Four(04) tips to achieving your set goals ,within desirable and possible time frame.

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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getting goal right at the targetimage source


Kind regards to each and everyone Steemian's . I 'm about to relates on four ways or tips towards achieving set goals . In this life , for anybody to be organized . In terms of all possible faced or aspect in life . Must do know how to plan and set specific goals .

Goal setting , is very vital as per . Getting to live kind of lifestyle worth living , and fulfilled . That , can only get possible through pestering form or type of goal setting .

Though on this page I would be only write on , the tips to achieving our set goals . Not types of goal setting , that will be in another post . Here let get on

Four(04) tips to achieving your set goals

  • Goals setting backed power

  • Goals setting perceived power

  • Goals setting due to urgent need

  • Goals setting as matter of urgency

The afore listed are four (04) tips for achieving your set goals . Now I would be briefing on each .

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Goals setting backed power

Goals setting backed power: Here for somebody to set goal and achieved it successfully . Must first get to know how to do it , depending on that nature of intended goal . Goals setting can be primarily , short , medium and Long term or time goal.

Now your backed power are all of those skills or knowledge you needed to set and achieved , your set goal within desirable and possible time frame.

Backed power are mainly concerned about that , activities which you need to involved so as to enhance you to achieved your set goal within time frame .

Whatever is your intended goal , facts is you need money to actualized it . So backed power concentrate more on those knowledge and skills you need to apply on various ways or one possible way which would enabling you to achieved your set goals .

Goals setting perceived power

Goal setting perceived power: This would reflect on your visuality , reminding you last set goal was achieved . Mainly how often you have been achieved your set goals , would boost your confidence towards more sophisticated goal setting .

This more like kind of experience booster. While , it's get remind you of past and it same time . Provided you with needed keen to set more goals and actualized them.

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Goals setting due to urgent need

Goal setting due to urgent need: This one can be more familiar in form and practices . As per student would only have an academic goal when exams are nearer . And most people only have financial goal and target when burial rites are at the corner , some marriage some only for business plan to attract loan . And all of that .

Because , reason for the urgent needs at hand all impulse can be contented , and appetite can be managed as well . Just for ensuring that intended target is achieved .

Goals setting as matter of urgency

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Goals setting as matter of urgency: Here is what the scripture said , that where your treasure is that where your mind will be . When all your set goals are here just for yourself , it's not good . Set your mind on things above as well chose heaven , make it priority . Focus on heavenly things , do have heaven related set goals as well and . Do staying watchful , vigilant and see yourself achieving it within God's own desirable and possible time frame .


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always write down your goalsimage source

Those who familiar with general concept of goals setting . Here might wondering what happened that I didn't include line up of word (SMART) . That , set measurable ,attenable , realistic and timing . Not yet , on next I will be added how importance goal setting is and types of it .


20% @steemalive

 2 years ago 

Hello my dear @sureway044, this is a very nice article on the tips to achieve your set goals. So many person didn't really know this 4 tips that's why you see that so many person strongly in life.


Thanks for sharing this wonderful article with the @steemalive community, keep on making quality contents, we love you..

 2 years ago (edited)

Goal setting is important in life, one to set realistic goals in life, weather it is short term or long term, I am waiting to read ways and types of goal as you promise @sureway044

Excellent write up from you. Settings goals helps us to remain focus and consistent.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank am grateful .

You are welcome

I'm bless to come across your post @sureway044. Goal achievement is everyone's desire but most time people find it difficult in achieving this.

Thanks for sharing the tips on how to go about succeeding.

Thank you for sharing with us on the four ways to achieve my goals. Hmm I will sure put this to use. Thank you

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