My 2021 Budget - in Steem, USD and local currency

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)


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Hello everyone. First of all I would like to thank @steemalive for hosting this amazing contest. I want to share my budget plans for this year.

How much do I need for 2021 ?

  • I need 2550$ for this year.

Steem, US Dollar and local currency Value

  • Steem : 15000

  • US Dollar : 2550 $

  • 300000 NRs ( Three Lakh Nepalese Rupees)

Three Things I would do

  • I want to have medium budget computer setup to carry out my office works. Since my financial state is not good, I am using pretty basic laptop but to accelerate my work and learn more , I need good setup to increase my work efficiency.

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  • I want to support different organization and campaigns. Organization that are helping children , Animals, poor. I want to at least give them some amount to help from my side as much as I can . Campaigns like awareness programs on different areas. I want to give some amount to Animal Care Awareness program.

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  • I want to support my Family as well as steem family too. My family has done so much for me , therefore I want to give them big in return. Since I am enjoying with amazing steemians , I want to support therefore host different contest and bring many people as well as involve them in this contest and grow together having fun.

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Lastly, I want to thank you for reading this post and once again thank you for hosting this amazing contest where we can share our thoughts on budget for this year. Good day !

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63396.80
ETH 2615.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.86