ProWritersHub (W-4) : Technology in our lives - Banking services enhanced by modern technology_@sureway044

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Banking Technology 04082022052140.jpg
title and image of technologysource


Hello Awesome Steemian's ,


This very world is full of history on so many faces . Such as per field , per an associated history . Taking about money is being very normal to begins or get open

Conversation . But reality is that facts that , there would be no money . Be it a digital money or just paper money. Without getting to traced it from the ancient , Goldsmith.

From then to the present era so much have been , done and established. From just a mere paper receipt to, the well established currency of many denomination. Strongly appreciate , and of high and moderate value . Major tool for local and international bills and trade .

Based on this given contest about technology in our lives , here I would relates closely in accordance to given instructions :

About how people do save money before the invention of banking technology


Before the an invention of banking related technology. People since paper receipt is being discovered, and invented by gold Smith . It been enhance so much concerned exchange of goods and valuable . From , an individual , firm or businesses and the government.

On such basis people have starting operating kind of business mainly ,open to accept those recognized receipt and valuable . Which can as same traced and relates to be as today's operating bank.

Seen as follows are the ways people did save the money , before an invention of banking technology :

01). Co-operative : Then since exchange of goods and other valuable like gold , diamond , jewelry and all of that . As some individual thinked and came up with bank that , got translate or transit to what now known as modern banking system.

Then people also did thought and come up with , what called co-operative. In through which they get to carryout all that, our modern banking system get modernize .

02). Store house of values : This very one is what now directly known as bank . Then what that value you have , if sense it that isn't get safe enough while within your custody. Best thing is to get locate any available store house of values around you and under their outright and manual process or procedures for deposited. Of those your values and receipt.

03). Personal saving : Personal savings then , did measured on your in house savings . Either on savings box or any best and possible known ways expose to .


What are some banking services that technology has made possible ?


Introduction of technology to banking industry has help , facilitate and same time fast forward banking workload. Reason being that human and or an employees in bank , their efforts are more labour intensive comparing to that of technology. That , that is less labour intensive and at same time enhance productivities .

Here I would only relates on those unique modern technology , get introduced into our banking system apart from :

  • security doors ,
  • security cameras ,
  • printers ,
  • photo copy machine
  • instant ATM printout ,
  • biometric capturing and
  • forensic among others on same aspect.

Introduction into banking system the modern technology such as :

✓ AI : Artificial intelligence

✓ ML : Machine learning

Both have now get to make the following banking services available and possible daily :

  • Mobile banking

  • Internet banking

  • Self opening of a bank account online

  • Self activation and related recipient of loan online

  • Banking bot chats any hours , whenever get face challenges

  • Stronger data base system and personal information protection.

What are some problems that banking technology has created ?


Banking technology has get created some deadly problems . On the banking system , problems worthy of concerned within the banking sector of the economy.

Among all of those problems face in the modern banking system ,due to introduction of technology are as follows :

  • Modern technology has get to brought about significance shift to the conventional banking system

  • Modern technology has now open customer's bank accounts to become vulnerable to cyber crime

  • Banking system are now facing challenges of bad debt more than ever

Ways of solving those modern technology problems


Perhaps banking sector as whole getting sits to decide what steps, to get take to restore normal banking tradition. Since them directly and indirectly operate within along those AI and ML in the banking system .

Personally I would only get go for what perhaps , when get to have penny in there rest assured that is being well safe and secure.

Base on such concepts I would that the following suggestions get down here :

  • ML shouldn't get withdrawn from daily express functioning . Instead a strong language processing and changing unit should get established.

  • More strong AI which would be capable handling breached and getting invade , customer's account by some intelligence hackers. Should get established

  • Some of delicate and mostly sensitive banking functioning , trusting to AI . Should get retract for slight balancing of banking system tradition.

Banking satisfaction


Modern technology enable bank to performed beyond human possible hands.

On such cause what best for banking industry , as far as at almost . If I get money in my account it remains save and safe , no security breaches . No cyber crime breaking in(hacking of whole brand account system management ) . So be am satisfied with my banking modern technology performance.

Cc :

10%. @steemalive

 2 years ago 

Seriously before the invention of modern Bank, poeple where suffering to save money because, some do dig ground and put their money. And before you know it, some of the money get spoiled. But the modern technology has taken the stress away from us.

Brother i guess you did a good research to complete your task no doubt Technology becomes the important part of our lives and also basic need of every field of life good luck for your contest stay blessed

 2 years ago 

Technology has really helped us in all aspects of life and even in the banking system. It has really improved and standardized life

Yes you are right we are using technology whole day and whole night even we can't survive without technology

Technology have indeed play crucial roles in human day to days lives , by reducing heavy work load and stress.And making human living more excited and meaningful.

Yes actually technology has huge impacts on human life its has many different phases so always we should use it in moderation way

Your post has been successfully curated by our team via @fredquantum at 30%. Thank you for your committed efforts, we invite you to do more and keep posting high quality posts for a chance to win valuable upvotes from our team of curators and probable selection for an additional upvote later this week in the Top Seven.


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 2 years ago 

Technology has really improved our banking system and has made it faster and easier for both the bank officials and account owners.

Self opening of a bank account online

with the help of technology people can now create bank accounts while at home instead of going to the bank and making There crowded

Technology has really improved our banking system

The internet has made it possible for us to connect with the bank, transfer money, pay bills, and check our balances without having to go to the bank. In order to get the most out of technology, it is important to know how to use it properly.

 2 years ago 

Yes dear friend,you have really written well in this topic and I wish you success in this week's contest.

The coming of technology has really improved everything as it has come to our banks,we can now withdraw money any time we want.

Yes all bank ATM are mainly available because of an introduction of technology into the banking system. Thank you.

Yes ATM is the best advantage of technology in Banking field we can withdraw our money from any ATM at any time

Dear technology has made our lives easier, but it is important to make sure that you are still being safe with your personal information. The best way to ensure your safety is by not giving out your information to anyone.

 2 years ago 

Technology has made crime more easier and simpler .

Modern technology has now open customer's bank accounts to become vulnerable to cyber crime

I wish something could be done to eliminate such crime. But, as far as there is technology, crime must keep on increasing because, human in general now, can't do without technology.

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 2 years ago 

What ever than have advantage must surely have disadvantage. On banking technology, it has reduced the stress if carrying money around and has given us stress of recharging data to access the app for transaction


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Curation by: @focusnow20
For: Steemalive

 2 years ago 

It's a thing of joy to know that your post made it to our community's top 4posts today. I strongly believe with you that technology has high value and have made things easier for us especially on the banking aspect.

Technologyes in the banking area has really helped alot mostly the stress of standing on a long line has reduced. Not only on the that area telephone, television and radios too which has helped us to communicate, spread news and advertise our products and services.

 2 years ago 

My dear, without modern technology, honestly, we are heading nowhere. Technology is playing important roles in our lives.

In reality technology is life living in, without which . How would human race seems to be and life living in general . It wouldn't as much worth compared to what technology hast brings about.

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