ProWritersHub( W-4) : Regrets -some of things I wish I did or did not do in life_@sureway044

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Hello There Steemian's ,


Realities of life living through each passing day can't often get , as smooth as expected. Instances and circumstances encircling an individual daily activities, might get forged way up or down towards . Certain un-expected happening or occurring. Which could further make who involved on the unfavorable side of the unexpected occurring . To closely get to wondering what could possibly got wrong? , what needed action that hasn't taken or what at all needed get put right that hadn't been so done?

Given self deepening into such related thought faculty can , ignite some sense of partial or an integral regrets. As per getting figured out , what supposed had get fix up or tried out. Before even at the extreme state of such an unexpected occurring , which indeed did occurred.

About my personal experienced on regrets in life


Reality is I personally don't have an expressed experience on regrets . As I never get regretted, any of my actions or decision in life living in .

But , this very one am about to present here . Has to do with number of factors which , due to situations of things at the moment around my lane . Thought perhaps if could still by high level interest , I wouldn't have known today . I meant basically my current moment.

Though there are lots to what visible sight can't fetched , and even those . Who by what sorts of right or association thought they are spiritual . I don't personally think they themselves can ever see beyond , level of what possible .

As things happening many people do like to talkout things , from multiple of them . If only paid attention to each , along possible sense of words relations and applications to your or any given occurring and happening. Would fetched out certain truth or outright reality behind the scene .

On such built through concepts I have personal came to know , which are indeed that everything. In this life living in get a basic start in spiritual realm or form . Personally one interest in certain thing job or business or career is also kind of concrete priority. Over all forms of spiritual spell and evil gins .

Before I get to relate on what did bring about my partial regrets in life living in . Due to my current moment . And situations of things surrounding my lane . What perhaps possibly could have been fixed up , which mainly I would have never get known today state of myself.

While on my quiet moment thinking through everything , there I get to fetched out some things that . Contributed to my current and present moment . Such as follows :

  • High level interest on your given work or job

  • Not hast to meet other target or needs by getting to sell out an existing items or property you have

  • Don't let others mainly none biological parent's , set of beings like step brother or sister or a relative to alway decide your salvation . By leading way (church or any place) to find solutions to your problems as they themselves might be the cause.

  • Don't try to think out that leaving other city to yours and hometown can get you relief , on your minor or serious health disturb which is not necessary traditional related

  • Do balance your quest for greener pastures, by taking your current job and work very serious . Both outright and in heart.

  • Do limit your search for job while gainfully employed , as that might indeed reduced your interest in your present work

  • In all do put your head down to asked and get to know all necessary new development and , likely happening around your work environment

  • Above all be friendly , polite to all and sundry , meditate , affirm and pray alway .

Seen above served as kind of personal experienced gained from , possible occurring which indeed occurred which further brought about my partial regrets (Regrets) in life .

In practical terms seen and getting examine , from the outline given as seen above . Contributed to my initial work place layoff along others , where as myself am not supposed to had get layoff. Then in Lagos .

Another thing majorly was my travel quest , when layoff I couldn't gathered as much fund as was needed . So I had to sold out all of my three laptops cheaply instead of backing off , at least for then . After all am here now in my hometown , watching the high blue sky as each day passes by . Hope and trusting the caring Creator , for His guardian over my health and wellness.

Another last blown was my decision to come visit my hometown , from here I get travel out . Here you can practically point out some sorts of diabolic desperation in actions , when came back . And staying around for some days , my phones got network size from no Sim to emergency calls only . Till I get missed my crew and scheduled flight date . And next schedule to get by is what I let out of planned for now .


Further breakdown of factors surrounding my regrets in life living in


In reality interest is only fortune riding key , cause with no any interest in certain thing. Regards how fortune such thing can bring about , you wouldn't key to it and would not get to experience the state of fortunate.

Fortunate is the all mouth uttered words who perhaps , might eagerly desired success but lacking interest to key into. In terms of the outright success deals , lastly ponder in likely term seems am not fortunate enough.

Getting to become fortunate enough by buying for yourself, an interest in for what you need do . By first getting to figured out your absolute goal and source of inspiration in life living in .

Can get buy for yourself fortunate by developing interest in all that , by obligation matters to you and sundry.

High level interest in your work among others : Getting to developed an interest is only strongly generate through passion . While passion would and will alway riding you up to miles in life living in . Over all faces of things and sundry.

Above all in aspect of having high interest in what you do or your work and all related . Would activate the following :

  • Getting to be prompts and punctual at work place concern

  • Getting to have your work related interest at heart

  • Looking off to slightly less to zero new work search

  • Alway looking out for latest development as might concerns and it implies

  • Maintaining healthy and balance relations among colleague


Reality is that I never regrets any of my express action in life living in . But what I have here is being my personal samplings experienced , and deepening thought figured partial state of regrets . In whole what I wish I did or did not do mainly is fact that , I shouldn't had come backed to my hometown.

Cc :

10%. @steemalive

 2 years ago 

Interesting story,
I enjoyed reading this amazing article I learnt some facts about life

 2 years ago 

Your entry is fine but it's like it's out of the contest demand. What do you think? Wouldn't it be good and better to tell us why you regretted coming back to your hometown? Won't that be meaningful?

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Curated By - @samuel20
SteemCor07 - Lifestyle Curation Team

 2 years ago 

Nice post bro,you really learnt some good things from your regrets and I know you will not see it through to happen again.

Yes , here that just sampled of my partial regrets . Because in real terms I have no regrets in life .

Regrets are a part of life. We all have them, and we all have regrets. Some regrets are easier to live with than others. In the past, I have regretted not learning from my mistakes.

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