Look at these attributes for the peace keeper's : Lover's of life ; and see if you are among

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hello There Steemian's .

Here on human planet as have been already known as the Earth , here there are so many things. And the beauty of each differ from that of others types and kinds , which further depends on the nature of those things .

Truth about things created by the only Creator of all , is that each of it kind has it common and at times complex and sophisticated attributes.And most common thing which the heart and sights can easily get figured out from those creatures things , is that each is full with it differing beauty.

And the warmest and deepest beauty of nature is what , has been keeping the human sights going. Though the sights could and might get lust , but truth is the sights can't get lost it psychic. Because the Creator Himself condition human sights as to be at the center to attracting things , observing of thing's and learning of ever new thing's.

Here to examine different attributes of the peace keeper's. And mainly selective attributes of the peace keeper's, and I would list them and brief on those which I can do here . And perhaps not able to brief on all , that will be on my next post on peace keeper's attributes.


These are those attributes of peace keeper's


What is peace : Before I get to list out peace keeper's attributes , here is how I personally relate peace to as . Peace can be relate as any given state in someone's life to get staying out of trouble and disturbances , moment of staying free from all sorts of war ranging from family, community ,civil and possibly world war.

That moment of harmonious living lifestyles , full of comforts free from war anxieties and all sorts of spiritual and physical attacks. That kind of moments in human living that , each get staying free from all form of evil deeds . And get staying to acknowledge the only Creator, and keeper of peace and as well giver of life.


Here are the attributes :

✓ Staying godly in nature

✓ Staying quiet and calm in form

✓ Staying obediently to government laws

✓ Staying obediently to the rules for environment

✓ Staying without hunting for the innocent people hurts

✓ Staying free from evil and all manners of wickedness

✓ Staying to always give God's thank

✓ Staying to acknowledge God as the picture for peace keeping

✓ Staying to show kindness to each within your might

✓ Staying to embrace charity and caringness and promoting it.



Staying godly in nature : Here to get staying godly , first you must do it by getting to acknowledge the Son of God as your personal Lord and Savior. And do promise God to forsake all of your passed deeds , and further by believing in your heart that you have forgiven . And that , all of your passed deeds have been washed by Jesus precious blood which He shaded on cross of Calvary . Just for your sake , and affirm never to go backed to your passed henceforth.

Let the Redeemer of souls and lives take lead of your daily living , and do allowing His peace to reigns in you always by following, learning, knowing, and obeying His spoken words of grace. Freely and keep staying freely , being free from all kind of evil and the wicked hunting assault.

Staying quiet and calm in form : Here for you to get staying quiet and calm in form and nature , you must first . Get to personally embracing quietness and stillness or calmness of 💓 heart and mind. Then do disassociate yourself from all those types of violence loving set of people . Do let the peace from on high rain down to reign within and around you freely, there get staying and remaining in quietness and stillness of mind and sundry.

Staying obediently to government laws : Here for you to get staying freely and have peace , what you need do . You need to obey all government given laws , that so as not to face their wrath from the government law enforcement agent body's concerns . On what , that law you break .That be it on local , state or federal government level . Just do keep the government given laws , to be free from government related disturbances.



Peace is what everyone is seeking because in the atmosphere of peace , lots can be getting accomplished. While at atmosphere of war , violence , riot and all sorts of attacked what long built can easily get destroyed.

Lover of peace is a lover of life ,life get more glory and worth living in an atmosphere of stillness , harmonious staying , loving and caring.



10%. @steemalive

 2 years ago (edited)

Wow @sureway you wrote well.
Peace is very good in some one's Life,
For those attributes am praying to God to help me to give the ability to be obidient to the laws of government and environment too. Thanks for your quality content

 2 years ago 

Peace and unity is what the whole world needs but it is painful that we have just few people who practice it.

Hi @sureway044
It will be important for you to read all the post made by curators so that you will be using the right tag in each post, I have dropped some in the training group be sure to read them.

Noted. Thank you Mma

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