in SteemAlive3 years ago

Wonderful weekend to everyone out here, I hope the day is better where ever you are today? It's a good time to share our thoughts again and I want to start by telling an experience I had and what it might hold to anyone concerned.

I live in one of the settlements in a suburb in Abuja and the place is mostly dominated by my tribal people Igbo, these folks I have come to know since I came here as people who love the good life. One of their norms every Sunday is to rally up, contribute funds and send a representative to go buy a particular domestic animal to be slaughtered for merriment for the day! This sounds fun, right? Of course it does Abi who no like better thing most times it's a dog that's the meat for the day and on intervals they slaughter a goat.

According to sources, this norm has lingered as long as they have all being staying there. So two weeks ago while they rallied, they came to me to tell me about their agenda, it is to kill a cow and share the meat amongst those who contributed by the end of this month. This kind of organization and merging to accomplish a task is a well known thing for the Igbo's and I so much love the arrangement. In fact an adage in my language emphasizes on how a crowd is strength.

Honestly that offer was a good one, especially owing to the fact that beef in the market is very costly right away and the benefits of using a relatively cheap fund to get a reasonable size of beef, which you can sun dry or smoke then store and use subsequently while you make your meals. Beef is the common meat in almost all Nigerian dish.

Before now, my neighbors have always been preaching to me how I should avail myself every time they congregate to dine and merry. I am ambivert in nature and often times find some kind of company not really necessary to join. I do not hate to people but am picky in joining wagons. This has made most of my neighbors feel like am avoiding them, well I try to use any moment I can to tell them I love people.

So with these situations running up in my head, when they announced their plans to me I had to tell them I need to think about it. It was a good plan no doubt but I didn't jump in immediately.
I had to make some calculations based on certain financial commitments I have currently. I met them and told them I can't meet up with the contributions and thank them for telling me about it though. Initially it was hard for me to decline reasons being ;

  • The offer was a good buy, getting more with spending less.

  • At least this time I can make a general mental note to my neighbors that am also part of them even though I don't join in their gatherings.

But the quality captioned in the title of this write up helped me avert getting myself into something I couldn't afford to finish as at now.
Let's narrow down to the benefit of leading a MODEST life against living a life without MODESTY.

Though the word MODESTY is often used in the scriptural context, but it has a day to day living application. MODESTY is simply defined as the quality of being unassuming in the estimation of one's abilities, A modest person knows his limits and takes actions according to such prior knowledge, this wonderful character comes into play in many aspects of life ranging from religion, fashion, medical setting, etc.

When do not only benefit ourselves when we are modest in our actions, but we also benefit others. Take for example, one who is a glutton which results in overfeeding and minding the current food scarcity all over the world don't you think such person should be modest in feeding especially when others depend on the same food too? By being modest we also express many other beautiful characteristics like kindness and selflessness.

One of the popular slogans in our country today is no go do pass yourself this when loosely translated in good English means Do not exceed your limit Because if you do, you might find your self in a confused state, in panic, instability emotionally, etc.

I urge every one who comes across this to implore being modest in their actions, it will cut you some trouble and a relatively trouble free life is a healthy life. While you enjoy this great platform, find practical ways you can be modest in your actions here.

My regards to our admin @kadosh2340 @focusnow @talktofaith for always doing their best to keep this community intact.

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