in SteemAlive3 years ago


10th June 2021
Good day my good people and my lovely friends,i woke up very healthy and agile today,i read my daily text,said my prayers
And move to do other things.

Today was very bright and clear,though it was a cool morning

Today being our meeting day I will not
be going anywhere I have to stay at home prepare for meeting,but before that I did some house work like washing of clothes both mine and the one of my family members,i washed a lot today. and think God that the weather was so good to me

After the washing I moved inside the kitchen to prepare food after that I ate my food and go back to my work,i did some clean up both inside and outside of the house ,I tidy up every corners of the house it was not an easy work,i make sure that everywhere was good and neat.

After the cleaning I took my bath and move to the market to buy some food stuff, today's sun was very harsh,i rushed down to the market and get the stuff very quick because of the sun.

I came back and prepare the food before the meeting start, after that I needed some rest so I went to the bed and lay down before I could know what is happening I slept off,i had enough rest today I wish that everyday will be like today.

I woke up and move to prepare for meeting, after that we started the meeting
Todays midweek meeting was very interesting and encouraging.

After the meeting was over
I move to the kitchen to worm my food so after that I ate my own portion of the food and keep the remaining for my siblings.

Today was superb though I was at home but it was very pleasant I know yours was great and awesome.thanks for reading my post.


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