery and corruption


Just that whoever do occupied public office as public office holder's , seems to be the law . As those judiciary to good extent when money is involved can't get voice at or against them . Based on such known I would here do have it this way , that any of those public office holder's . Who by one reason or the other get known , by the general public that such did get involved in bribery and corruption . Whenever seeking second term , as many of the public office holder's involved . Their second term should be deny . And is very possible an impeachment should get tender.

Cc :

10%. @steemalive



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For: Steemalive

Bribe and corruption is the universal problem this common in every society government should impose law again bribe and corruption

Should I get to agreed with you that bribery and corruption is kind of universal problem? Even at that , state of bribery and corruption within the western world can't get compared to here that bribery and corruption seems as culture .

There are many different types of bribery, such as bribery of public officials, government officials, and corporate officers.

 2 years ago 

It is very wrong for people in office to commit bribery and corruption. They should lead by example. But in most cases the opposite is what we see.

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 2 years ago 

bribery and corruption has really done much harm to our country you have really done well friend keep it up

Yes , and the reality is the way our nation is now it will get hard for bribery and corruption to leave this country.

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