7 Day Writing Challenge Day 7 - A Close Call Experience with Death by @stanleynnah

in SteemAlive3 years ago
Hello everyone,

Welcome to the final day of the seven days (7) writing challenge organised by @steemalive. For today, I will be writing on "A Close Call Experience with Death".

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We as individuals has at one time or the other come across life threatening situations that we had no believe that we will come out from. It's always as if it's about to end at that point, but miraculously or in a manner one can't explain, we tend to come out of such situation alive. So, I will share a brief story of having been in such situation.

A Close Call with Death

Most of my deadly encounters actually took place in a town called Aba in Abia State. I spent a total period of two years in that environment which was between 2005 and 2007. Those who were in Aba within that period of time will understand the type of terror and armed robbery menace that was going on in that environment, and i unfortunately had one on one encounter with armed robbers four good times within that period of time.

The deadliest armed robbery situation that I encountered took place at a street named Ukaegbu Street, which was off Port Harcourt Road Aba what3words. It happened that I stepped out to purchase a recharge card for my Aunt around 8pm, while inside the shop with other customers trying to carry out their various transactions, the next thing we heard was a gunshot which sent everyone lying flat with face down on the floor. Three armed individuals at this moment had invaded the shop. I layed down but couldn't understand why I wasn't scared about the whole situation at that moment. The bag containing money and recharge cards was collected from the owner of the shop, while they also collected phones from everyone in the shop, I however refused to release my Aunt's phone and held on to it. The armed robber asked for it twice, and all I could do was to turn around and started staring at him while still holding onto the phone. I received two very hot slaps that moment, and a gun was directly pointed to my head, with a shout of "why are you looking at me?" I couldn't even utter a single word as I was dumbfounded at the moment. One of the customers in the shop who knew me had to shout out my name to release the phone before I did, and the armed robbers took off.

That particular moment has remained the scariest moment of my life as I keep wondering and asking myself what was I thinking? What if that guy felt I recognised him and let out one bullet from his gun. It was traumatic, but I am glad I came out alive from that situation despite collecting two hot slaps.


It has been a pleasure taking part and completing the seven (7) days writing challenge as was organised by @steemalive. I want to appreciate the @steemalive community for hosting such a challenge.




There's nothing more precious than life. Although i dont wish you such again do hesitate to give up your belongings. Highly descriptive. Nice on

Thank you sir.
I very much appreciate.

Oh man, you gat liver. Like seriously, you actually doesn't want to let go your aunt's phone? Hmmmm! Well done and thank God you are still alive. But Don't try that next time please. Let go whatever.....!

We thank God for life.
Thank you for reading through.

 3 years ago 

What an experience, sorry bro. Thank God for life and thanks for sharing your entry. Stay safe

Thank you for reading through.
I very much appreciate

 3 years ago 

Hmmm, you took avery big risk and thank God you are alive to tell the story in @steemalive. Am so happy that you participated fully in this contest and wish you all the best.

Thank you very much.
I appreciate

 3 years ago 

What an experience.
Thank God you were not hurt by them.
May God deliver us all.

Thank you very much

 3 years ago 

Your life is more than your aunt phone please don't repeat thi mistake, thank God for his Mercy.

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